similar to: variances of random effects in coxme

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "variances of random effects in coxme"

2004 Dec 21
R code for var-cov matrix given variances and correlations
Dear list members, Where can I find code for computing the p*p variance-covariance matrix given a vector of p variances (ordered varA, varB, ..., varp) and a vector of all possible correlations (ordered corAB, corAC, ..., corp-1,p)? I know that the covariance between 2 variables is equal to the product of their correlation and their standard deviations: corAB * varA^.5 * varB^.5 and so:
2010 Dec 08
problem accessing complex list data frames
Hi all. I am currently attempting to build a list of sparse matrixes. That I have already achieved, by > vmat <- list() > for (i in 1:n) { > vmat <- c(vmat, sparseMatrix(i,j,x=data) > } How I am trying to select those elements from the list where the column e.g. 999 is not null. I can do this for one of the sparse matrices with > which(vmat[[1]][,999] != 0) which
2005 Oct 10
text(x,y,greek character)
Dear list, I would like to plot points with two types of labels, one at the data point (the name of the point) and another offset a bit with another factor which is either of the two greek characters alpha or beta. I have tried to get the routine to plot a greek character with expression() or with substitute() and have not yet had any success. The following only plots the word in english in
2006 Apr 29
SSPIR problem
I am having a problem with the package SSPIR. The code below illustrates it. I keep getting the message: "Error in y - f : non-conformable arrays." I tried to tweak the code below in many different ways, for example, substituting rbind for cbind, and sometimes I get a different error message, but I could not find a variation of this code that would work. Any help will be greatly
2008 Mar 05
coxme - fitting random treatment effect nested within centre
Dear all, I am using "coxme" function in Kinship library to fit random treatment effect nested within centre. I got 3 treatments (0,1,2) and 3 centres. I used following commands, but got an error. > ugroup=paste(rep(1:3,each=3),rep(0:2,3),sep='/') > mat1=bdsmatrix(rep(c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),3),blocksize=rep(3,3),dimnames=list(ugroup,ugroup)) >
2010 Sep 22
Newey West and Singular Matrix
dear R experts: ?I am writing my own little newey-west standard error function, with heteroskedasticity and arbitrary x period autocorrelation corrections. ?including my function in this post here may help others searching for something similar. it is working quite well, except on occasion, it complains that Error in solve.default(crossprod(, : system is
2020 Jan 13
Error in R CMD check --as-cran ?
I've been fighting a CMD check error for coxme this morning.?? I thought I had it fixed, but instead I had forgotton --as-cran on my last test run.? So the version just submitted to CRAN has warning messages in the log. I think it is an issue with CRAN.?? I've sent a message to R-devel asking for help.?? Since then, as a guess, I renamed my internal "ismat" function to
2010 Sep 23
Newey West and Singular Matrix + library(sandwich)
thank you, achim. I will try chol2inv. sandwich is a very nice package, but let me make some short suggestions. I am not a good econometrician, so I do not know what prewhitening is, and the vignette did not explain it. "?coeftest" did not work after I loaded the library. automatic bandwidth selection can be a good thing, but is not always. as to my own little function, I like the
2006 Jun 15
SSPIR problem
Dear R-Users, I'm using SSPIR package for a spatio-temporal application. Is it possible to modify the structure of the involved matrixes (Fmat, Gmat, Vmat,Wmat)? I want to create a model like this #y(t)=k*theta(t)+epsilon(t) #theta(t)=h*theta(t-1)+eta(t) #epsilon(t) N(0,V) V=sigma2*I #eta(t) N(0,W) W=sigma2_eta where the state variable theta has dimension 1(p=1) and at
2012 Oct 10
multiple t-tests across similar variable names
Hi everyone- I have a dataset with multiple "pre" and "post" variables I want to compare. The variables are named "apple_pre" or "pre_banana" with the corresponding post variables named "apple_post" or "post_banana". The variables are in no particular order. apple_pre orange_pre orange_post pre_banana apple_post post_banana person_1
2013 Mar 27
Setting up a model in package dlm()
Hello, I apologize for such a basic question, but I have been trying to do this in multiple packages without much success. I am trying to set up a state space model for Kalman filtering. I am using package dlm. The DLM is specified by: observation: y(t) = F(t)*theta(t) + v(t) state: theta(t) = G(t)*theta(t-1) + w(t) I have no problem setting up a simple example where F is constant. I am
2008 Dec 28
Random coefficients model with a covariate: coxme function
Dear R users: I'm new to R and am trying to fit a mixed model Cox regression model with coxme function. I have one two-level factor (treat) and one covariate (covar) and 32 different groups (centers). I'd like to fit a random coefficients model, with treat and covar as fixed factors and a random intercept, random treat effect and random covar slope per center. I haver a couple of
2013 Jun 09
agnes() in package cluster on R 2.14.1 and R 3.0.1
Dear R users, I discovered something strange using the function agnes() of the cluster package on R 3.0.1 and on R 2.14.1. Indeed, the clusterings obtained are different whereas I ran exactly the same code. I quickly looked at the source code of the function and I discovered that there was an important change: agnes() in R 2.14.1 used a FORTRAN code whereas agnes() in R 3.0.1 uses a C code.
2012 Aug 01
help with a regression problem
Hello, I have a big data frame where consecutive time dates and corresponding observed values for each subject (ID) are on a line. I want to compute the linear slope for each subject. I would like to use apply but I do not know how to express the corresponding function. An example using a loop follows # # create dummy data set There are missing values a <- c(1,2,3,4, 1,1,1,1, 2,2,3,3,
2010 Aug 24
Using kfilter in package sspir - dimensions do not agree
I'm currently running into a little trouble with the kfilter method, and would love some clarification if you are able to offer it. When trying to run kfilter, I've been running into errors that seem to result from having mismatched dimensions. Specifically, the dimension of my observations is 2, while the dimension of the state space is 4. In the filterstep function (file sspir_kfs.R),
2006 May 09
post hoc comparison in repeated measure
Hi, I have a simple dataset with repeated measures. one factor is treatment with 3 levels (treatment1, treatment2 and control), the other factor is time (15 time points). Each treatment group has 10 subjects with each followed up at each time points, the response variable is numeric, serum protein amount. So the between subject factor is treatment, and the within subject factor is time. I ran a
2012 Sep 06
How to extract p value from the lmekin object obtained by fitting mixed model with function lmekin() in package coxme?
Hi, R experts I am currently using lmekin() function in coxme package to fit a mixed effect model for family based genetic data. How can I extract the p value from a lmekin object? When I print the object in R console, I can see the p value and Z value are just over there. But I can not extract them by the coef() function. kinfit$coefficient$fixed (kinfit is the name of the lmekin object)
2012 Sep 14
Correlation between random effects in the package coxme
Hello, Why the correlation between the random effects is negative? library(coxme) rats1 <- coxme(Surv(time, status) ~ (1|litter), rats) random.effects(rats1)[[1]] #one value for each of the 50 litters print(rats1) rats2 <- lmekin(time ~ (1|litter), rats) fixed.effects(rats2) random.effects(rats2)[[1]] #one value for each of the 50 litters print(rats2)
2011 Dec 30
New version of coxme / lmekin
Version 2.2 of coxme has been posted to CRAN, Windows versions and mirrors should appear in due course. This is a major update with three features of note: 1. A non-upwardly compatable change: Extractor functions: beta= fixed effects, b=random effects nlme lme4 coxme <2.2 coxme 2.2 lmekin 2.2 ------------------------------------------------------ beta
2012 May 07
predicted values of coxme model
Hello I need to use a coxme model with my data (survival analysis with right-censoring and hierarchical nesting), but I cant find a way to get predicted values from a new data table (or even from the original one). Has anyone had this problem before? I cant find anything about that anywhere. Thanks, Allan [[alternative HTML version deleted]]