similar to: Basic configuration problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Basic configuration problem"

2017 Jan 13
tinc behind CISCO ASA 5506
Hi there I have the following setup Home - Main Tinc server with public IP running on PfSense work - tinc client running behind a CISCO ASA firewall with public IP running on Windows 10 offsite - tinc client running on tomato router behind a double NAT Home & offsite connect & i can see all PCs & devices & connect to them easily, on either side work to Home or offsite connects
2007 Apr 30
Windows to Linux - ping-bug?
Hello! I have encountered a bug using tincd with Microsoft Windows: Below you'll find my Setup and my Logs. In short, i do the following: 1. office running tincd 1.0.7 and waiting for connections (no ConnectTo, but this does not resolve the issue) 2. the supporter starts up tincd 1.0.7 on windows (native) 3. ping from windows ("support") to the office: Here the error occours:
2004 Nov 22
Tinc on OsX, partial success
I have now got the tinc demons (on network OFFICES) on BranchB and BranchA talking to each other, see below for log from BranchB. For some trouble shouting issues relating to OsX see at the end of my e-mail. However, I have not yet achieved the network connectivity/routing that I would like. The aim is: BranchB is a laptop I would like to connect it (via tinc) to my office network, so that
2003 Jan 27
Bogus data received from ...
Hello, I'm trying to test a tinc vpn between two Linux hosts on the same ethernet. If I start tinc on both sides as 'tinc -n test --bypass-security --debug=5' I can ping both machines from each other and tcpdump shows that the packets pass through the tun-device created by tinc. Connection from port 32852 Sending ID to (null) ( port 32852): 0 helix 17
2005 Dec 13
strange tinc error with many nodes
Hello, we currently set up a large tinc network with 2 central Nodes (these nodes connecting to each other). All satellites (ca 40) connect to these both machines. All containing two ConntectTo fields (for backup) e.g. (satellite) Name = nfp_hy Device = /dev/tun PrivateKeyFile = /etc/tinc/nfp_hy/rsa_key.priv ConnectTo = nfp_f_vpn ConnectTo = nfp_c_vpn If the count of satellites reaches
2014 Sep 25
Tinc1.1pre10 on Windows 8.1?
Hello tincers, I run a small tinc mesh using version 1.1pre10 on mostly linux (debian) hosts. In the past, I was able to successfully join my windows machine to the tinc network, when I was running an earlier version of tinc (throughout the mesh). However, with 1.1pre10, I have had no success. Is this a known error, a misconfiguration on my part, or some other issue? I currently have no tinc-up
2005 Apr 08
TrustedNodes option in TINC
Hi, We want to deploy a tinc VPN, with more than 50 sites connected all arround the world. But we cannot trust all our sites with the same level, so the tinc solution (automatic full mesh) is "too automatic" for us : *any* node can add a new node which will be connected directly to others. A solution could be TLS (signing public keys), but create a PKI is another issue for us.
2016 Nov 10
static configuration
Hello, I am tying to create tinc vpn for the ~1000 nodes and was thinking why meta connections are needed at all if I only need static configuration where every node knows addresses of other hosts and due to the amount of traffic any indirect connections will not work, so DirectOnly=yes is a must and then passing around routing information is not needed, right? Currently I have 10 nodes
2014 Sep 28
Proposals for UDP information transport over the metagraph
While working on SPTPS UDP relaying I realized that there is one issue I didn't account for, which is that the sending node only knows the PMTU to the first relay node. It doesn't know the PMTU of the entire relay path beyond the first hop, because the relay nodes don't provide their own PMTU information over the metaprotocol. Now, in the legacy protocol this is not really an issue,
2013 Jul 21
About peer UDP address detection
I would like to discuss the following commit: ("Determine peer's reflexive address and port when exchanging keys") This is a great feature as it basically allows peers to do UDP Hole Punching (via MTU probes) even when both are having their source ports rewritten by a NAT, which is extremely useful.
2002 Feb 19
lose connection with traffic from connector to connectee
using 1.0pre5 A: tinc.conf ------------ Name = A PrivateKeyFile = /usr/local/etc/tinc/vpn/rsa_key.priv Device = /dev/tap0 ConnectTo = B A: tinc-up --------- #!/bin/sh modprobe ethertap ifconfig tap0 hw ether fe:fd:00:00:00:00 ifconfig tap0 netmask ifconfig tap0 -arp B: tinc.conf ------------ Name = B PrivateKeyFile = /usr/local/etc/tinc/vpn/rsa_key.priv Device =
2009 Oct 27
using tinc in a mixed ipv4/ipv6 network
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi, I'm using tinc to connect a couple of ipv6 capable machines using a mix of upd6, udp4, tcp6 and tcp4. Now I wanted to add an linux embedded device, which has no ipv6 support at all. Tinc did compile and configuration is fine (tested on other machine), but after connecting the embedded device to other hosts tinc instances, it suddenly crashes.
2004 Sep 26
connection established, can't ping
Hello! I have recently installed tinc on a linux 2.4 machine which has private network connected to eth0 and registered ip on eth1. I also installed tinc on Windows 2000 machine on a remote location. for this moment I can establish connection, on Linux machine tincd says: Sep 26 21:10:50 hostname tinc.gscvpn[483]: Node home (y.y.y.y port 655) became reachable But i
2012 Apr 23
Tinc via satellite link stalls often
Guus, Below a segment of a log file. I am trying to analyse why the satellite link goes down and up all the time (sometimes 10 to 15 times an hour, sometimes not for a day. My guess is that this indicates packet loss on the satelllite link and tinc not really recovering from that. Where I inserted an empty line the log basically stopped and was silent for I guess for 14 minutes? Would setting
2014 Aug 07
Samba 4.1.9 with bind 9.9.4 and ddns update denied messages
Hi everybody, 1) i've successfully installed a samba4 AD with Version 4.1.11 and bind 9.9.4 on centos 7 with bind flatfiles. On the client side i've a windows7 sp1 machine. The only trouble i have is an ddns update denied message in /var/log/messages. But after the denied message is shown, the forward and reverse lookup zone will be aktualized successfully. Could it be that windows 7 first
2015 May 18
tinc stopped working after restart
Hi. I'm in desperate need of some good advice. I have a tinc network with 16 nodes. It's a star topology where all nodes are connecting to the one node (Node1) that have a static IP. Node 1 accepts incomming connections Node 2 through 16 connects to Node1 One of the nodes (Node5) stopped working a while ago (2 - 3 weeks or so), other than that everything was working fine. Today I
2017 Sep 14
Packet capture to analysis the tinc connection close
Earlier, my tinc topology is this: <>, let me explain a little bit: client configuration: Name = client AddressFamily = ipv4 ProcessPriority = high PingTimeout = 10 TunnelServer = yes 1. All tinc nodes configured with “IndirectData = yes”, and the lines shown on the picture with arrow means the directional “ConnectTo”, so all the tinc traffic will
2006 Jan 16
Periodic routing problem
Hi, I've been running tinc for a couple of months and it's great, but I have a periodic problem which maybe you guys can figure out. I operate a 3-node tinc VPN, lets say A, B and C. A / \ B --- C The problem is that after a while, node C can't exchange data with node B. It works fine (ping and other traffic) for about 10 minutes, then fails. Here is some debug
2009 May 23
several problems....
Hello. Finally I discovered the mailinglists and subscribed. Before, I were in #tinc, pinging guus all the time with various stuff/problems/patches/etc. So... the problems, in no particular order. 1) Quite often, after re-starting a client (I run in tunnelserver mode), no packets are flowing. Tcpdump shows packets being sent from client but nothing gets received, and on the server both send
2010 Jul 07
Linux to Windows Tinc Issue
Hello, I am having troubles with the following configuration in that it produces the following errors: *Masterserver:* On the server (yea, I know) side is a Linux machine called "*masterserver*". It should have a VPN IP of and it sits behind a pretty generic ADSL Router (with port 655 forwarded) which can be found via a dynamic host address. A small snippet of errors this