Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "scatterplot x axis specifications"
2012 Jun 11
Kruskal Wallis Post hoc
Hi, I have searched and found a response to a question similar to mine but
when I tried the code, R says it's not an actual function so I thought I'd
ask here.
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n4633035/Cookies.csv Cookies.csv
I have attached the data I am using. I am trying to look at two things: how
moisture content changes over time, and how it changes along the length of a
2011 Jun 22
Time-series analysis with treatment effects - statistical approach
Hello all R listers,
I'm struggling to select an appropriate statistical method for my data set.
I have collected soil moisture measurements every hour for 2 years. There
are 75 sensors taking these automated measurements, spread evenly across 4
treatments and a control. I'm not interested in being able to predict soil
future soil moisture trends, but rather in knowing whether the
2009 Aug 12
Superscripts in axis label
Hi All,
I am trying to lable the y-axis on my scatterplot with the following:
"Soil moisture content (m3m-3)"
I am using the following coding for plotting the graph:
plot(soilmoisture~gradientlevel, xlab="Levels of droughting gradient", ylab="Soil moisture content (m3m-3)", bty="l", font.main="2", pch=16, las=1, cex.lab="1.13")
I have
2013 Jan 06
nested, unbalanced anova
For an experiment, I selected plots of land within a forest either with
honeysuckle or without honeysuckle. Thus, my main factor is fixed, with 2
levels: "honeysuckle present"(n=11) and "honeysuckle absent"(n=8).
Within each plot of land, I have a "trenched" subplot and an "untrenched"
Within each subplot of every plot, I measured soil
2012 May 22
Graph to visualize paired t test
I have run the statistics and found no significance in my pairwise t test.
I want to create a graph similar to the one I included showing similar
slopes/lines for my data points. For my data a correlation graph is not
appropriate and looks very confusing. Is the easiest way to create several
lines between points I enter manually or is
2010 Jun 29
mixed-effects model with two fixed effects: interaction
Dear all,
In a greenhouse experiment we tested performance of 4 different species (B,H,P,R) under 3 different water levels in 10 replications. As response variable e.g. the number of emerging sprouts were measured on three dates. A simple Anova considering every measurement date separately shows a higly significant effect of species and moisture (and partly the interaction of both). The
2012 Oct 09
car::linearHypothesis Sum of Sqaures Error?
I am working with a RCB 2x2x3 ANCOVA, and I have noticed a difference in the calculation of sum of squares in a Type III calculation.
Anova output is a follows:
> Anova(aov(MSOIL~Forest+Burn*Thin*Moisture+ROCK,data=env3l),type=3)
Anova Table (Type III tests)
Response: MSOIL
Sum Sq Df F value Pr(>F)
(Intercept) 22.3682 1 53.2141 3.499e-07 ***
2005 Sep 26
nls and na/Nan/Inf error
I am trying to it a particular nonlinear model common in Soil Science to
moisture release data from soil. I have written the function as shown
below according to the logist example in Ch8 of Pinheiro & Bates. I am
getting the following error (R version 2.1.1)
*Error in qr(attr(rhs, "gradient")) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function
call (arg 1)*
Below is the function and data.
2000 Feb 10
random effects in analysis of variance
I have a data.frame paint (below-mentioned). In SPlus I used the command
(you could do raov( MOISTURE ~ BATCH + PROBE%in%BATCH) as well)
so that the factors are taken as random. In R this function raov doesn't
exist. How can I calculate the same? Maybe with lme, but how?
`data.frame': 60 obs. of 5 variables:
$ BATCH : Factor
2009 Jul 25
r2 question
Hi everyone,
I have a question about calculating r-squared in R. I have tried searching the archives and couldn't find what I was looking for - but apologies if there is somewhere I can find this...
I carried out a droughting experiment to test plant competition under limited water. I had:
- 7 different levels of watering treatment (1 -7 - from most watered to least watered/)
- 15
2005 Feb 24
a simple question
Dear All,
I need to separate one column which is in a format like, "can_region",
into two columns like, "can", and "region". Do we have a function in R
to do this? Thanks.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Mar 13
Help needed: Split-split plot analysis
I am very new to R but would like to use the software to analyse the
attached data. The experiment followed a split-split plot design
There were two blocks and the whole plot is CO2 with two levels. The
sub-plot is soil temperature with three levels and the sub-sub plot is soil
moisture content with three levels (low, intermediate and high-similar for
soil temperature). I had 7 plants per
2012 Jan 11
Vegan(ordistep) error: Error in if (aod[1, 5] <= Pin) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
I am getting the following erro rmessage in ordistep. I have a number of
similarly structured datasets using ordistep in a loop, and the message
only occurs for some of the datasets.
I cannot include a reproducible sample - the specific datasets where this
is occur ing are fairly large and there are several pcnm's in the rhs of
the formula.
thanks for any pointers that may allow me to
2010 Jul 01
Calculate area under a curve
I want to know the area under a curve, which is not given as a function, but
as values in a time series. It is not a smooth curve, but switches often
between positive values and zero (the values describe the moisture in the
soil over a year, one entry is one day). I already tried
area.between.curves, but got only 0 as result. I guess, it doesn't work
because of these multiple changes
2004 Apr 26
Looking for help in calculating percentiles
Hi All:
I am working with a dataset on Arsenic toxicity, and I am trying to
calculate the 20th, 40th, 60th, 80th, and highest percentiles for a
variable, dietary Moisture (variable name dMoist).
The inbuilt function quantile(dMoist) would print 0, 25th, 50th, 75th, and
100th percentile. Does there exist a function that can calculate xth
percentile (where x = 10th, 20th, ... etc) values?
2012 Apr 14
master thesis
For my master thesis I have 24 micro-plots on which I did measurements during 3 months.
The measurements were:
- Rainfall and runoff events throughout 3monts (runoff being dependant on the rainfall, a coefficient (%) has been made per rainfall event and per 3 months)
- Soil texture (3 different textures were differentiated)
- Slope (3 classes of slopes)
- Stoniness (one time measurement)
2010 Jul 10
Simple solution for small network in a school ?
I have to install a small network in a school in a nearby village. The
network will be Linux-only, one server and fifteen desktops. Here's the
1) Authentication should be managed centrally on the server.
2) User home directories should also be on the server.
3) Users should all have disk quotas, something like 1 GB per user.
4) Some shared directories should be read/write for
2014 Jun 30
How to combine/join/merge etc PCA and Cluster?
Hello everybody,
I Would like to get some help to plot together, Principal Components
Analysis (PCA) and clusters.
I am handling environmental data from 25 locations spread across 5
different ecosystems.When grouped into 5 clusters, locations from different
ecosystems are arranged in the same group.
So, I want to plot together PCA and Clusters, in a such way that locations
belonging to the same
2010 Apr 25
categorical variable in scatterplot (car)
Hello R folks,
I am encountering a problem with the following scatterplot function from the
car package:
> scatterplot(y~x|z)
where y and x are continuous (interval) random variables and z is a
categorical variable. When z is a categorical variable coded 1 or 2, I
(appropriately) get a scatterplot of y by x, coded by z. Similarly, when z
is a categorical variable coded 1, 2, or 3, there is
2007 Jan 21
Scatterplot help
Hi my friends,
I'm trying to make a scatterplot like this.
1) I have a 3-variable dataset. They are ID, x, and y.
2) "x" is for the X-axis, "y" for the Y-axis, and "ID" is used to label all
the cases in the scatterplot.
3) After creating the scatterplot, I need to add both a X-axis reference
line and a Y-axis reference line. The X-axis reference line is a