similar to: Quantmod, Xts, TTR and Postgresql

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Quantmod, Xts, TTR and Postgresql"

2012 Nov 27
Books for fully understanding internal logics on some packages(quantmod, xts, zoo and chron)
Hello, I'm very interested in using financial time series data, but I'm a beginner of R programming. I'd like to fully understand internal logics on several time-series related packages such as quantmod, xts, zoo, chron, etc. So, I read some books, 'R Cookbook' and 'Art of R Programming' and another simple tutorials. But I still can't understand grammars of the
2010 May 17
Isn't aggreate.zoo supposed to work with POSIXct (zoo/TTR/xts issue)?
library(xts) library(TTR) ndx = getYahooData("^NDX") aa = ndx$Close bb = aggregate(aa, as.yearweek, tail, 1) The last operation takes forever, and then the bb dates are messed up. The following produces the desired result: time(aa) = as.Date(time(aa)) bb = aggregate(aa, as.yearweek, tail, 1) The index of ndx and aa is of POSIXct (as reported by is(time(ndx))) , which apparently
2010 Sep 10
[xts, quantmod] segfault probelm when I work with memcpy function
Hi, I work with SEXP C code and with xts and quantmod packages. I try to touch how xts internal works. So we have R session and: > ls() character(0) > getSymbols('AAPL') # quantmod package [1] "AAPL" > ls() [1] "AAPL" > str(AAPL) An ?xts? object from 2007-01-03 to 2010-09-09 containing: Data: num [1:929, 1:6] 86.3 84 85.8 86 86.5 ... - attr(*,
2009 Dec 19
as.xts convert all my numeric data to character
Hello, all... I've been playing with the TTR package and quantmod, and I'm loading the Chicago Board of Exchange put/call ratio data via a simple read.csv call... CBOEtotal<-read.csv(file=" ",skip=1) this gives me a data frame with columns.... > names(CBOEtotal) [1] "Trade_date"
2019 Jun 18
Inquiry about use case
Dear Customer Service, My name is Tamamura and I am in charge of Audio-Technica. I want to be able to play FLAC using the API that BT IC has. I use BT IC that other companies have released. In this case, Do I need to get permission from you? Best regards Minoru tamamura ==================================================== 〒915-0003 福井県越前市戸谷町87-1 (株)オーディオテクニカフクイ 技術部    第3技術課 玉村 実 TEL:0778-25-6700
2016 Apr 08
Is this a bug in quantmod::OpCl?
On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 10:51 AM, James Hirschorn <james.hirschorn at> wrote: > > > On 04/06/2016 07:58 PM, Joshua Ulrich wrote: >> >> On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 9:17 PM, James Hirschorn >> <james.hirschorn at> wrote: >>> >>> OpCl works on xts objects but not on quantmod.OHLC objects. Is this a >>> bug?
2016 Apr 08
Is this a bug in quantmod::OpCl?
On 04/06/2016 07:58 PM, Joshua Ulrich wrote: > On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 9:17 PM, James Hirschorn > <james.hirschorn at> wrote: >> OpCl works on xts objects but not on quantmod.OHLC objects. Is this a bug? >> > Thanks for the minimal, reproducible example. > > Looks like a bug. There's no as.quantmod.OHLC.xts method, so the zoo > method is
2015 Nov 04
Hello, I apologize that I am cross posting here after getting no answer from my initial question on stack overflow <>. I should certainly have posted it first here.. I am using 3 packages: - xts - quantmod - 'myPackage' quantmod is creating a union class by doing: setOldClass("xts");
2016 Apr 06
Is this a bug in quantmod::OpCl?
OpCl works on xts objects but not on quantmod.OHLC objects. Is this a bug? Example error: x.Date <- as.Date("2003-02-01") + c(1, 3, 7, 9, 14) - 1 set.seed(1) x <- zoo(matrix(runif(20, 0, 1), nrow=5, ncol=4), x.Date) q <- as.quantmod.OHLC(x,c("Open","High","Low","Close")) # error OpCl(q) #> Error in `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value =
2011 Dec 22
Trying to use chartSeries in quantmod
> colnames = c("date","price") > data = read.csv(file="data.csv", sep=",", header=F, nrows=261, skip=5, col.names=colnames) > library(quantmod) > data date price 1 2011-12-18 13.7825 2 2011-12-11 13.5500 ... ... ... 259 2007-01-07 10.8256 260 2006-12-31 10.8531 261 2006-12-24 10.8169 # Here's where I would like to use
2012 Mar 16
Basic Quantmod help needed
Hi, I'm new to R and Quantmod. I'm trying to make use of Quantmod's features however I'm failing at the first hurdle and I'm finding most R documentation a little cryptic. I have some minutely data for the same day for a stock in an existing timeSeries (ts) object. For example: Date time price volume 2012-03-12 08:01 45.01 10000 2012-03-12 08:02
2011 Oct 20
quantmod package
i am new to the quantmod package . so if the answer is trivial please excuse me. i want to study stock values within a day. i get current stock updates using getQuotes and then want to produce usual quantmod graphs with that values. also the graph should be able of adding technical indicators. please help. in addition it will be helpful if anyone suggests how to run that code continuously to get
2018 Jan 07
help needed on quantmod....
dear members, I am using quantmod to work with stock prices... I am trying to append the data got from getQuote to the one got by getSymbols. The function is named "apnd". The code is as follows: function(x){ if ((class(x) == "xts") || (class(x) == "zoo")){ sym <- deparse(substitute(x))
2012 Aug 05
R: Help xts object Subset Date by Day of the Week
I have a xts object made of daily closing prices I have acquired using quantmod. Here is my code: library(xts) library(quantmod) library(lubridate) # Gets SPY data getSymbols("SPY") # Subset Prices to just closing price SP500 <- Cl(SPY) # Show day of the week for each date using 2-6 for monday-friday SP500wd <- wday(SP500) # Add Price and days of week together
2016 Apr 09
Quantmod abline and axis configuration
Hi all, I have this code I want to add two ablines like this abline(h=2400, lty=3, col="lightgrey") abline(h=400, lty=3, col="lightgrey") But doesnt wotk. I alo try to set ylim from 0 to max "Foa"+1000 but I?m not able ?Is it posible? require(latticeExtra) require(ggplot2) require(reshape2) suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(googleVis)) require(quantmod)
2010 Nov 18
Accessing variables inside a namespace
Hello Group, I am trying to see if there is way to access data that is inside another namespace. For e.g. the addATR function in the quantmod package calculates the ATR using the TTR package and then plots it to the graph. Now since it has already calculated the info that I need, can I access that data which if I look at the function code is stored in a variable called "atr"
2024 Dec 18
get.symbols doesn' work
Hello r-project: I want to load and use the tiny quant libary. Hello R-project: get.symbols doesn't work this morning. I use this code: ############################################# # # install.packages(c("quantmod", "TTR", "xts", "zoo" , "tidyquant" )) # Load the tidyquant package library("tidyquant") library(TTR) library(xts)
2024 Dec 18
get.symbols doesn' work
Please look at what you wrote. get.symbols vs. getSymbols. -- Bert On Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 7:56?AM Phil Smith via R-help <r-help at> wrote: > > Hello r-project: > > I want to load and use the tiny quant libary. > > Hello R-project: > > get.symbols doesn't work this morning. > > I use this code: > >
2010 Apr 10
How to install Defaults package offline
Hi, I just installed R software on my machine which is not supposed to have an internet access. I installed several package that I need, which are quantmod, xts, TTR etc. When I typed require(quantmod), I get " Error: package 'Defaults' could not be loaded". How do you install Defaults package if you don't have an internet access ? Does anyone know where I can find the file
2011 May 08
Another quantmod question
I'm having troubles with the names of columns. quantmod deal with stock quotes. I've created an array of the first 5 closing prices from Jan 2007. (Is there a problem that the name is the same as the variable name? There shouldn't be.) > close close 2007-01-03 1416.60 2007-01-04 1418.34 2007-01-05 1409.71 2007-01-08 1412.84 2007-01-09 1412.11 When I try to