similar to: [newbie] failure to plot a RasterLayer with raster::plot or fields::image.plot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "[newbie] failure to plot a RasterLayer with raster::plot or fields::image.plot"

2013 Apr 26
[newbie] how to find and combine geographic maps with particular features?
SUMMARY: Specific problem: I'm regridding biomass-burning emissions from a global/unprojected inventory to a regional projection (LCC over North America). I need to have boundaries for Canada, Mexico, and US (including US states), but also Caribbean and Atlantic nations (notably the Bahamas). I would also like to add Canadian provinces and Mexican states. How to put these together? General
2012 Aug 28
[ncdf4] error converting GEIA data to netCDF
summary: I can successfully ncvar_put(...) data to a file, but when I try to ncvar_get(...) the same data, I get > Error in if (nc$var[[li]]$hasAddOffset) addOffset = nc$var[[li]]$addOffset else addOffset = 0 : > argument is of length zero How to fix or debug? details: R code @ successfully (if crudely) uses R packages={ncdf4, maps, fields}
2012 Sep 06
[Rscript] difficulty passing named arguments from commandline
Wanting a commandline solution (for a problem detailed @ ) I turned to Rscript, and whacked out the q'n'd However it wasn't as quick as hoped, because I spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to pass the arguments.
2012 Sep 11
R equivalent of python module structure and functionality?
summary: how to structure an R file such that it can be both 1. used as a script via, e.g., (from OS commandline) $ Rscript foo.r bar=baz 2. imported and called as a function via, e.g. (from R commandline) > source('./foo.r) > foo(bar='baz') ? I'm looking for the 'R equivalent' of how python supports this usecase. details: As discussed in the thread beginning
2012 May 01
[fields:image.plot] subtitle under title (not image)?
summary: how to make image.plot print a subtitle between the title and the image, rather than under the image? details: I've got a project that illustrates the use of (et al) the R packages {ncdf4, fields, M3} for processing and visualizing IOAPI data. The data being visualized consists of a series of layers (mostly representing emissions from a
2007 Feb 19
problem in reading TOMS observed ASCII data file
Hello R Users, I have two data sets i) TOMS aerosol optical depth(AOD) and ii) TOMS ozone(O3). AOD data is on 1x1 grid and O3 data is on 5x5 grid. First I want to read AOD and O3 as it is and then I want to regrid AOD on 5x5 grid as O3. Reading is first problem. FIRST PROBLEM READING AOD: AOD data is in following format: ######### Latitute: 89.5 167 0 0 0 0 0 182 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200
2007 Feb 19
need help in reading TOMS observed ASCII data file
Hello R Users, I am new to R. I have two data sets i) TOMS aerosol optical depth(AOD) and ii) TOMS ozone(O3). > > AOD data is on 1x1 grid and O3 data is on 5x5 grid. > > First I want to read AOD and O3 as it is and then I want to regrid AOD on > 5x5 grid as O3. > > Reading is first problem. > > FIRST PROBLEM READING AOD: > > AOD data is in following format: >
2010 Feb 09
Resampling a grid to coarsen its resolution
Dear all, I have a grid (data frame) dataset at 0.5 x 0.5 degrees spatial resolution (720 columns x 360 rows; regular spacing) and wish to coarsen this to a resolution of 2.5 x 2.5 degrees. A simple calculation which takes the mean of a block of points to form the regridded values would do the trick. Values which should be excluded from the calculation are -9999 (unless all points within a block
2012 May 15
Problem with legend and RasterLayer
Dear, I can't plot legend over a Rasterlayer. My system is MAC OS Lion. See my problem: ####### Data > img class : RasterLayer dimensions : 5, 5, 25 (nrow, ncol, ncell) resolution : 0.002245, 0.002245 (x, y) extent : -48.33875, -48.32753, -20.35756, -20.34634 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
2011 Feb 12
use map.axes for a projected map
Hi, I am new to R and I want to display longitude and latitude for a projected map. map.axes won't do it since it only works for unprojected map. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks, Sybil -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2013 Feb 13
[lattice] display a projected map on a layerplot
summary: I can display a lon-lat map on a lattice::layerplot, and I can display a Lambert conformal conic (LCC) map on a spam::image, but I can't display an LCC map on a lattice::layerplot. Example follows. What am I doing wrong? details: I've been using `lattice` (via `rasterVis`) successfully to display global atmospheric data, which works well enough (though I am definitely intrigued
2011 Jan 17
Difficult with round() function
Dear list, I'm writing a function to re-grid a data set from finer to coarser resolutions in R as follows (I use this function with sapply/apply): gridResize <- function(startVec = stop("What's your input vector"), to = stop("Missing 'to': How long do you want the fnial vector to be?")){ from <- length(startVec) shortVec<-numeric() tics <- from*to
2008 Jul 06
Lots of huge matrices, for-loops, speed
Hello, we have 80 text files with matrices. Each matrix represents a map (rows for latitude and columns for longitude), the 80 maps represent steps in time. In addition, we have a vector x of length 80. We would like to compute a regression between matrices (response through time) and x and create maps representing coefficients, r2 etc. Problem: the 80 matrices are of the size 4000 x 3500 and we
2009 Apr 06
political maps world maps in R, wrld_simpl
dear all, I'm a newbie in map tools. I was asking to perform an apparently very simple task. I have a list of countries (about fifty all over in the world) scored with a real positive value. Eg Country score Italy .56 UK .58 Korea .41 Mexico .63 ... I wish to plot geographical maps where every country is filled with a color depending on his score. Using maptools library and
2017 Jun 07
Errors running spdplyr example
Dear All, When I tried to run the following code (taken from the *spdplyr* package vignettes): library(spdplyr) library(maptools) data(wrld_simpl) worldcorner <- wrld_simpl %>% mutate(lon = coordinates(wrld_simpl)[,1], lat = coordinates(wrld_simpl)[,2]) %>% filter(lat < -20, lon > 60) %>% dplyr::select(NAME) I got the following error messages: Error in (function (cl,
2009 May 13
Overlaying two plots
Hi useR's, I want to overlay an image plot over a world map and I can do it, but just not the way I need to do it. Here is the code I am using (with data file attached) to create my baseline map: library(sp) load("TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.2.RData") par(bty="l") plot(wrld_simpl, axes = TRUE, ylim = c(-90, 90), xlim=c(-180, 180), asp=1.5) lim <- par("usr")
2011 May 31
ENC: Using lm() combined with sapply
Hi Caio, I just replied to a fellow who needed to run a series of regressions changing the dependent variables for the same period. I believe your solution might be similar to that one, just making the window dynamic instead. I used a lapply to store regressions and sapplys to extract stats from the lm()s. Please check the attachment and hope it?s useful. Filipe Botelho -----Mensagem
2010 Jun 09
[R-sig-Geo] How to extract coordinates values from a shapefile?
I'm not sure if this is what you want. But the function coordinates() in sp package gives you the coordinates of SpatialObjects. Regards. Rodrigo. 2010/6/9 Nikhil Kaza <> > You need to execute gpclibPermit() to enable gpclib. > > library(maptools) should have issued a warning to that effect. > > > Nikhil Kaza > Asst. Professor, > City and
2009 Mar 24
Variogram with Gstat
Dear all can you help me? i have this problem: i have a dataset in a text file in a matrix of 3 columns: x, y, z where x and y are the coordinates and Z are the mesurements. How can i do a variogram with R?
2007 Nov 23
ggplo2: fixed extent greater than data?
Hi everyone! I'm digging into ggplot for some while now, I must say it's great! But - as some others have posted before, and hadley knows very well himself - the documentation is lacking some bits... So I have to pose that question directly: I'd like to produce a series of maps with different data on, but exactly the same extent in each plot. Is there a way of switching the