similar to: [COL/ROW]NAMES -> [col/row]names with new arg..

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "[COL/ROW]NAMES -> [col/row]names with new arg.."

1997 Aug 22
R-alpha: Re: Extensions .R and .Rd (in base/funs/ and base/man/ )
This is propagated to R-devel in case anyone else has a comment on this : >>>>> "MM" == Martin Maechler <> writes: MM> On Aug. 14, MM> "Ross" == Ross Ihaka <> writes: Ross> Re the emacs stuff: MM> ... Ross> 2. Peter Dalgaard made the suggestion that we made R source
2000 Dec 11
row.names, rownames; colnames, no col.names?
There's a bit of a symmetry issue, which may or may not be important (led to 15 seconds of confusion until I got my bearings straight): row.names, rownames; colnames, no col.names? I _NOW_ realize the difference between row.names and rownames, but is there any reason not to have col.names for re-naming columns in a data.frame? (if there is, I don't particular need to know it, but it
2003 Dec 17
Accessing row and col names of SEXP objects
Can someone lend me a hand with extracting the dimnames from a SEXP? I've looked through R-exts, but I couldn't find an example. Here is the code I'm using to grab the jth column name and print it, but the colnames I'm getting are garbage. None of the following are working. void printInfo(SEXP ts) { int j; for (j=0; j<col; j++) {
2009 May 17
[wishlist, patch] make row() and col() preserve dimnames (PR#13705)
Full_Name: Ben Goodrich Version: 2.9.0 OS: Linux (Debian unstable) Submission from: (NULL) ( row(x), col(x), and functions that call them like lower.tri(x) and upper.tri(x) do not retain the rownames or colnames of x in the matrix that is returned. Example from R version 2.9.0 : x <- matrix(1:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 3) rownames(x) <- LETTERS[1:3] colnames(x) <- letters[1:3]
1997 Apr 23
R-beta: R-FAQ v0.1-0
A much updated R FAQ is now available at the URL The plain text version is appended below. -k ***************************************************************************** * Kurt Hornik * * * Dept of Statistics TU Wien * tel: +43 (1) 58801-4542 * * Wiedner Hauptstr
1997 Apr 23
R-beta: R-FAQ v0.1-0
A much updated R FAQ is now available at the URL The plain text version is appended below. -k ***************************************************************************** * Kurt Hornik * * * Dept of Statistics TU Wien * tel: +43 (1) 58801-4542 * * Wiedner Hauptstr
1997 Apr 16
R-alpha: R-FAQ
Attached is an updated version of the FAQ, to be released right after 0.50 is out. Please have a look, and let me know where improvements are needed. Thanks, -k ******************************************* R FAQ Kurt Hornik v0.1-0, 1997/04/16 This document contains answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about R. Feedback is welcome.
1997 May 22
R-alpha: options(..) vs. .Options // Re(1i) = 2.4976e-307
The .Options vector had been introduced a while ago after my suggestion (see Ross's E-mail below). .Options$digits is used be default in several print methods (eg print.lm), however, deparse(.) e.g., uses options()$width, and not .Options$width. Another problem is that .Options is still not in the documentation (on-line help). Before one could add it there, we'd need ``the
2003 Mar 06
write.table row.names and col.names (PR#2610)
Full_Name: Wolfgang Huber Version: 1.6.2 OS: DEC OSF, Win, Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( When data.frames are written to a file using write.table and with row.names and col.names, then the colnames are displaced by 1 with respect to column content. Example: > x = data.frame( > obscht=c("chriesi", "bire"), >
2005 Dec 06
how to extract row& col names from a matrix
Dear all, I like to extract row names & column names from the named matrix...... like...... a<-matrix(1:6,2) ro<-c("aa","bb") co<-c("dd","ee","ff") dimnames(a)<-list(ro,co) a > dd ee ff aa 1 3 5 bb 2 4 6 from the above matrix "a" I like to extract rownames separately like
1997 Aug 25
R-alpha: R FAQ
Attached is a snapshot of the new version of the FAQ. What is still missing is something on eval and .Options versus options(). As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. Best, -k *********************************************************************** R FAQ Kurt Hornik v0.2-0, 1997/09/01 This document contains answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about R. Feedback
2008 May 07
Ross Ihaka's reflections on Common Lisp and R
I came across a quite interesting post from Ross Ihaka, thought would be good to share it and get the opinion of folks around here. I am not sure where to post this for the R community but since it has to do with development I thought or R-devel Ross Ihaka Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp From: Ross Ihaka <ih... at> Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 10:35:26 +1300 Local: Tues, Jan 22
2009 Jul 30
edit.row.names taking row names from the edited dataframe
Hi all, I am struggling to work out how to use the rownames from an edited dataframe rather than the row names from the original dataframe. In my data set i'm trying to extract several rows of data on particular individuals, i don't doubt i'm using the long way round but what i have in the way of a script is this: ##selecting the IDs from the dataframe individually
1998 Jan 20
as.numeric(<factor>) [Difference R/S]
>From R-core; this should interest most R-devel'ers (to some extent): Since 0.60, the semantics of as.numeric(<factor>) has changed, e.g. R> as.integer(factor(c("A","BB"))) [1] NA NA R> as.integer(factor(c(100,40,100))) [1] 100 40 100 whereas older R and S: S> as.integer(factor(c("A","BB"))) [1] 1 2 S>
2016 Apr 03
row.names(), rownames(), colnames(), names() ...?
Data frames are lists of columns. The names() function is appropriate for lists. It doesn't pay to fall into the trap of thinking that data frames are truly symmetric between columns and rows, because there is a performance penalty for accessing rows that is greater than the cost of accessing columns. With that in mind, thinking of data frames as lists is preferred, so names is preferred
1997 Apr 29
S Compatibility (Was: Re: R-beta: 'all.names' function -- failing as.list( _function_ ))
Peter Dalgaard writes: > Ross Ihaka <ihaka at> writes: > > Many of the incompatibilities result from us not being familiar with > > some of the inner mysteries of S - these are generally pretty easy to > > fix. Some incompatibilities however result from the fact that R > > started life as a kind of Lisp interpreter. These can be quite a bit
1998 Jan 06
$ R -norestore R : Copyright 1997, Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka Version 0.61.0 Alpha (December 21, 1997) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type "license()" for details. Type "demo()" for some demos, "help()" for on-line help, or "help.start()" for a HTML browser
2011 Feb 02
How column names/row names are preserved in matrix calculation?
Can somebody tell me that, if I do some arithmetic calculation over 2 matrices then how the column names and row names are preserved? It seems that, for multiplication, column names and row names of the 2nd matrix are preserved and for additional, there seems not having any explicit rule: > set.seed(1) > dat1 <- matrix(rnorm(25), 5); colnames(dat1) = rownames(dat1) =
1997 Dec 09
R-beta: R FAQ v0.60
An updated version of the R FAQ to accompany the new 0.60 release is now available at the usual site, A plain text version of the FAQ is appended below. -kh ****** snip snip snip ************************************************** R FAQ Kurt Hornik v0.60-6, 1997/12/08 This document contains answers to some of the most frequently asked
1997 Dec 09
R-beta: R FAQ v0.60
An updated version of the R FAQ to accompany the new 0.60 release is now available at the usual site, A plain text version of the FAQ is appended below. -kh ****** snip snip snip ************************************************** R FAQ Kurt Hornik v0.60-6, 1997/12/08 This document contains answers to some of the most frequently asked