similar to: what package does the mesh function need

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "what package does the mesh function need"

2009 Sep 14
Function "Varcov" in Design (Ver. 2.2-0) package
Hi, I'm running into an error message for the "anova"-function I never got before with the Design (Version 2.2-0) package. There seems to be a missing function "Varcov", please check my function calls (it's in german but I think you get the error): > library(Design) ## attaching Design package and dependent packages Lade n?tiges Paket: Hmisc ## loading
2009 Feb 10
Problem installing MASS-Package
Dear R-Help-Team, I tried to use isoMDS-Function of the MASS-Package: Message: Fehler: konnte Funktion "isoMDS" nicht finden (error: could not find function "isoMDS") so I tried to install the package MASS: > utils:::menuInstallPkgs() versuche URL '' Content type 'application/zip' length 1598763
2012 Mar 13
Problem installing gWidgetsRGtk2 on Ubuntu 10.04
dear all, I'm totally new to R and want to install the RQDA package. It fails because of a dependency with gWidgetsRGtk2, which doesn't install because of the following: > * installing *source* package ?gWidgetsRGtk2? ... ** R ** inst ** preparing package for lazy loading Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : konnte Funktion "setRefClass" nicht finden (=could not find
2011 Jul 29
scripting/littler: How to call function named iteratively (`f1`, `f2`, …)?
Dear R folks, wanting to compare different implementations of a solution I want to script it to iterate over the different implementations. Is there a way to do this in the R shell/command line? $ more /tmp/iterf.r f1 <- function(n = 100000, l = 100000) { z = n + l } f2 <- function(n = 100000,
2007 Nov 18
"Couldn't find function par"
I have just installed version 2.6.0 of R using the Ubuntu Dapper Drake packages from CRAN. I picked the installation option of overwriting the existing config files. Since then, R starts with an error message which I don't quite get because the function it claims not to have found can be called nicely. It wouldn't bug me at all, but R CMD Sweave is a bit more picky than me and dies after
2004 Jan 26
Samba 2.2.3a + WinXP
Habe Samba 2.2.3a unter HP-UX 10.20 laufen. (letzte Version die ich f?r 10.20 finden konnte) Bisher lief alles bestens. Jetzt mu? ich XP Prof einbinden. Geht ja, aber bei mehreren Programmen (z.B. Office 2003) st?rzt das Programm beim Speichern ab. Geht das grunds?tzlich mit einer so alten Version nicht oder gibt es einen Workaround? Danke Andi
2013 Oct 24
SAMBA 4 - Remove last Windows DC from Domain
HI, i just played around with Windows 2008 R2 as ADS Server and two SAMBA 4 as additional DCs. Setting up the Samba 4 DCs works fine. Now I wanted to remove the last Windows DC with dcpromo. It fails with the following statement: Der Vorgang konnte nicht durchgef?hrt werden. Fehler: Active Directory konnte keinen anderen Dom?nencontroller f?r die ?bertragung der verbleibenden Daten
2009 Jul 13
Ubuntu und R
Hallo Zusammen, hatte gestern die Schnauze voll von Vista und habe mir daraufhin Ubuntu installiert. Bin also mit Ubuntu ?berhaupt nicht vertraut. Nun habe ich ohne Erfolg versucht, R zu installieren. Soweit ich der Anleitung folgen konnte habe ich es so wie auf gemacht. Im Terminal kann ich R problemlos starten. Allerdings bei der Installation von
2006 Mar 28
Dealing with Form Data
Google lets me down once again :-) Coming from a PHP background I know I can take submitted form data, mix it, mash it and put it together in very odd ways. In other words do this. $title = "My Title" $sub_title = "My Sub Title" $full_title = $title . "-" . $sub_table And submit $full_title to the database. I have yet to find a solution for this in Rails - I
2009 Jul 14
Ubuntu JGR
Hello, I cannot get JGR installed. Here is what I have tried so far 1. sudo -s # root werden R CMD javareconf root at gunnar-laptop:~# R CMD javareconf Java interpreter : /usr/bin/java Java version : 1.5.0_18 Java home path : /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun- Java compiler : /usr/bin/javac Java headers gen.: /usr/bin/javah Java archive
2006 Feb 08
Extending Rails classes
Whereabouts would I want to put a Ruby file that extends a Rails class? Say, adding a method to ActiveRecord::Base or something along those lines. I''ve read that those classes go in /lib, but my application doesn''t seem to see the changes I''ve made. Obviously I''m missing something... Any suggestions would be appreciated! -Brasten
2010 Sep 12
Certificate for outlook 2003
Hi all, We are running "dovecot-1.0.7-7.el5" on a CentOS release 5.5 (Final) box. I know, its an old version, but it cames up with the CentOS release (yum). Anyway. Is there a way to import the certificate, which was generated with "", permanently to the outlook 2003 clients? Every time, when our office 2003 clients fetches there emails (POP3s) from our
2010 Aug 26
miro from rpmforge appears to have dep solving issues
Hi folks, Anyone know the whereabouts of as it is needed by miro-1.0-1.el5.rf.x86_64 (rpmforge) I tried a whatprovides and have looked at epel as well as rpmforge - no luck. While I'm asking, I'm looking for an internet HD TV viewer - miro looked interesting - any other products you know of? TIA Rob -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment
2020 May 18
dbinom link
In principle a good idea, but I'm not sure the whereabouts of Catherine Loader are known at this point. Last peeps from her on the net seem to be about a decade old. .pd > On 18 May 2020, at 10:31 , Abby Spurdle <spurdle.a at> wrote: > > This has come up before. > > Here's the last time: >
2004 Dec 21
Rgui.exe - Error while tuning svm
Hello, if I try to tune my svm with the code: Tune <- tune.svm(Data.Train, Class.Train, type="C-classification", kernel="radial", gamma = 2^(-1:1), cost = 2^(2:4)) i get a windows Messagebox with a error in the application "Rgui.exe" and the message: "Die Anweisung in 0x6c48174d verweist auf Speicher 0x00000000. Der Vorgang "read" konnte nicht auf
2005 Mar 27
Where can I found the package "ordinal" ?
Hello,dear all: I want to install the package "ordinal",but I don't see the package listed under package sources. I try to search it by "google",then I found this: but the connect does not work. Where can I found the package "ordinal" ? Is it still available? Thanks in advance. ^^
2006 Aug 04
CentOS Based Infromational Document
For those of you who are either part of the secret cabal, or are otherwise keeping track of it, there is a new version available. The current version of the cryptex is version 3.1. It's changed rather significantly in some areas.
2007 Sep 18
hi all, I want to move some routing tasks out of the router and into the controller. The goal is to make Merb feel less like mod_rewrite and give the user more control at the controller. The new Router is simple: it takes the path_info (not the whole request) then outputs a controller class and some parameters from the path matching. The rest of the routing would be done at the controller level.
2006 May 20
Alphabetically sorted list pages + dynamic forms
Hey everyone, I''m new to RoR - how can I get my database content filtered by alphabet? Eg, on my php site now I use this format: How can I get this kind of functionality out of ruby? Also, how could I go about making a multiple select box of authors, then depending on how many you chose, the next page of the form displays a
2010 May 19
Reading in and writing out one line at a time
I hope that somebody can help me with this - I think very simple - issue...? I am running a package that only accepts one line at a time, but I would like to run this package on a dataframe of >500 lines. Dataframe "d" is a single column: APPLES PEARS AUBERGINES KUMQUATS I would like to read one line of my dataframe "d", individually into a new frame "f", then