Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Missing Values"
2011 Mar 03
Probabilities greather than 1 in HIST
Dear all,
I am a newbie in R and could not find help on this problem. I am trying to
plot an histogram with probabilities in the y axis. This is the code I am
#TLC uniform
mi=1; mx=6
for (i in 1:nrep) {xbar[i]=mean(runif(n,min=mi,max=mx))}
hist(xbar,prob=TRUE,breaks="Sturges",xlim=c(1,6),main=paste("n =",n),
2009 Jul 22
R extract vertices for polygon
Dear R users,
I'm trying to extract from a given matrix (GROUP) the coordinates of the vertices of the different groups (i.e. 3, 7, 1 . . .) to plot the polygons to delineate the area in which each group "wins" and colour it diferentially. I can make a simple point plot, but I would like to add polygons with full colored area. The example is with a 5x5 matrix, but I'm working
2011 Feb 02
Help with one of "those" apply functions
Hello there,
I'm still struggling with the *apply commands. I have 5 people with id's
from 10 to 14. I have varying amounts (nrep) of repeated outcome (value)
measured on them.
nrep <- 1:5
id <- rep(c("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5"), nrep)
value <- rnorm(length(id))
I want to create a new vector that contains the sum of the
2006 Nov 23
statistics help
im a bioinformatics student as i have never had any previous programming
i need help
this is the question i need to answer:
Random walk model
we want to model a random walk where you take a step to the left with
probability p
and one to the right with probability 1-p. Now assume that there is a line
of 11 squares.
once you are in square 0 or in square 10 the walk ends. The aim
2018 Feb 15
package MonteCarlo error: object 'packages' not found
I can't tell what's causing the following error. The vignette does not
make a reference to a "packages" option or parameter.
> library(MonteCarlo)
Loading required package: abind
Loading required package: codetools
Loading required package: rlecuyer
Loading required package: snow
Loading required package: snowfall
> infest_kud_fun<-function(x,A,B){
2006 Jun 18
bug with boot.sw98 function (PR#8999)
Full_Name: Nuno Monteiro
Version: 2.3.1
OS: Windows XP HE
Submission from: (NULL) (
I'm using the FEAR library to perform Data Envelopment analysis with a 36,000
obs dataset.
The function dea is working fine but then when I try to use the boot.sw98 to
come up with some sensitivity analysis I get the following error:
2007 Nov 01
loops & sampling
I'm new to R (and statistics) and my boss has thrown me in the deep-end with the following task:
We want to evaluate the impact that sampling size has on our ability to create a robust model, or evaluate how robust the model is to sample size for the purpose of cross-validation i.e. in our current project we have collected a series of independent data at 250 locations, from which
2006 Jan 12
"infinite recursion" in do.call when lme4 loaded only
A larg program which worked with lme4/R about a year ago failed when I
re-run it today. I reproduced the problem with the program below.
-- When lme4 is not loaded, the program runs ok and fast enough
-- When lme4 is loaded (but never used), the do.call fails
with infinite recursion after 60 seconds. Memory used increases
beyond bonds in task manager.
-- I tested a few S3 based packages
2006 Jan 12
"infinite recursion" in do.call when lme4 loaded only
A larg program which worked with lme4/R about a year ago failed when I
re-run it today. I reproduced the problem with the program below.
-- When lme4 is not loaded, the program runs ok and fast enough
-- When lme4 is loaded (but never used), the do.call fails
with infinite recursion after 60 seconds. Memory used increases
beyond bonds in task manager.
-- I tested a few S3 based packages
2018 Feb 15
package MonteCarlo error: object 'packages' not found
This looks like the sort of thing that you should ask the package
maintainer (?maintainer).
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and
sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 11:39 AM, john polo <jpolo at mail.usf.edu> wrote:
2008 Apr 13
R project
Hi,I am currently doing a project in which we are to investigate the size and power of three different one sample tests over three different distributions using a number of different sample sizes and values for mu1. I have written a function and was trying to get my answer for each test into the right position in an array so the output is the power of each combination of test, distribution, sample
2002 Oct 02
output from script
perhaps the answer to my question is obvious and I didn?t find it because I?m new to R ...
The problem is as follows:
I read some data from file, do some commands which are well processed and finally make some graphics. OK
Then I put these commands together in a *.R file which I can process ...
Among these i. e. is
sum_input = summary(mydatatable)
2008 Jun 04
possible bug in flexclust
Hi - Writing to see if someone can suggest whether a problem warrants a bug
report. It concerns the use of stepFlexclust in the flexclust package. The
problem concerns the size of clusters returned.
Versions: R-2.7.0 on Windows XP; RODBC_1.2-3
code snippet:
r8 <- stepFlexclust(df,8,nrep=100,FUN=kcca, family=kccaFamily("kmedians"))
summary(r8) ## returns cluster sizes of 51, 115,
2012 Sep 18
extracting column and regular interval in R
Dear R users,
i have a matrix with 31 rows and 444 columns and i want to extract every 37th column of that matrix starting from 1. more precisely i want to select columns 1, 38,75, 112 and so on. then doing the same by starting from column number 2(2,39,76,113.......).
i know that there is a manual way of doing it but i wanted to make it more quickly as i have fairly large data to dealth with.
2013 Apr 03
Help with lmRob function
I am fairly new to R and have encountered an issue with the lmRob function that I have been unable to resolve. I am trying to run a robust regression using the lmRob function which runs successfully, but the results are rather strange. I'm not sure it's important, but my model has 3 dichotomous categorical variables and 2 continuous variables in it. When I look at a summary of my
2011 May 04
hurdle, simulated power
Hi all--
We are planning an intervention study for adolescent alcohol use, and I
am planning to use simulations based on a hurdle model (using the
hurdle() function in package pscl) for sample size estimation.
The simulation code and power code are below -- note that at the moment
the "power" code is just returning the coefficients, as something isn't
working quite right.
2012 Aug 24
diagonal matrix, array attributes and how to keep from setting an attribute on "NULL"
I've put the short version here and if anyone wants to run the code with
CollocInfer, I've given the full version in the file "analysis".
I come at the question of array attributes and dimnames
to try to simplify.
In a CollocInfer LS.profile analysis using this array 'Y' constructed
as follows:
2010 Jan 06
Boot() Package Question: Multiple Confidence Interval Output
Good Morning:
I posted an initial question a few days ago and I received some good advice from two R experts. I have re-examined the Davison-Hinkley text paying close attention to the examples of the boot() and boot.ci() in that text and the single example of a similar process in the MASS book (not the MASS package manual as I initially misunderstood).
I think I understand how the stratified
2010 Oct 03
How to programme R to randomly replace some X values with Outliers
Dear experts,
I am a beginner of R.
I'm looking for experts to guide me how to do programming in R in order to
randomly replace 5 observations in X explanatory variable with outliers drawn
from U(15,20) in sample size n=100. The replacement subject to y < 15.
The ultimate goal of my study is to compare the std of y with and without the
presence of outliers based on average of 1000
2006 Feb 03
Problems with ks.test
Hi everybody,
while performing ks.test for a standard exponential distribution on samples
of dimension 2500, generated everytime as new, i had this strange behaviour:
One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: data
D = 0.0147, p-value = 0.6549
alternative hypothesis: two.sided