similar to: importing multiple file form folder

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1200 matches similar to: "importing multiple file form folder"

2009 Dec 22
Problem with expand.grid
Hi All, This example code ---------------- dDF <- structure(list(y = c(4.75587, 4.8451, 5.04139, 4.85733, 5.20412, 5.92428, 5.69897, 4.78958, 4, 4), t = c(0, 48, 144, 192, 240, 312, 360, 0, 48, 144), Batch = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ), T = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2), pH = c(4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6), S = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), N = c(0, 0, 0, 0,
2012 Jul 02
ggplot: dodge positions
Dear all, I want to get a series of boxplots (grouped by two factors) and I want to overlay the original observations and the following code does almost what I want: library(ggplot) ddf <- data.frame(x=factor(rep(LETTERS[1:4], each=30)), y = runif(120,0,10), grp = factor(rep(rep(1:3, 10), 4))) ggplot(ddf, aes(x, y, colour=grp)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_point() Yet the position of the points
2010 Jul 20
apply: return list of matrices
Hi everybody, Suppose we have the following data structure: ddf <-data.frame(a=rep(1:4,3), b=rep(paste("p", 1:3, sep=""), each=4), c=c(1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1)) I want now to make a contingency table for each pair of values of p, i.e. a contingency table for each of the pairs (p1,p2), (p1,p3) and (p2,p3). The result should be given as a list of matrices: # [[1]]
2012 Jul 03
ggplot2: legend
Dear all, I produced the following graph with ggplot which is almost fine, yet I don't like that the legend for "Means" and "Observations" includes a line, though no line is used in the plot for those two (the line for "Overall Mean" on the other hand is wanted): library(ggplot2) ddf <- data.frame(x = factor(rep(LETTERS[1:2], 5)), y = rnorm(10)) p <-
2009 Jun 02
What do you think about my function?
Hello, I want to know what do you think about my function. I know that it isn't briliant :/ but what do you think? What I should do that my function will be better? (now is very slow and not ideal, sometimes I also get a mistake!) ########## My function ############################################# dzieci<-transform(dzieci, zywnosc=0) zywnoscCalosc<- function( jedzenie, sklep, n1, n2,
2005 Apr 28
Reconstruction of a "valid" expression within a function
Hello all, I have some trouble in reconstructing a valid expression within a function, here is my question. I am building a function : SUB<-function(DF,subset=TRUE) { #where DF is a data frame, with Var1, Var2, Fact1, Fact2, Fact3 #and subset would be an expression, eg. Fact3 == 1 #in a first time I want to build a subset from DF #I managed to, with an expression like eg. DF$Fact3, # but I
2020 Jan 28
mrds function integratepdf cannot be found
Hi, Trying to use the function integratepdf of the mrds package, I get this message: |Error in integratepdf(fox.ds$ddf$ds$aux$ddfobj, select = rep(TRUE, nrow(fox.ds$ddf$ds$aux$ddfobj$xmat)), : could not find function "integratepdf" | Has anyone already had this issue ? Maybe the function is not exported in the namespace? Best, Patrick > library(mrds) This is mrds 2.2.0
2011 May 21
DocumentTermMatrix error
Hi all, I have tried to create a DocumentTermMatrix with a tm package, but i get this error : Error in tolower(txt) : invalid input 'PROD Z LAHKO GNETNO MELJNO GLINO, ... in 'utf8towcs' I tried doing this as it is showed in : (An Introduction to Text Mining), with this R code :
2009 Dec 29
subsetting by groups, with conditions
I have a data set similar to this: P1id Veg1 Veg2 AreaPoly2 P2ID 1 p p 1 1 1 p p 1.5 2 2 p p 2 3 2 p h 3.5 4 For each group of "Poly1id" records, I wish to output (subset) the record which has largest "AreaPoly2" value, but only if
2011 Nov 10
plotting a function with given formula in ggplot2
Hi All, I have a scatter plot produced using ggplot2 and I want to add the regression line to this scatter plot. I suppose I can use geom_smooth() to do this, but for the sake of learning ( I am new both to R and ggplot2), I want to try and add it as a function (something that curve() does in the standard R plotting). I did some search and found that stat_function() can be used for this. But
2003 Mar 26
Transfer files bigger than 1383275520 bytes - Rsync compiled in cygwin
Hello, I can't transfer big files. In the output below, you can see that rsync only transfer 1383275520 of a 5448046592 bytes file: F:\shells>rsync -e ssh -avz ./backup's password: building file list ... done wrote 114 bytes read 20 bytes 3.01 bytes/sec total size is 1383275520 speedup is 10322951.64 I've tried with other big files and
2011 Feb 10
Help using "tm" text mining package - preprocessing
Thanks all for your help. I fear text mining is an abstract little corner of "R". I have imported 3228 text (.txt) files, each a news story, into R using [tm]: textd <- Corpus(DirSource("other/docs"), readerControl = list(reader =readPlain)) I can pre-process each individual document using tolower(textd[[1]]) however, when I try to run tmTolower() I get a no such command
2011 May 26
text mining
Hi, how can I import a document whose type is. "txt" using the package tm? it is the command to know that my document is not placed in the library package tm. thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2011 Jun 07
R results explanation
Hi all, this might be a stupid question, but still. Everytime i find some new function it's prettty easy to understand how to use the syntax and to perform a text. Even the general idea of what the function does is pretty easy to understand, but i can not find an explanation (detailed explanation) of the R output for each function. For example, a function fitdistr() in MASS package i
2003 Mar 14
boxplots with multiple numerical variables
Hi all, I have a question regarding the boxplot function. The data I am working on has 1 grouping variable (G) and it has many numerical variables (V1, V2, V3, V4, Vx, etc). What I would like to do is create a boxplot where the Y-axis represents the numerical values of variable V1...Vx (all the variables have the same range). The X-axis needs to represent the G-V combination. So suppose the
2009 May 31
Error:non-numeric argument in my function
Hello! I have a function: zywnoscCalosc<- function( jedzenie, n1, n2, n3, n4, d1, d2, d3, d4 ) { ndf <- data.frame(nn1=n1,nn2=n2,nn3=n3,nn4=n4) ddf <- data.frame(dd1=d1,dd2=d2,dd3=d3,dd4=d4) for (i in 1:length(n1)){ wekt_n = ndf[i,] wekt_n_ok = wekt_n[!] dl_n = length(wekt_n_ok) wynik = (1*wekt_n_ok)/(1*dl_n) } } and I get an error like this: Error in 1 * wekt_n_ok :
2006 May 15
anova statistics in lmer
Dear list members, I am new to R and to the R-help list. I am trying to perform a mixed-model analysis using the lmer() function. I have a problem with the output anova table when using the anova() function on the lmer output object: I only get the numerator d.f., the sum of squares and the mean squares, but not the denominator d.f., F statistics and P values. Below is a sample output, following
2006 Apr 20
Missing p-values using lmer()
Hello, I’m trying to perform a REML analysis using the lmer() function (lme4 package). Well, it seems to work well, except that I’m not getting any p-value (see example below). Can someone tell me what I did wrong? Thanks for your help, Amélie > library(gdata) > dive <- read.xls("C:/Documents and Settings/Amelie/My Documents/Postdoc/CE 2005-2006/divebydive.xls",
2004 Jan 22
Using varables in MeetMe?
Hi, Im trying to enable users to enter a conference number and then do a calculation on this and then send them to the conference. Lokk at this example: exten => s,1,Read(room) exten => s,2,SetVar,"${room}=[${room} + 2000]"; exten => s,3,Meetme($room|pqsd) What happens is that the conference gets setup and everything, but the conference number is "$room". Not really
2018 Dec 21
upg. CentOS 7.5 to 7.6: unable to mount smb shares - samba NT domain member using ldap
--On Friday, December 21, 2018 1:37 PM +0100 Miroslav Geisselreiter <mg at> wrote: > I am sorry logs are bad formatted I am trying again and hope it will be > better. Otherwise lokk at link bellow or tell me how to send logs > correctly. Copy them to a pastebin and post the link to the pastebin. Pastebin is ideal for log files, source code, and other text data