similar to: Failure of sas7bdat package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Failure of sas7bdat package"

2011 Sep 28
using the system command
Hi, I started playing around with a function for using StatTransfer (version 10) for importing data. This started as a simple task but it's not working and so now I'm very frustrated. I'm using R version 2.13 on Windows 7. The function, called fn.importData, is: function(file = NULL, type = NULL){ ## ## create statTransfer command file -
2012 Oct 29
Opening SAS file using read.sas7bdat() function in sas7bdat library.
Hi, I have a file in .sas7bdat format. I tried to open this file using read.sas7bdat() function. This gave me an error - "Error in read.sas7bdat("bnp_genetic.sas7bdat") : unknown host X64_7PRO". Could someone tell me what this error means? Thank you, Praveen. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Apr 03
sqldf file specification, non-ASCII
Dear R-Listers, I am a Windows user (R 2.6.2) using the development version of sqldf to try to read a 3GB file originally stored in .sas7bdat-format. I convert it to comma-delimited ASCII format with StatTransfer before trying to import just the rows I need into R. The problem is that I get this error: > f <- file("hugedata.csv") > DF <- sqldf("select * from f where
2013 Nov 19
Does function read.sas7bdat() have some memory limitations?
Dear R-ers, I was trying to read in a large sas7bdat file (size 148094976 bytes) using 'read.sas7bdat()', but it did not read in the data correctly. E.g., the first 5 rows will come out like this (I'm omitting other columns to keep it readable): PERSON_ID age 1 5.399114e-315 5.329436e-315 2 5.399114e-315 5.328302e-315 3 5.399114e-315 5.332026e-315 4
2012 Oct 17
sas7bdat package running very slowly
Hi I'm trying to use the sas7bdat package. It's working - I tried using it for a very small file and it worked very quickly and imported the data correctly. I then try it for a bigger file (315MB) and it takes quite a long time, more than 10 minutes and still not done. So I stopped it because from what I read, it shouldn't be taking this long. Should it take this long for a file this
2017 Aug 10
Import selected columns from sas7bdat file
I had a look at this a while back and it didn't seem to be easy. The path of least resistance would seem to be to use SAS itself to create a data set with fewer columns, but of course that requires you to get access to SAS. Otherwise, I think you'd have to modify sas7bdat::read.sas7bdat to drop unselected columns. That function is pure R code, so it might not be quite as hard as it
2008 Jun 26
Read sas7bdat
Hi, I was reading e-mail about one doubt that you were when you read files .sas7bdat in R. Now, I am with the same problem. But I don?t know how can i do that. I have download de Sas Viewer and i am using this sintax in r: > read.ssd("X:\\users\\Anresc07","que0411.sas7bdat") SAS failed. SAS program at C:\DOCUME~1\leandro\CONFIG~1\Temp\RtmpXR1Tid\ The log
2017 Aug 10
Import selected columns from sas7bdat file
hi, the sas universal viewer might be a free, non-R way to convert a sas7bdat file to non-proprietary formats, not sure if it's windows-only. those other formats should be easier to import only a subset of columns into R.. On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 7:42 AM, peter dalgaard <pdalgd at> wrote: > I had a look at this
2010 Feb 04
Reading sas7bdat files directly
Hi, I have a need to process (in real-time) a large number of .sas7bdat files from within R. The problem is I don't want to convert these files to .xpt (transport) every time. So just checking if anyone has a (viable) way to read .sas7bdat files directly into R? Thank You. //---------------------------------- // Alex Bryant // Software Developer // Integrated Clinical systems //
2017 Aug 10
Import selected columns from sas7bdat file
Hello everyone, I want to import data from huge sas files with 100s of columns. The good thing is that I am only interested in a few selected columns. Is there any way to do that without loading the full dataset. I have tried two functions: (1) read.sas7bdat *[from library 'sas7bdat']*, and (2) read_sas *[from library 'haven']. *But couldn't find what I am looking for. Best
2010 Dec 28
Reading sas7bdat files into R
Hi All, I am trying to import a .sas7bdat file into R. I tried using Hmisc package's sasxport.get() function. temp <- sasxport.get("path\abcd.sas7bdat") I get an error that says "Error in lookup.xport(file) : file not in SAS transfer format" I am not familiar with SAS transfer format. Could somebody please clarify what is it that I am missing, Thanks for your
2008 Jan 26
Read stata file from internet?
Dear R-helpers, I would like to have my students read into R an online Stata dataset: '' I was able to read it into R after downloading it and converting it with StatTransfer ( Here is what happens when I use read.dta() as I would use read.table(): > require(foreign) > risk2 <-
2007 Mar 18
Read a .sas7bdat file
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible Url :
2007 Apr 10
sas.get problem
I have 3 SAS files all in the directory F:/sas, two data files and a format file : form.ea1.sas7bdat form.ea2.sas7bdat sas.fmts.sas7bdat F is a USB. I am trying import them to R using "sas.get". I have not used SAS since I was downloading data from mainframe and having to write JCL. I had forgotten how bizarre SAS can be. I currently have not even figured out how to load the files
2007 Dec 08
[OT] A free (as in freedom) replacement for StatTransfer
Hello * does anybody know a free (as in freedom) equivalent for Stat Transfer Thank you Bye
2010 Dec 28
Importing Sas files to R
Dear All, Am trying to import SAS files to R. For that i used library "Hmisc" and try<-sas.get("C:\\ex.sas7bdat") . But it shows error that Error in sas.get("C:\\ex.sas7bdat") : SAS member name is required In addition: Warning message: In sas.get("C:\\ex.sas7bdat") : C:\ex.sas7bdat/ or formats.sas7bcat not found. Formatting ignored.
2011 Mar 06
read.ssd() from foreign package
Hi, I am encountering a confusing problem when I tried to use read.ssd to read SAS datasets. For one SAS dataset "a.sas7bdat", it did not work; while for another SAS dataset "b.sas7bdat" it worked: > tmp<-read.ssd("C:\\SASdata", "a",sascmd="C:/Program >Files/SAS/SASFoundation/9.2/sas.exe") SAS failed. SAS program at
2003 Oct 29
importing SAS data
I am trying to import a permanent SAS data set using read.ssd in the foreign library. I get the following error: > list.files("C:/temp") [1] "newdat1.sas7bdat" "snpm1.sas7bdat" "" > library(foreign) > newdat1 <- read.ssd("C:/temp","newdat1") SAS failed. SAS program at
2014 Jul 23
Fw: rsync permission error
Hi All I found that the rsync cannot fully sync permission although I have specified the -A option. The ACL is ok but the permission itself is not. rsync command: rsync -rtgoDAh --stats --files-from=flist.txt --log-file=$DetailLogPath $OldPath $NewPath & Old Server (rsync version 3.0.4): -rw-r-----+ 1 43810537 imopfs 246784 Jul 22 10:17 miki2.sas7bdat New Server (rsync version
2010 Mar 25
Read SAS data
Hi! I need to import in R some SAS dataset (sas7bdat). I found two functions to do it: "read.ssd" from the package "foreign" and "sas.get" from "Hmisc". df = read.ssd(libname = path2data, sectionnames = "sasSmallDataset", tmpXport = path2data, tmpProgLoc = path2data, sascmd = path2sas) sas.get(libraryName = path2data, member =