similar to: Deldir() Thiessen Polygons Problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Deldir() Thiessen Polygons Problem"

2018 Jan 25
Geometry delaunayn and deldir results, differing results from Octave due to decimal precision?
I just looked at the data at the URL you posted and it looks like it consists of all the points in a rectangular grid. When you triangulate a rectangle it is arbitrary whether you use the SW-NE or the SE-NW diagonal and that looks like the only difference between the various algorithms. Bill Dunlap TIBCO Software wdunlap On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 5:14 AM, Yuen, Kam <k.yuen at
2018 Jan 24
Geometry delaunayn and deldir results, differing results from Octave due to decimal precision?
"The question is, what is making the results for the R packages different from each other?" There are literally thousands of R packages, contributed independently by thousands of people. There should be no expectation of consistency or for that matter, "correctness", among them. Caveat emptor. Only within the base R distribution, maintained and mostly written by the R Core
2006 Apr 06
rounding of voronoi vertices using deldir()
Hello list, I'm just getting started with using R - I have been trying over the past day or so to work out a method for generating voronoi polygons for PostGIS using SQL. I was able to put together a procedure which works relatively well, but is somewhat inefficient. Someone on the PostGIS list pointed me to the deldir() function in R, for which I can export a text file with x/y coordinates
2002 Feb 26
Package ``deldir'' available from CRAN.
A package for calculating and plotting the Delaunay triangulation and the Dirichlet/Voronoi tessellation, of a planar set of points, is now available from CRAN. The package is called ``deldir''. The package consists of a port from Splus to R of a library section which has been available for some time from the Splus software segment of statlib. (The Splus library section is called
2018 Jan 24
Geometry delaunayn and deldir results, differing results from Octave due to decimal precision?
The problem: I would like to translate the Octave algorithm in griddata.m to R. Within the griddata algorithm calls are made to the Delaunay function. For the R translation I have found delaunayn within the "geometry" package and also the deldir package. Both do similar things but give slightly different results depending on the input. The question is, what is making the results for the
2012 Jul 18
convert deldir$delsgs to a X3D IndexedTriangleSet
Anyone knows how to convert a deldir$delsgs to a X3D IndexedTriangleSet? Are there already any functions/packages? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jul 19
voronoi tessellations
Okay, been working with tripack, seems the most mature package for this. Got it to work well with their test data set - data(tritest). When i tried random numbers to explore further, i am getting some results that don't reconcile. example run this: library(tripack) y <- runif(100) x <- runif(100) vm <- voronoi.mosaic(x,y) plot(vm) par(new=T) plot(x,y,col='blue') when
2009 May 10
Hi all, I am trying to install Spatstat on OpenSUSE 11.1. install.packages("spatstat", dependencies = TRUE) fails on the basis of various compiler packages (full message below). I have gcc version 4.3.2, which should include gfortran and g++ - so I'm not sure what to do! Richard * Installing *source* package ?deldir? ... ** libs gfortran
2024 Mar 16
Problem when trying to install packages
Though Navigator may mess up any Rtools stuff because it handles the directory trees where packages and dependencies are located, does it not? If so, maybe just reinstall RStudio directly from its website to proceed. Just a guess obviously. Bert On Sat, Mar 16, 2024, 05:09 javad bayat <j.bayat194 at> wrote: > Dear Rui; > Many thanks for your reply. I have installed Rtools
2024 Mar 16
Problem when trying to install packages
Dear all; I found a useful video on youtube that has explained how to install Rtools. I followed the instructions and the problem was solved. " Installing R version 4.0 + RTools 4.0 + RStudio For Data Science (#R #RTools #RStudio #DataScience) - YouTube <> " Sincerely On Sat, Mar 16, 2024 at 10:15?AM Bert Gunter <bgunter.4567 at
2012 May 09
Paquete Spatstat
Hola a toda la comunidad R, el siguiente problema tengo para hacer funcionar el paquete Spatstat. Tengo instalado R version 2.15.0, y Ubuntu 12.04 los cuales ya lo actualice. El paquete (spatstat) esta instalado pero puntualmente es problema es asi: / > library("spatstat") Loading required package: mgcv Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for ''Matrix'',
2007 Nov 27
voronoi/Delaunay/Dirichlet tessellation on sphere in R or S?
There's Renka's STRIPACK, and TRIPACK, respectively, ACM TOMS Algorithms 772 and 751, and there's the R package "deldir" which does the Delaunay for a plane, but does anyone have or know of the tessellation in R for a sphere? Also, is there a standard indexing scheme for Delaunay facets, and perhaps of edges in such facets? I'd expect that to be a publication reference,
2024 Mar 16
Problem when trying to install packages
Dear Rui; Many thanks for your reply. I have installed Rtools (rtools43-5958-5975) on my PC and I have R version 4.3.3 and 4.3.2 to install. Also I have installed Rstudio through Anaconda Navigator. But I do not know how to use Rtools for installing the R packages. I would be more than happy if you help me. Sincerely yours > Dear Rui; > I hope this email finds you well. I have a problem
2017 Aug 19
My very first loop!! I failed. May I have some start-up aid?
Thank you for providing the example code... for the request of running it multiple times it would have helped if you could have confirmed that the example ran through without errors... there were a lot of mistakes in it. Look into using the reprex package to check your example next time. I don't do this kind of analysis... I really don't know what to expect from the functions. The
2011 Feb 24
weighted Voronoi diagrams
Dear R-users, Does anyone know how to do weighted Voronoi diagrams (Dirichlet tesselation) in R? To be more specific, I have a set of coordinates for tree locations on a plot, and I'm looking for a way to do the tesselation so that the polygon size for each tree depends on the size of the subject tree, and the size of its neighbors. So, the location of the bisection between two trees
2014 Jun 15
Problem with converting a list of grids to a list of polygons
Hi. For a spatial analysis (its visualization) I need to produce a map of conditions and traits. When I used SpatialPixelsDataFrame (sp package) my grid cells were regular and between each row was a small gap, which is not only messy but incorrect. So I generated the coords of each grid from the centroids in order to elongate the cells manually (or does anybody know another way to solve this?).
2004 Aug 31
N-dimensional delaunay tesselation & voronoi diagrams
Hi, I've been looking for functions that can do delaunay tesselation and generate voronoi cells. I came across deldir and tripack but both seem to be restricted to 2D points. Are there any packages that can do a tesselation in N dimensions? I know that Matlab and Mathematica use the qhull package to provide functions for this. Does anybody know of any R packages that do this (maybe by calling
2006 Apr 18
scalassoc package
Many new things at The scalassoc package, which fits exponential distance association models to indicator matrices, it now at version 1.0.0. It seems to be robust and can analyze large examples easily. It is a major improvement (in speed and robustness) over the distassoc package, which is at the same site. scalassoc does something neat (if you like
2011 Nov 03
Problem with R CMD check and the inconsolata font business.
I have just installed R version 2.14.0 and tried to re-build and re-check some of the packages that I maintain. I'm getting a warning (in the process of running R CMD check on my "deldir" package): > * checking PDF version of manual ... WARNING > LaTeX errors when creating PDF version. > This typically indicates Rd problems. > LaTeX errors found: > ! Font
2013 Jan 17
error installing KEGGSOAP
Hi, I am new to bioconductor, trying to install KEGGSOAP package, but got warnings() when installing and error message when trying to load the package, can anyone suggest what went wrong? many thanks John > source("") Bioconductor version 2.11 (BiocInstaller 1.8.3), ?biocLite for help > biocLite("KEGGSOAP") BioC_mirror: