similar to: how to keep the documents of private functions private

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "how to keep the documents of private functions private"

2006 Apr 04
Return function from function with minimal environment
Hi, this relates to the question "How to set a former environment?" asked yesterday. What is the best way to to return a function with a minimal environment from a function? Here is a dummy example: foo <- function(huge) { scale <- mean(huge) function(x) { scale * x } } fcn <- foo(1:10e5) The problem with this approach is that the environment of 'fcn' does not
2016 Apr 29
boxplot with formula involving two-factor levels
Hi, I noticed two seemingly equivalent call to boxplot will give different plots (in the way how the combined factor levels are arranged on the x-axis): x = factor(rep(c("a", "b", "c"), each=2)); y = rep(factor(c("one", "two")), each=3); r = 3; n = r * 6; x = rep(x, 3); y = rep(y, 3); z = rnorm(n); par(mfrow=c(2,1)); ## The following two
2013 Jan 16
Declaring/importing non-exported functions [car] in another package
A new function in my heplots package wants to use a non-exported utility function in the car package, df.terms, but this depends on other non-exported functions. From the Writing R extensions manual, I thought I could do this via (in my NAMESPACE) importFrom(car, car:::df.terms, car:::df.terms.default, car:::is.aliased) but I get: ** preparing package for lazy loading Error : objects
2007 Aug 22
Hi, I am trying to integrate a function which is approximately constant over the range of the integration. The function is as follows: > my.fcn = function(mu){ + m = 1000 + z = 0 + z.mse = 0 + for(i in 1:m){ + z[i] = rnorm(1, mu, 1) + z.mse = z.mse + (z[i] - mu)^2 + } + return(z.mse/m) + } > my.fcn(-10) [1] 1.021711 > my.fcn(10) [1] 0.9995235 > my.fcn(-5) [1] 1.012727 > my.fcn(5)
2010 Jun 09
OOP and passing by value
Greetings, I love the R system and am sincerely grateful for the great effort the product and contributors are delivering. My question is as follows: I am trying to use S4 style classes but cannot write functions that modify an object because paramter passing is by value. For example I want to do this: setGeneric("setData", function(this,fcn,k){ standardGeneric("setData")
2013 Feb 12
Private environments and/or assignInMyNamespace
Dear DevelopeRs, I've been struggling with the new regulations regarding modifications to the search path, regarding my Rcmdr plugin package RcmdrPlugin.DoE. John Fox made Rcmdr comply with the new policy by removing the environment RcmdrEnv from the search path. For the time being, he developed an option that allows users to put the environment from Rcmdr (RcmdrEnv) on the search path,
2016 Mar 13
formals(x)<- drops attributes including class
Just checking in to see whether it is intended or not that assigning new formals to a function/closure causes any attributes to be dropped: EXAMPLE: > fcn <- structure(function() {}, foo="foo", class=c("foo")) > str(fcn) function () - attr(*, "srcref")=Class 'srcref' atomic [1:8] 1 18 1 30 18 30 1 1 .. ..- attr(*, "srcfile")=Classes
2011 Mar 15
Problem with nls.lm function of minpack.lm package.
Dear R useRs, I have a problem with nls.lm function of minpackl.lm package. I need to fit the Van Genuchten Model to a set of data of Theta and hydraulic conductivity with nls.lm function of minpack.lm package. For the first fit, the parameter estimates keep changing even after 1000 iterations (Th) and I have a following error message for fit of hydraulic conductivity (k); Reason for
2006 Sep 21
Package dependencies and imports
Dear list members, I'm encountering the following problem with package dependencies and imports: The Rcmdr package doesn't declare a formal dependency (via depends or suggests in the package DESCRIPTION) on the rgl package because the latter apparently causes problems on some systems. This allows the Rcmdr package to build and check on systems without rgl present; if rgl isn't
2003 Oct 30
'nls' and its arguments
Dear R experts! I'd to fit data by 'nls' with me-supplied function 'fcn'. 1) I'd like 'fcn' to accept arbitrary arguments, i.e. I defined it as f(...) {<body>}. (Ok, that's not actually impotant). 2) Second, I would NOT like to supply every parameter in the formula. To illustrate this, let's look at the last example of 'nls' help
2010 May 14
debugging substitute function in R 2.11
Dear list, A while ago I found in the web a function (sadly I can't credit the author as I don't remember where I picked it up from) whose output is a dataframe that lists for every object in the global environment its class, mode, dim & length (where applicable). It is meant to be an upgrade to the ls () function with a far more informative and detailed output and it quickly became
2024 Feb 06
[EXTERNAL] Re: NOTE: multiple local function definitions for ?fun? with different formal arguments
Here's a dummy example that I think illustrates the problem: toto <- function() { if (runif(1) < 0.5) function(a) a else function(a,b) a+b } > fcn <- toto() > fcn(1,2) [1] 3 > fcn <- toto() > fcn(1,2) [1] 3 > fcn <- toto() > fcn(1,2) Error in fcn(1, 2) : unused argument (2) How can you use the returned function, if you get different arguments?
2013 Feb 05
integrate: Don't do this?
When I run the following function HQ2 <- function(n) { nv <- 6 * sqrt(n) fcn <- function(z) { pchisq(z^2 / 36, n - 1) * dnorm(nv - z) } ## I want the integral from 0 to infinity: f.Inf <- integrate(fcn, 0, Inf) ## Doc: "Don't do this": f.100 <- integrate(fcn, 0, 100) cbind(f.Inf, f.100) } I get, for n = 9 and
2015 Jan 24
Proper way to define cbind, rbind for s4 classes in package
Hi all, this question has already been posted on stackoverflow, however without success, see also I have written a package using S4 classes and would like to use the functions rbind, cbind with these defined classes. Since it does not seem to be possible to define rbind and cbind directly as S4
2008 Apr 22
how to convert non numeric data into numeric?
I am having the following error in my function function(theta,reqdIRR) { theta1<-theta[1] theta2<-theta[2] n<-length(reqdIRR) constant<- n*(theta1+theta2) sum1<-lapply(reqdIRR*exp(theta1),FUN = sum) sum2<-lapply(exp(theta2 - reqdIRR*exp(theta1)),FUN = sum) sum = sum1 + sum2 log.fcn = constant - as.numeric(sum) result = - log.fcn return(result) } *error :
2009 Jul 01
Facter infinite looping on custom facts
Hi All Background: I am running Puppet to configure ESX 3.5 servers by NFS mounting the Puppet binaries and configuration from a shared server. This is to ensure VMware don''t come back refusing support for installing non standard software on the server. # ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2009-04-08 patchlevel 160) [i686-linux] # facter -v 1.5.5
2007 Sep 29
Help with functions (iterations)
Hello: I am a bit confused by this problem. Can anyone give me some advice on this I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for all your help. Need to create a for loop that saves the estimate of pi from each 0f 100 separate iterations and store it in a numeric vector (of length 100). The for loop should be placed in a function that allows the user to vary the sample size, the simulation size,
2002 Jan 23
Question about substitute (and eval, parse and deparse)
I would like to define a function at run-time, but I just can't make it work (please don't question why I want to do this, because that would be too much to explain). For example, I want to define the the following function foo <- function(x) { cat("Function", "foo", "was called with argument", x, ".\n") } However, I would like to
2006 Apr 05
1 and Recall() (Was: Re: Return function from function and Recall())
Hi, forget about the below details. It is not related to the fact that the function is returned from a function. Sorry about that. I've been troubleshooting soo much I've been shoting over the target. Here is a much smaller reproducible example: x <- 1:10 y <- 1:10 + rnorm(length(x)) sp <- smooth.spline(x=x, y=y) ypred <- predict(sp$fit, x) # [1] 2.325181 2.756166 ...
2008 Jul 13
any way to set defaults for par?
I know how to set graphic parameters by calling par(), but what I'd like is a way to set the default values so that subsequent calls to par() use my defaults. The reason to want this is that every time I create a new graphic window (I'm using quartz on OSX, and so far no answers in the Mac mailing list), my parameters get reset to the builtin defaults. I read about the