Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Smooth contour of a matrix"
2010 Sep 21
multiplying values in data frame by corresponding value in the first column
I am sure there is a simple solution to this... I have a column in a
data frame specifying a grouping (1, -1) for my observations, and need
to mutliply each observation in all the other columns of the data frame
by the corresponding value in the given column. I played with apply, and
saw some suggestions for sweep, but did not manage to get it working.
My table contains NAs....
Example of
2012 Jun 25
Loop for multiple plots in figure
Hello, I have longitudinal data of the form below from N subjects; I am
trying to create figure with N small subplots on a single page, in which
each plot is from only one subject, and in each plot there is a separate
curve for each value of param1.
So in this case, there would be four plots on the page (one each for Bob,
Steve, Kevin and Dave), and each plot would have two separate curves (one
2006 Apr 06
function onComplete how to overload?
Hi all. I my apps I need to use Ajax.Request Object. One of the object options is onComplete fuction which looks like this:
funcion onComplete (originalResponse)
..some operations
I need pass to function one more parameter, how to do it? is is possible? I can''t use AJAX Updater because result of Ajax Call is uploaded to the div that I defined earlier, and in my situations I
2012 Jul 31
Access @resouce in custom type
Is it possible to access @resource variables inside a type?
I would like to make some decisions on parameters based on other parameters
that may have already been set.
For example,
newparam(:param1) do
Puppet.debug "Found drivesperarray parameter"
desc "parameter 1"
validate do |value|
if resource[:otherparam] then
2010 Aug 30
while loop until end of file
Hi Guys,
stumped by a simple problem. I would like to take a file of the form
Pair group param1
1 D 10
1 D 10
1 R 10
1 D 10
2 D 10
2 D 10
2 D 10
2 R 10
2 R 10
and for each pair, calculate the average of
2008 Jun 12
XML parameters to Column Headers for importing into a dataset
Dear List,
Do you know any way I can convert XML parameters into column headers. My
data is in a csv file with each row containing a xml form of data , and
multiple parameters (
<param1> data_val1 </param2> , <param2> data_val2 </param2> )
I want to convert it so each row caters to one record and each parameter
becomes a different column.
2007 Nov 19
link_to and GET parameters
I am trying to generate a link to external site with GET parameters
( in new window).
I tried following code, but it does not produce any parameters.
<%=link_to "Open New Page", "https://www.foo.com/page/", {:popup =>
true}, {:param1 => "value1", :param2 => "value2"}%>
<%=link_to "Open New Page",
2008 Jun 11
MLE Estimation of Gamma Distribution Parameters for data with 'zeros'
Greetings, all
I am having difficulty getting the fitdistr() function to return without
an error on my data. Specifically, what I'm trying to do is get a
parameter estimation for fracture intensity data in a well / borehole.
Lower bound is 0 (no fractures in the selected data interval), and upper
bound is ~ 10 - 50, depending on what scale you are conducting the
analysis on.
I read in the
2008 Jul 17
problems with validation on STI
I have the following STI table:
def self.up
create_table :distributions do |t|
t.string :type
t.integer :simulation_id
t.string :dist_name
t.string :desc, :default=> ''fixed''
t.float :param1, :default => 5.0
t.float :param2, :param3
#fields for RscDist
t.integer :resource_id
#fields for LoadDist
2006 Sep 15
How to catch a parameter that contains a full url
I need some help!
I have controller that I need to pass a full url (with its own
parametrs) as a parameter, e.g. I want to call my controller with:
and in action "catchurl" in mycontroller.rb I would like to have
params[:url] to be
2014 Jun 30
[LLVMdev] LLD dynamic compilation
On 30 June 2014 16:16, Shankar Easwaran <shankare at codeaurora.org> wrote:
> I think you are hitting a bug, the Observer pattern was added a few weeks
> back, and may be there is some sort of uninitialized variable ?
This is my back-trace at "-O2 -g" (since -O1 pass):
operator() (file=<optimized out>, __closure=0x7fffffffde40) at
2013 Dec 02
Class parameter flexibility with ENC, hiera or both
Dear puppetteers,
I am having a philosophical question about parametrized classes.
When building modules, one wants to be as flexible as possible, to try
to target as many puppet flavors as possible. This is our target:
- Foreman users, using foreman as an ENC with smart variables (or
potentially any other ENC, but I would say this is the most widespread one).
- Pure Puppet''s site.pp
2011 Nov 24
da.norm function
Hello all
I'm running da.norm function in R for climate data
theta1=da.norm(mydata, thetahat, steps=1000,showits=T)
As I understand the 1000 steps represent the markov chain values. Is there
a way to plot them? Something like plot(1:1000, param1$mu[]). I just can't
find a way to extract them out of my theta1.
Thank you, Andrey.
2011 Apr 24
Multi-dimensional non-linear fitting - advice on best method?
I have a set of data of the form (x, y1, y2) where x is the
independent variable and (y1, y2) is the response pair. The model is
some messy non-linear function:
(y1, y2) = f(x; param1, param2, ..., paramk) + (y1error, y2error)
where the parameters param1, ..., paramk are to be estimated, and I'll
assume the errors to be normal for sake of simplicity.
If there were only one
2008 Apr 01
HTML entities in URLs and urlencoding
We recently received the following bug report for the python-markdown
> The "&" are escaped in URLs.
> An example:
> [Link](http://www.site.com/?param1=value1¶m2=value1)
> Should output:
> <a href="http://www.site.com/?param1=value1¶m2=value1">Link</a>
> Currently outputs:
> <a
2007 Nov 01
structure data
I have a quite simple question, I guess. I have a data frame and I would like
to process the data in several ways.
The processing is dependent on grouping (factors) and the parameter itself.
Meaning for parameter1 in the df, I would like to calculate the mean and sd
when grouping by factor1. But parameter2 might be different. I thought of a
structure like this:
2012 Jul 05
Ruby DSL parameterized classes and defaults
I''ve been reading the Docs on this, and its not very clear.
I want to have a parameterized class that takes arrays and objects as
I''m using puppet 2.6.16.
I define a hostclass like this:
hostclass :test, :arguments => { :param1 => "blah" } do
I call from Puppet DSL:
class {"test":
I get this as an error:
err: Could not
2008 Mar 10
Passing extra parameters to functions called from Observers
Hi again,
When you have an ''obeserver'' setup as follows:
$(''myForm'').observe(''submit'', validateForm);
If a user submits the form the ''validateForm'' function is called and
is automagically passed the ''event'' to work with. This is fantastic!
But is there a way to pass another argument to the function?
2011 Sep 16
copula con marginales multivariantes
Quiero saber si es posible programar una cópula donde las funciones marginales son multivariantes, siguiendo el esquema
del package ''Copula''. Es decir,
Copula(F(x,y), G(w,z)))
En el caso de funciones marginales univariantes, un ejemplo de la normal multivariante quedaria de la siguiente forma,
2008 May 28
Search&replace string?
Hi there,
I would like to know if it is possible to modify a text file with a R function.
In fact I would like to know if a function "Search & Replace" exists.
My problem is to create config files from a Base file in which I have to modify values of parameters.
My Base File:
Param1= V1_1
Param2 = V2_1
Param3 = V3_1
What I would like for each created file