Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "export date field using sqlSave"
2007 Oct 22
RODBC problem: sqlSave not working after an update
Good day, all.
I just upgraded to R 2.6.0. I re-installed my most-used packages including RODBC to be sure I'm up-to-date. I have been working with a large insurance claims dataset stored in a MS-Access database on a Windows machine. I have been regularly exporting tables from R into it using sqlSave. It's worked like a charm until today, when this happened:
2018 Jan 24
Help with SQLsave
Hi all,
I'm using RODBC library to connect to a database.
I'm trying to read a table from a database and after manipulating it would like to write to the same database but with a different table
P<-data.frame(sqlQuery(myconn,'select? *? from Demographics'))
I'm gettng this error
2006 Feb 20
I am having trouble to write/create a table, which has
a date field. I want to create a stock price table,
which has fields of ticker, date, price. First, I
created such a table in Microsoft Access with a few
rows inputs. Using sqlQuery, I found that the date
field was retrieved as POSIXct value. Then I made a
data.frame with POSIXct as the data type for dates.
However, I received the
2011 Aug 08
RODBC: sqlUpdate doesn't handle properly POSIXct field?
Hello all!
Can someone confirm whether there is a bug or not?
I was trying to use sqlUpdate in place of sqlSave as data set I import has duplications. However I get errors while using fast=FALSE argument to safely update/ignore duplicates:
Error while executing the query[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect 'UPDATE "data" SET "logger"=1,
2006 Mar 23
Dear Tobias,
I finally succeeded in exporting my dataframes from R into Access with
this script:
canal <- odbcConnectAccess("D:/Floristique.mdb")
sqlSave(channel=canal, dat=flore, tablename="Floristique", rownames=F,
safer=F, fast=F,
My problem in exporting my dataframe "flore" seems to
2003 Apr 02
RODBC sqlSave problem.
Dear list,
Being new to both the postgres database, ODBC and the RODBC interface, I
am somewhat confused by some of the problems I am experiencing trying to
connect R to the database.
Whai I am trying is basically the example part of the help file for the
sqlSave function:
> library(RODBC)
> odbcConnect("theodor") -> channel
> data(USArrests)
> sqlSave(channel,
2005 Mar 15
Fwd: RODBC, sqlSave and sqlAppend
Début du message réexpédié :
> De: Depiereux Constant <constant.depiereux@aqte.be>
> Date: 16 mars 2005 00:11:11 GMT+01:00
> À: spjgmwn@iop.kcl.ac.uk
> Objet: Rép : [R] RODBC, sqlSave and sqlAppend
> Le 15-mars-05, à 16:19, Matthew W Nash a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> I am currently trying to read, write and append data between R and MS
2011 May 16
RODBC sqlSave colnames argument - export to Excel
I'm trying to export a data frame to Excel using the RODBC sqlSave function. I don't want the colnames, so I use the colnames=F option. Unfortunately, the column names still show up as the first row in my spreadsheet. If I set the colnames=T, then the column names show up in BOTH rows 1 and 2. Is there any to make the colnames option work properly?
By the way, the first row of my data
2011 Feb 26
Problem with RODBC sqlSave
I'm able to establish a successful odbc connection using RODBC 1.3-2 on Win
7 and R 2.12.0. But I'm getting the following error message when I try to
save a data frame into the debase as shown below.
bbdb <- odbcConnect("bbdb")
odbcGetInfo(bbdb) # returns ok
sqlSave(bbdb, USArrests, rownames = "state", addPK=TRUE) # example from the
RODBC manual
2007 Feb 02
New RODBC: a problem with sqlSave
Till yesterday I was more than satisfied by RODBC, specifically by
sqlSave which I had been happily using in a daily crontab R batch job
regularly updating a postgresql db for as long as one year. In this R-
batch I was able to save records into indexed tables *** even though
*** they already existed. in this case sqlSave simply neglected those
rows of the input table that were offending the
2009 Nov 15
Hola a todos,
al intentar guardar un data.frame en formato Excel con la función:
cn<- odbcConnectExcel("C:\\Documents and Settings\\ ... \\nombre.xls",readOnly=FALSE)
me da el siguiente error:
Error en sqlSave(cn, datos, rownames = TRUE, append = FALSE, safer = FALSE) :
[RODBC] Failed exec in Update
22018 39
2011 Jul 27
RODBC sqlSave problem with bigint numbers
After a (bad) first try some months ago, I'm trying again to use RODBC
package instead of DBI+RMySQL packages to populate MySQL database.
The main command is
sqlSave(channel, data_df, tablename, append=T, rownames=FALSE,
colnames=FALSE, fast=FALSE, varTypes=vartypes)
where data_df is the data.frame I want to save and vartypes is obtained
following the tip given here
2003 Jan 29
RODBC sqlSave Error
i get error after using a data.frame with subset for "sqlSave".
What can i do ?
It seems that lines like this in a data.frame structure are after subset
deleted and cause
the error ?
- attr(*, "variable.labels")= Named chr "CUSID" "Welle"
"Arbeitgeberfavorit1" "Aktuelle Bewerbungssituation" ...
..- attr(*, "names")=
2011 Nov 10
Help: sqlSave Error
I am using sqlSave to save my data into an existing table at MS SQL Server
database. Previously my code ran smoothly but all of a sudden it stopped
working. Here is my code:
sqlSave(con, highVol, "dbo.futuresHighVol", append=TRUE, rownames=FALSE)
Error: sqlSave(con, highVol, "jrgchis.dbo.futuresHighVol", append = TRUE, :
42S01 2714 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL
2008 Dec 22
Treatment of Date ODBC objects in R (RODBC)
Dear all,
Retrieving an Oracle "Date" data type by means of RODBC (version
1.2-4) I get different classes in R depending on which operating
system I am in:
On MacOSX I get "Date" class
On Windows I get " "POSIXt" "POSIXct" class
The problem is material, as converting the "POSIXt" "POSIXct" object
with as.Date() returns one
2003 Jul 25
RODBC.sqlSave and Date format on Oracle
I try to use sqlSave to fill a date column in Oracle.
value example: '05-JUL-03 13:35:09'
sqlSave does not throw any error, but my table remain empty
does anyone have experience with this ?
Marc Mamin
2010 Feb 24
problem with sqlSave()
Dear R users,
I've already asked this question yesterday, but, though I had answer for
the other ones (and they helped a lot, thanks), for some reason didn't
get an answer for this one (I would also appreciate to know why, so that
I can improve the quality and clarity of my future questions).
Here it is again:
I'm trying to use RODBC to export dataframes to xls files.
When I run
2009 Jul 08
RODBC and sqlSave issue
I contact you after having unsuccessfully asked my question to R mailing list.
I use the package RODBC to connect to a MS-SQL server.
I am able to getQuery from the database.
am now studying the sqlSave some data into the database. Unfortunetly,
I meet some issues relating to the format of the data that arrives into
the database. I have three columns. The first one should be in the
2011 Feb 04
RODBC : how to avoid truncatig big integer when using sqlsave
I'm still trying to modify my script in order to use RODBC instead of RMySQL
(no more ready-to-use package for windows).
My new problem is the following one (not seen with RMySQL):
I'd like to copy a data.frame to a mysql table. One column is a numeric one
with big integer like :
2005000206110 (13 figures)
If I type this number in R, I get:
and when I use sqlSave to
2010 May 16
Dear R-community,
After repeating the sqlSave-command 3 times on a dataframe (of size 13149
rows * 5 columns) to my MS-Access database I get the following error:
*Error in sqlSave(channel, eksport_transp_acc_2, "transp_acc_scenarier", :
unable to append to table ‘transp_acc_scenarier’*
This means that the first 2 savings are completed, but the third-one
is somehow not. I have an