similar to: averageif and looping

Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches similar to: "averageif and looping"

2012 Oct 07
Testing volatility cluster (heteroscedasticity) in stock return?
Dear All, i want to use garch model in return of stock. and the data should presence volatility cluster (Heteroscedasticity). Do you know how to test volatility cluster (the presence of heteroscedasticity) in series data of stock return in R? Is it using Langrange Multiplier (LM) ARCH test? what package i should use? I really need the help. Thanks for the attention. Eko A P
2012 Sep 18
Expected Shortfall using cornish fisher expansion
Helloo, i have measure VaR with time dependen volatility (GARCH) and now want to measure expected shortfall (ES) using cornish fisher expansion (cause non-normal distribution), but i have limitedness about using R. Could you help me, how measure that ES with cornish fisher expansion using R.... i really need your help. thank you for the attention. Regards Eko [[alternative HTML version
2005 Feb 07
[patch] MetaInfo.from_stream
This patch fixes a typo in MetaInfo.from_stream. Alexander. -------------- next part -------------- Index: rubytorrent/metainfo.rb =================================================================== RCS file: /var/cvs/rubytorrent/rubytorrent/rubytorrent/metainfo.rb,v retrieving revision 1.8 diff -u -r1.8 metainfo.rb --- rubytorrent/metainfo.rb 7 Feb 2005 19:52:53 -0000 1.8 +++
2005 Jan 19
rubytorrent problem on windows xp
Hi everyone Is rubytorrent work on windows XP. I have problem for using it. Here my Configuration OS: Windows XP Ruby Version: 1.8.2 Already Install Azureus and ABC torrent. I manage to set Azerus behave as tracker that listen to IP and seeding file from "\ekobudi\bittorrent\host0". After that I copy torrent file from"\ekobudi\bittorent\host0" to"
2005 Feb 07
Already try the pre realease 0.3. The rtpeer.rb is working. But I don''t know why is take quite a while to listen only port 6969. The after that start to scan port 6881,6882..etc. After that manage to download the file normally. As usual I run everything in one PC. Azureus, ABC, and rubytorrent. The example on "doc\api.txt" still doesn''t work for me. I am very hapy the
2004 Jul 26
upgrade to samba 3.0.5-2
Dear all, I have been upgrade from samba 3.0.2a-1 to samba 3.0.5-2, login to samba from windows client ok, but the sharing printer was not working, also the file sharing, it looks like windows give the error the sharing cannot be found. To solve this i return back to 3.0.2a-1, and everything working fine again. Is it bug or not ? Anyone have experience regarding to upgrade 3.0.5-2 ? Regards
2011 Nov 22
making scatterplot easier to read
Dear R users, do you know an easy way (other than star plot) of making several points laying one over another visible? Is it any simple way of increasing such "multipoint" symbols - or shifting their positions randomly to make several points in one place visible? Cheers, sz. -- Szymon Drobniak || Population Ecology Group *Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University
2005 Jul 31
Hi William, Do you have any plan to make rubytorrent support trackerless Bittorrent. I think this will be very usefull for rubytorrent user Regards Eko
2016 Sep 09
¿Cómo generar tabla apaisada salida PDF con RMarkdown?
Muchas gracias, Jos Antonio y Carlos. Estaba por escribir sandeces varias. Comento, por si hay algn lector, que como yo, se guarda los correos con respuestas a problemas posibles. No estaba usando|header.tex|, que es necesario para una como para otra solucin. El encabezado queda as: |---|| ||title: "Tablas que no entran"|| ||author: "Sandia Urlia"|| ||date: ""||
2004 Nov 12
R on 64-bit Linux machine
Hi, We are planning to buy a 64-bit Linux machine which will mainly run R. There was an interesting thread on 64-bits on r-help back in April that basically confirmed that the 64-bit R is fine as long as the length of an atomic object is less than 2^31 - 1. My specific question is on which 64-bit Linux distros (SUSE or RedHat) and processors R is *known* to build out-of-box and run well. Ease
2016 Sep 08
¿Cómo generar tabla apaisada salida PDF con RMarkdown?
Buenas a todos. No me queda del todo claro si éste es el foro en el que preguntar o debería ser otro, ya que incluye cosas que van más allá de R. Sepan disculpar si me estoy excediendo. Estoy trabajando con RStudio y quiero generar un documento de salida en PDF; en ese documento tengo bastantes tablas anchas que no entran usando knitr::kable(la.tabla.ancha) Sí salen perfectamente en HTML
2003 Mar 19
FW: backupexec
If you can see the server, but not shares, you most likely have not published any directories. What version of the BE agent are you using? I've noticed 4.6 works well (the install actually works well and will walk you through the setup to publish the directories to be backed up). It's often easier to just publish root (but exclude /proc /tmp). Also, I've found out that in the hosts
2003 Mar 05
Samba-3.0alpha22 available on mirrors
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 We've just posted another snapshot of the SAMBA_3_0 cvs tree for download. This is a non-production release provided for testing only. The source code can be downloaded from : The uncompressed tarball and patch file have been signed using GnuPG. The Samba public key is available at
2006 Apr 12
powerd not behaving with an Asus A8V-MX and Athlon 64 X2 3800+
I have an Asus A8V-MX motherboard with an AMD Athlong 64 X2 3800+ CPU and I'm trying to run powerd to keep it cooler/quieter/greener. I'm running -STABLE (6.1-RC) cvsup'ed a couple of days ago, with a kernel config that consists of the SMP sample plus an atapicam device. I'm loading the cpufreq.ko module in /boot/loader.conf. I've attached my dmesg output and sysctl -a
2005 Feb 14
RubyToday Project
Hi all, Just like William Morgan releasing rubytorrent 0.3, I also want to share with you all that I am also in process of releasing "rubytoday" project that using "rubytorrent" Please give any comment''s. Now I looking to find "bittorent tracker" so that I can do "real demonstration" of rubytoday. Any suggestion where I can get bittorrents
2005 Jan 25
lots of changes in cvs
Hi all, I''ve been spending a lot of time over the past few weeks on RubyTorrent. All the changes are in CVS. Highlights are: - Transfer speeds should be much better, thanks to a better piece selection algorithm, and being more aggressive about dropping boring peers and adding new ones, - Download/upload rate limits now work. - Many bugs fixed. - .torrent creation now
2011 Dec 12
question about fixed and random factors in aov
Dear R users, I know that it was considered many times but having searched through dozens of posts I have only added to my confusion. My question is - is it possible to correctly analyse simple mixed (fully)crossed (factorial) 2-way ANOVA? Assume we have factor A (fixed) and B (random). In the model with an interaction A should be tested against interaction, B and A:B against residual variance.
2008 Jun 30
Rebuild of kernel 2.6.9-67.0.20.EL failure
Hello list. I'm trying to rebuild the kernel, but it fails even without modifications. How did I try it? Created a (non-root) build environment (not a mock ) Installed the kernel.scr.rpm and did a rpmbuild -ba --target=`uname -m` kernel-2.6.spec 2> prep-err.log | tee prep-out.log The build failed at the end: Processing files: kernel-xenU-devel-2.6.9-67.0.20.EL Checking
2004 Jan 02
Questions about MAC
FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE Hi, I'm examining Biba and MLS MAC policies and something is not clear for me. Unless I'm doing something wrong, it seems policies are enforced only for reading, but not writing. 1) Biba I've created test file with biba/127 label: $ echo "Message" > file_biba_127.txt $ setfmac biba/127 file_biba_127.txt $ getfmac file_biba_127.txt