Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Help with ordering values"
2013 Oct 12
Order of factors with facets in ggplot2
I'd like to produce a ggplot where the order of factors within facets is
based on the average of another variable.
Here's a reproducible example. My problem is that the factors are ordered
similarly in both facets. I would like to have, within each facet of `f1',
boxplots for 'x' within each factor `f2', where the boxplots are ordered
based on the average of x
2010 Dec 31
Sweave for "big" data analysis
Maybe I'm missing the point here...but let's suppose you are working with
"large" data sets and using functions that take a significant amount of time
to run in R. I woulnd't like to run these functions every time I call
Sweave("myfile.Rnw") within R. What is the "common" practice to use Sweave
in these situations. I would just run the function once,
2009 Mar 17
Non-Linear Optimization - Query
Dear All,
I couple of weeks ago, I’ve asked for a package recommendation for nonlinear
optimization. In my problem I have a fairly complicated non-linear objective
function subject to one non-linear equality constrain.
I’ve been suggested to use the *Rdonlp2* package, but I did not get any
results after running the program for 5 hrs. Is it normal to run this type
of programs for hours? Also,
2010 Feb 24
R Graphics into Latex
I'm new in Latex and I'm trying to include an R chart into a Latex document.
This is what I'm doing:
1) In R: save the chart as a a Postcript in a folder C:/xxx/Density.eps
2) In Latex (using TexWorks on windows xp) :
In the preambule:
2011 Jul 30
Problem with effects package
Dear List,
Several times I use this package I get the error message shown below.
When I work out simple examples, it turns out to be fine, but when
working with real and moderate size data sets I always get the same
Do you know what could be the cause of the problem?
Error in apply(mod.matrix[, components], 1, prod) :
subscript out of bounds
Error in
2011 May 21
Simple R Question...
Let's say I have the data frame 'dd' below. I'd like to select one
column from this data frame (say 'a') and keep its name in the
resulting data frame. That can be done as in #2. However, what if I
want to make my selection based on a vector of names (and again keep
those names in the resulting data frame). My attempt is #4 but doesn't
dd <- data.frame(a =
2017 Sep 09
Avoid duplication in dplyr::summarise
Hi Lars
I am not very sure what you really want. However, I am suggesting the
following code that enables (1) to obtain the full summary of your data and
(2) retrieve only mean of X values as function of factors f1 and f2.
df <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(40), 10, 4),
f1 = gl(3, 10, labels = letters[1:3]),
f2 = gl(3, 10, labels
2011 Jul 16
(unclassified?) Help Question
Dear List,
I'd appreciate you guidance for obtaining the desired result shown
below, by combining tapply(x, g, mean) and g in the example.
Basically, I'm trying to create a vector whose values are based on the
result from tapply(x, g, mean) but that follow the pattern and length
given by the factor g. Of course I'm looking for a generic solution
(i.e, not something that just work
2017 Sep 09
Avoid duplication in dplyr::summarise
Hi Lars,
Two comments:
1. You can achieve what you want with a slight modification of your
definition of s(), using the hint from the error message that you need an
argument '.':
s <- function(.) {
dplyr::summarise(., x1m = mean(X1),
x2m = mean(X2),
x3m = mean(X3),
x4m = mean(X4))
2. You have not given a great test case in
2010 Aug 12
R 64-bit and Revolution
Dear users,
The company where I work is considering getting a license for Revolution
Enterprise - Windows 64-bit. I'll appreciate for those familiar with the
product if can share your experiences with it? In particular, how does it
compare to the "free" version of R 64-bit?
Thanks in advance.
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2017 Sep 09
Avoid duplication in dplyr::summarise
Dear group,
Is there a way I could avoid the sort of duplication illustrated below?
i.e., I have the same dplyr::summarise function on different group_by
arguments. So I'd like to create a single summarise function that could be
applied to both. My attempt below fails.
df <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(40), 10, 4),
f1 = gl(3, 10, labels = letters[1:3]),
f2 =
2011 Apr 26
Second largest element from each matrix row
I need to extract the second largest element from each row of a
matrix. Below is my solution, but I think there should be a more efficient
way to accomplish the same, or not?
a <- matrix(rnorm(9), 3 ,3)
sec.large <- as.vector(apply(a, 1, order, decreasing=T)[2,])
ans <- sapply(1:length(sec.large), function(i) a[i, sec.large[i]])
Thanks in advance for your
2011 May 20
Contrasts in Penalized Package
The "penalized" documentation says that "Unordered factors are turned
into as many dummy variables as the factor has levels". This is done
by a function in the package called contr.none. I'm trying to figure
out how exactly is a model matrix created with this contrast option
when the user calls the function with a formula. I typed
"library(penalized) ;
2010 Aug 03
Penalized Gamma GLM
I couldn't find a package to fit a penalized (lasso/ridge) Gamma regression
model. Does anybody know any?
Thanks in advance,
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2017 Sep 16
Help with shiny::reactiveFileReader()
Is it possible to execute functions (outside the ui and server shiny
environments) after reading data using reactiveFileReader() ?
For example, I'd like to fit a linear model on data read using
reactiveFileReader() outside ui/server.
bigData <- reactiveFileReader(1000, NULL, 'data.csv', read.csv)
fit <- lm(y ~., data = bigData())
2011 Apr 05
Help in splitting a list
Dear R users,
Let's say I have a list with components being 'm' matrices (as exemplified
in the "mylist" object below). Now, I'd like to subset this list based on an
index vector, which will partition each matrix 'm' in 2 sub-matrices. My
questions are:
1. Is there an elegant way to have the results shown in mylist2 for an
arbitrary number of matrices in mylist?
2009 Jul 03
Error using the Rdonlp2 Package
Dear experts,
I'm attempting to solve a constrained optimization problem using the Rdonlp2
I created a Lagrange function (L=f(x)-lambda(g(x)-c)), where x is a vector
of 16 parameters. This is what I'm using as objective function in the code
below. In addition, I set bounds on these parameters (par.u and par.l). When
I run the code, I get the error message shown below. Any idea
2009 Mar 13
Help with Function!
Dear All,
I need to write 'n' functions on 'm' variables. The functions should be
constructed according to the values of an (nxm) matrix of '1/0' values as
follows. For example,
if row1 is equal to ,say [1 0 .......0 0] then f1 <- (1+x1)
if row 2 is equal to, say [1 1 1 0...0 1] then f2
if row n is equal to [0 1 0 1 1 0 ..... 0] then
2009 Sep 26
Design Package - Penalized Logistic Reg. - Query
Dear R experts,
The lrm function in the Design package can perform penalized (Ridge)
logistic regression. It is my understanding that the ridge solutions are not
equivalent under scaling of the inputs, so one normally standardizes the
inputs. Do you know if input standardization is done internally in lrm or I
would have to do it prior to applying this function.
Also, as I'm new in R (coming
2009 Sep 03
Help with GLM please!
Dear experts,
I have a few quick questions related to GLMs:
1) Suppose my response is of the type Yes/No, How can I control which
response I'm modelling?
2) How can I perform Type III tests? Is it with -> drop1(mymodel,
test="Chisq") ?
3) I have a numerical variable which I converted to an ordered factor as
shown below, but in the summary results of the logistic regression I