Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "SVY: variance inflation factor VIF with complex survey"
2012 Jun 21
crosstable and regression for survey data (weighted)
I have survey data that I am working on. I need to make some multi-way tables
and regression analyses on the data. After attaching the data, this is the
code I use for tables for four variables (sweight is the weight variable):
> a <- xtabs(sweight~research.area + gender + a2n2 + age)
> tmp <- ftable(a)
Is this correct? I don't think I need to use the strata and cluster
2008 Aug 06
Warning when using survey:::svyglm
Referencing the below exchange:
I am still getting the same warning ("non-integer #successes in a
binomial glm!") when using svyglm:::survey. Using the API data:
#stratified sample
dstrat<-svydesign(id=~1,strata=~stype, weights=~pw, data=apistrat, fpc=~fpc)
2012 Oct 18
svyplot and svysmooth with hexbin
Hi all-
So sorry to bother you all with something pretty basic.
I am trying to add the lines method output from svysmooth to a svyplot with style="grayhex". However, the line either appears in the wrong place or if I am running in R Studio it causes the system to crash.
I know this is something to do with Lattice graphics, but for the life of me I can not figure out how. Dr. Lumley
2012 Feb 13
survey package svystat objects from predict()
I'm running R 2.14.1 on OS X (x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)), with version 3.28 of Thomas Lumley's survey package. I was using predict() from svyglm(). E.g.:
dstrat<-svydesign(id=~1,strata=~stype, weights=~pw, data=apistrat, fpc=~fpc)
out <- svyglm(sch.wide~ell+mobility, design=dstrat,
pred.df <-
2012 Jul 24
stepwise in svyglm???
I want to know how to perform stepwise elimination of variables to svyglm
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2012 Aug 15
sensitivity and specificity in svyglm??
As obtained from a table svyglm clasificaion, sensitivity and specificity. The funtion ConfusionMatrix () of the library (caret)
gives these results but not how to apply it to svyglm.
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2012 Jun 10
V-Cramer in svy
Hello forum,
I want to find in survey how to test V-cramer and coefficient Goodman-Kruskal gamma, to test the collinearity between varibles to enter a model.
For the V-Cramer function is used with the package vcd assocstats but without considering the survey package.
I appreciate the cooperation.
Att. Diana Martinez
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2014 Oct 15
Advice on package design for handling of dots in a formula
I am working on a new package, one in which the user needs to specify the
role that different variables play in the analysis. Where I'm stumped is the
best way to have users specify those roles.
Approach #1: Separate formula for each special component
First I thought to have users specify each formula separately, like:
2009 Oct 09
svy / weighted regression
Dear list,
I am trying to set up a propensity-weighted regression using the
survey package. Most of my population is sampled with a sampling
probability of one (that is, I have the full population). However, for
a subset of the data I have only a 50% sample of the full population.
In previous work on the data, I analyzed these data using SAS and
STATA. In those packages I used a propensity weight
2010 May 11
(svy)glm and weights question
Hi all,
I am running a set of logistic regressions, where we want to use some
weights, and I am not sure whether what I am doing is reasonable or
The dependent variable is turnout in an election - i.e. survey
respondents were asked whether or not they voted. The percentage of
those who say they voted is much higher than the actual turnout,
probably due both to non-response bias and social
2011 Jul 22
Recoding Multiple Variables in a Data Frame in One Step
Hi, I can't for the life of me find how to do this in base R, but I'd be
surprised if it's not possible.
I'm just trying to replace multiple columns at once in a data frame.
#load example data
#this displays the three columns and eight rows i'd like to replace
apiclus1[ apiclus1$meals > 98 , c( "pcttest" , "api00" , "sch.wide" ) ]
2010 Mar 10
Strange result in survey package: svyvar
Hi R users,
I'm using the survey package to calculate summary statistics for a large
health survey (the Demographic and Health Survey for Honduras, 2006), and
when I try to calculate the variances for several variables, I get negative
numbers. I thought it may be my data, so I ran the example on the help
## one-stage cluster sample
dclus1<-svydesign(id=~dnum, weights=~pw,
2011 Oct 24
Problem with svyvar in survey package
I am facing a problem with a function in survey package. The function svyvar
gives the estimated population variance from a given sampling scheme. I am
working with a data having more than four continuous variables. In order to
have have population total for all those cont. variables I have written in
the following format
svyvar(~var1+var2+var3+var4+var5+var6,data) ; var1,var2,...,var6 are 6
2010 Feb 18
survey package question
Should the svyby function be able to work with svyquantile? I get the
error below ...
dclus1<-svydesign(id=~dnum, weights=~pw, data=apiclus1, fpc=~fpc)
by = ~stype,
> Error in object$coefficients : $ operator is invalid for atomic
2018 Mar 22
exporting data to stata
On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 4:52 AM, Raja, Dr. Edwin Amalraj
<amalraj.raja at abdn.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi ,
> library(foreign)
> write.dta(data1, "data1.dta")
> should work.
I don't think so:
> library(foreign)
> example(svydesign)
> write.dta(dstrat, "~/Downloads/foo.dta")
Error in write.dta(dstrat, "~/Downloads/foo.dta") :
2015 Apr 16
Weighted Likelihood
¡Muchas gracias Olivier!
Un saludo.
El 16 de abril de 2015, 10:44, Olivier Nuñez <onunez en unex.es> escribió:
> Mira el paquete survey.
> Un saludo. Olivier
> ----- Mensaje original -----
> De: "Víctor Nalda Castellet" <victor.nalda.castellet en gmail.com>
> Para: "r-help-es" <r-help-es en r-project.org>
> Enviados: Miércoles, 15 de
2012 Aug 02
summary(svyglm) Pr (> | t |) ?
I want to know if the summary of the logistic model with survey
Pr (> | t |) to test if the coefficient of the model is significant,
ie is the p_valor wald test for the model coefficients,
for I am interested to know if the three levels of the variable educational level are significant to the model (significance of handling 0.2),
I present below the results of my model
2011 Mar 07
Risk differences with survey package
I'm trying to use the survey package to calculate a risk difference with
confidence interval for binge drinking between sexes. Variables are
X_RFBING2 (Yes, No) and SEX. Both are factors. I can get the group
prevalences easily enough with
result <- svyby(~X_RFBING2, ~SEX, la04.svy, svymean, na.rm = TRUE)
and then extract components from the svyby object with SE() and coef() to
do the
2012 Oct 16
Package survey: Compute standard deviations from complex survey designs
svyvar from the survey package computes variances (with standard errors)
from survey design objects. Is there any way to compute standard
deviations and their standard errors in a similar manner?
Thanks a lot,
2009 Mar 06
Variance inflation factors (VIF)
I have the following script, how can I implement to achieve that calculate
the VIF.
mod<-nls(R~a*(U1.7km^b)*(Hm^c), start=list(a=2.031, b=0.800, c=-0.255),
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