Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "a simple mixed model"
2012 Sep 07
metafor package: study level variation
Hello. A quick question about incorporating variation due to study in the metafor package. I'm working with a particular data set for meta-analysis where some studies have multiple measurements. Others do not. So, let's say the effect I'm looking at is response to two different kinds of drug treatment - let's call their effect sizes T1 and T2. Some studies have multiple
2006 Oct 05
glm with nesting
I just had a manuscript returned with the biggest problem being the
analysis. Instead of using principal components in a regression I've
been asked to analyze a few variables separately. So that's what I'm
I pulled a feather from young birds and we quantified certain aspects of
the color of those feathers. Since I often have more than one sample
from a nest, I thought I
2008 Sep 10
Mixed effects model with binomial errors - problem
We released individual birds into a room with 2 trees. We counted the number
of visits to each of the 2 tree. One of the trees is always a control tree
and the other tree is either treatment 1, treatment 2 or treatment3 or
treatment 4.
Ind Treat ContrTree ExpTree Total visits
1 1 11 16 27
1 2 6 9 15
1 3 5 13 18
1 4 11 25 36
2 1 2 3 5
4 1 6 7 13
4 3 4 4 8
4 4 2 5 7
6 1 1 1 2
6 4 5 16 21
2009 Aug 13
metafor random effects meta-analysis
Great to see the new metafor package for meta-analysis.
I would like to perform a meta-analysis in which I initially calculate the intercept of the model with a nested random-effects structure. In lme, this would be
model<- lme(v3~1, random=~1|species/study, weights = varFixed(~Wt), method = "REML")
where multiple effects sizes are measured for some studies and more than
2007 Dec 28
logistic mixed effects models with lmer
I have a question about some strange results I get when using lmer to
build a logistic mixed effects model. I have a data set of about 30k
points, and I'm trying to do backwards selection to reduce the number
of fixed effects in my model. I've got 3 crossed random effects and
about 20 or so fixed effects. At a certain point, I get a model (m17)
where the fixed effects are like this
2011 Apr 18
covariance matrix: a erro and simple mixed model question, but id not know answer sorry
Dear list
I need your help: Execuse me for my limited R knowledge.
#example data set
set.seed (134)
block = c(rep(lm,6))
gen <- c(rep(1, 4), rep(2, 4), rep(3, 4), rep(4, 4),rep(5, 4),rep(6, 4))
X1 = c( rnorm (4, 10, 4), rnorm (4, 12, 6), rnorm (4, 10, 7),rnorm (4, 5, 2),
rnorm (4, 8, 4), rnorm (4,7, 2))
X2 = X1 + rnorm(length(X1), 0,3)
yvar <- c(X1, X2)
X <- c(rep( 1,
2011 Aug 18
Using mixed models to analyze Longitudinal intervention
Dear R List,
I am trying to use mixed models to analyze an intervention and want to make
sure I am doing it correctly. The intervention is for lowing cholesterol
and there are two groups: one with an intervention and one without. The
subjects were evaluated a differing amount of time, so there were between 2
and 7 visits, equally spaced.
Sample output is below. TC is total cholesterol,
2017 Jun 19
mixed models lmer function help!!
Hi,I have tumor growth curve data for a bunch of different mice in various groups. I want to compare the growth curves of the different groups to see if timing of drug delivery changed tumor growth.I am trying to run a mixed models with repeated measures over time with each mouse as a random effect with linear and quadratic terms for time.This took me a long time to figure out and I just wanted to
2005 Mar 28
mixed model question
I am trying to fit a linear mixed model of the form
y_ij = X_ij \beta + delta_i + e_ij
where e_ij ~N(0,s^2_ij) with s_ij known
and delta_i~N(0,tau^2)
I looked at the ecme routine in package:pan, but this routine
does not allow for different Vi (variance covariance matrix of
the e_i vector) matrices for each cluster.
Is there an easy way to fit this model in R or should I bite the
bullet and
2005 Nov 16
nlme question
I am using the package nlme to fit a simple random effects (variance
components model)
with 3 parameters: overall mean (fixed effect), between subject
variance (random) and
within subject variance (random).
I have 16 subjects with 1-4 obs per subject.
I need a 3x3 variance-covariance matrix that includes all 3 parameters
in order to
compute the variance of a specific linear
2011 Sep 02
Hessian Matrix Issue
Dear All,
I am running a simulation to obtain coverage probability of Wald type
confidence intervals for my parameter d in a function of two parameters
I am optimizing it using "optim" method "L-BFGS-B" to obtain MLE. As, I
want to invert the Hessian matrix to get Standard errors of the two
parameter estimates. However, my Hessian matrix at times becomes
2006 May 08
Repeatability and lme
Dear R-help list members
I gathered longitudinal data on fish behaviour which I try to analyse using
a multi level model for change. Mostly, I am following Singer & Willett
(2003), who provide also the S/R code for their examples in the book (e.g.
http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/Splus/examples/alda/ch4.htm). Of course I am
interested in change over time, but I am also very much interested in
2008 May 29
In fact this is a Stats question, but...
Dear All,
I'me having (much) trouble understanding why it happened and answering
a referee's comment to part of a submitted manuscript. I've tried to
google for help but... I'm really confident that although this is a
R-Help list someone can help me!
I used R to do an ANCOVA w/ RNA/DNA as the dep var, sl as the indep
var and gut (a factor w/ levels: prey and empty) as the
2012 Jul 23
drop1, 2-way Unbalanced ANOVA
Hi all,
I've spent quite a lot of time searching through the help lists and reading
about how best to run perform a 2-way ANOVA with unbalanced data. I realize
this has been covered a great deal so I was trying to avoid adding yet
another entry to the long list considering the use of different SS, etc.
Unfortunately, I have come to the point where I feel I have to wade in and
see if someone
2008 Feb 24
mixed model nested ANOVA (part two)
First of all thank you for the responses. I appreciate the
suggestions i have received thus far.
Just to reiterate
I am trying to analyze a data set that has been collected from a
hierarchical sampling design. The model should be a mixed model
nested ANOVA. The purpose of my study is to analyze the variability
at each spatial scale in my design (random factors, variance
components), and say
2008 Feb 05
Extracting level-1 variance from lmer()
How does one extract the level-1 variance from a model fit via lmer()?
In the code below the level-2 variance component may be obtained via
subscripting, but what about the level-1 variance, viz., the 3.215072 term?
(actually this term squared) Didn't see anything in the archives on this.
> fm <- lmer( dv ~ time.num*drug + (1 | Patient.new), data=dat.new )
2009 May 06
Duplicating meta-regression results from PROC MIXED with lmer
In 2002, Hans Van Houwelingen et al. published a tutorial on how to do
meta-regression in Statistics in Medicine. They used the classic BCG
dataset of Colditz to demonstrate correct methodology and computed the
results using PROC MIXED in SAS. In trying to duplicate the results
presented in this paper, I have discovered that I can reproduce
certain items with lmer but not
2008 Feb 22
Mixed model Nested ANOVA
hello R help
I am trying to analyze a data set that has been collected from a
hierarchical sampling design. The model should be a mixed model nested
ANOVA. The purpose of my study is to analyze the variability at each
spatial scale in my design (random factors, variance components), and say
something about the variability between regions (fixed factor, contrast of
means). The data is as
2010 May 02
Calculation error
Dear Rxperts,
Running the following code:
twlo=10; twhi=20; wt=154; vd=0.5; cl=0.046; tau=6; t=3; F=1;
wtkg <- wt/2.2 # convert lbs to kg
vd.pt <- wtkg * vd # compute weight-based vd (L)
cl.pt <- wtkg * cl # compute CL (L/hr)
k <- cl.pt/vd.pt # compute k (hr^-1)
cave <-
2011 Jun 08
using stimulate(model) for parametric bootstrapping in lmer repeatabilities
Hi all,
I am currently doing a consistency analysis using an lmer model and
trying to use parametric bootstrapping for the confidence intervals.
My model is like this:
where E is the individual level for consistency analysis, A-D are
other fixed and random effects that I have to control for.
Following Nakagawa and Scheilzeth I can work out the