Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Rcurl, postForm()"
2010 Nov 04
postForm() in RCurl and library RHTMLForms
Hi RUsers,
Suppose I want to see the data on the website
url <- "http://www.nseindia.com/content/indices/ind_histvalues.htm"
for the index "S&P CNX NIFTY" for
dates "FromDate"="01-11-2010","ToDate"="02-11-2010"
then read the html table from the page using readHTMLtable()
I am using this code
webpage <-
2012 Oct 17
postForm() in RCurl and library RHTMLForms
Hi R Users,
I want to get the data from the url given from 10/09/2012 to 15/10/2012.
I don't know how to pass the parameters .
> ff = getHTMLFormDescription("
2012 Apr 16
grep and XML
Hi all:
I struggle a lot scraping web data. I still haven't got a handle on the XML package.
I'd like to get particular exchange rates from this table:
This is the code that I'm working with:
2012 Dec 02
postForm() in RCurl and library RHTMLForms
Hi RUsers,
Suppose I want to see the data on the website
url <- "http://www.nseindia.com/content/indices/ind_histvalues.htm"
for the index "S&P CNX NIFTY" for
dates "FromDate"="01-11-2010","ToDate"="02-11-2010"
then read the html table from the page using readHTMLtable()
I am using this code
webpage <-
2012 May 11
Using xpathapply or getnodeset to get text between two distinct tags
The following code extracts the links to the daily transcripts of Canada's House Of Commons. 'links' is a matrix of URLs (ncol=1), each of which points to one day's transcripts.
If you inspect the code for scrape(links[1]), you will find that periodically there appears an italicitze tag after a paragraph tag (<p some text ><i>Translation</i></p>.
2011 May 30
Need help reading website info with XML package and XPath
Hi, I'm looking for help extracting some information of the zillow website.
I'd like to do this for the general case where I manually change the address
by modifying the url (see code below). With the url containing the address,
I'd like to be able to extract the same information each time. The specific
information I'd like to be able to extract includes the homedetails url,
2012 Jun 07
How to set cookies in RCurl
I am trying to access a website and read its content. The website is a
restricted access website that I access through a proxy server (which
therefore requires me to enable cookies). I have problems in allowing Rcurl
to receive and send cookies.
The following lines give me:
url <- "http://www.theurl.com"
content <- readHTMLTable(url)
2011 Jul 05
Stuck ...can't get sapply and xmlTreeParse working
Can't seem to get the code below working. It gets stuck on line 24 inside the
function hm; comments show the line in question. The function hm is called
by sapply and is at the bottom of the code. Other stuff above line 24 works
correctly including the first couple of lines of the function hm. Should I
be using a different apply function or am I doing something wrong with
xmlTreeParse ?
2010 Aug 30
getNodeSet - what am I doing wrong?
Why is the following retuning a nodset of length 0:
> library(XML)
> test <- xmlTreeParse(
> "http://www.unimod.org/xml/unimod_tables.xml",useInternalNodes=TRUE)
> getNodeSet(test,"//modifications_row")
Thanks for any hint.
2008 Dec 09
RCurl::postForm() -- how does one determine what the names are of each form element in an online html form?
Dear R-Help,
I am looking into using the Open Calais web service (http://
sws.clearforest.com/calaisViewer/) for text mining purposes. I would
like to use R to post text into one of the forms on their website.
In package RCurl, there is a function called postForm(). This sounds
like it would do the job. Unfortunately the URL used in the example is
no longer valid (i have emailed the maintainer
2012 Jan 04
RCurl : Problem with submitting using postForm()
I am having trouble submitting a form using the RCurl package. My code runs
without errors but doesn't return the table I am after. I have a feeling it
is because there are 2 submit buttons on the page and I'm not hitting the
right one. I have tried everything I can think of to submit the form
correctly but with no luck.
My current code is as follows.
2011 Apr 29
RCurl and postForm()
Hi everybody,
I think that I am missing something fundamental in how strings are passed from a postForm() call in R to the curl or libcurl functions underneath. For example, I can do the following using curl from the command line:
$ curl -d "Archbishop Huxley" "http://www.datasciencetoolkit.org/text2people"
2011 Apr 06
Treatment of xml-stylesheet processing instructions in XML module
Hello again,
Another stumble here that is defeating me.
I try:
t<-XML::xmlTreeParse(a, ignoreBlanks=TRUE, replaceEntities=FALSE,
elem<- XML::getNodeSet(XML::xmlRoot(t),"/rss/channel/item")[[1]]
And I get:
Start tag expected, '<' not found
Error: 1: Start tag expected, '<' not
2012 Sep 19
scraping with session cookies
Hi, I am starting coding in r and one of the things that i want to do is to
scrape some data from the web.
The problem that I am having is that I cannot get passed the disclaimer
page (which produces a session cookie). I have been able to collect some
ideas and combine them in the code below but I dont get passed the
disclaimer page.
I am trying to agree the disclaimer with the postForm and write
2009 Sep 17
RCurl and Google Scholar's EndNote references
I've performed a Google Scholar Search using a query, let's say "Frank
Harrell", and parsed the links to the EndNote references from the resulting
HTML code. Now I'd like to download all the references automatically. For
this, I have tried to use RCurl, but I can't seem to get it working: I
always get error code "403 Forbidden" from the web server.
2003 Aug 11
Slow Windows XP shared browsing.
I've got this problem on xp machines where when you are trying to browse a
shared drive it takes a realy long time to view it but once you have
connected your off and running. Is there a way I can get this to speed up.
People are complaining that there system is freezing when the try and browse
the shared folder. They just don't give it enough time to get connected.
Anyone got an answer
2010 Oct 10
Create single vector after looping through multiple data frames with GREP
Hello all,
I changed the subject line of the e-mail, because the question I''m posing now is different than the first one. I hope that this is proper etiquette. However, the original chain is included below.
I've incorporated bits of both Ethan and Brian's code into the script below, but there's one aspect I can't get my head around. I'm totally new to programming
2012 Nov 09
using lapply with recode
Forgive me, this is surely a simple question but I can't figure it out, having consulted the help archives and "Data Manipulation With R" (Spector).
I have a list of 11 data frames with one common variable in each (prov). I'd like to use lapply to go through and recode one particular level of that common variable.
I can get the recode to work, but it only returns the
2010 Oct 19
separate elements of a character vector
Dear colleagues, this seems like an easy problem, and I found some suggestions which I've incorporated in the help list, but I can't quite get it right.
I want to add a series of years to a second x-axis category label. I generate them with test and test_2 below, format them with some spacing (which is the suggestion I took from the R-list) and concatenate them and then write them with
2011 Jul 28
cycling from x11 window in RCommander to graphics device window: Mac Os 10.6.8
Dear Colleagues,
I have recently installed R Commander on my Mac OS 10.6.8. I'd like to use it for an undergraduate class this year.
Everything appears to be working fine, except for one thing. I cannot use Command-tab to cycle from the X11 window in which RCommander is running to any other window open in my workspace. This is particularly important because I cannot cycle to the graphics