Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Natural Language Toolkit for R - is it still there?"
2011 Feb 16
read.table - reading text variables as text
I'm reading a CSV file using read.table, and it keeps importing a text
variable as a factor. To overcome this, I've used the as.is command
referring to the variable in question (called "stim")
data<-read.table(file.choose(), header=T, sep=",", as.is = "stim")
However, "stim" is still imported as a factor. I notice there are other
2011 Feb 28
Creating new variables. How do you get them into a data frame?
I'm an R newbie. I can't seem to add new variables to data frames. Here are
the stages
(1) I import the data using read.csv.
(2) I fix it using fix(data)
(3) I create a new variable using
(tagPOS is a function in the OpenNLP toolkit, which tags a string for part
of speech. "stim" is a variable in the
2004 Apr 06
Storing p-values from a glm
for example one could do it this way:
v <- summary(fit)$coefficients[,4]
the coefficient attribute is a matrix, and with the "4" you refere to the
pvalue (at least in lm - don't know if summary(glm) produces sligthely
different output).
to skip the intercept (1st row): v <- summary(glmfit)$coefficients[-1,4]
hope this helps,
Arne Muller, Ph.D.
2005 Nov 29
Reclassifying values within a vector to several other values
Dear List
Apologies for such a simple question:
I have a vector of 738 elements, coded with values between 1 and 16 (but
not containing 7, 10, 11 or 13) and wish to recode value 14 to 1, 4 to 2, 1
to 3, 2 to 4 and all other values to 5. I've been trying to use the
replace function (in base) and %in%, but without success.
Many thanks
2003 Nov 27
lagsarlm - using mixed explanatory variables (spdep package)
I'm very new to R (which is excellent), so apologies if this has already
been raised. In the spdep package, I'm trying to undertake an
autoregressive mixed model using the lagsarlm function. This is working
fine, but there does not appear to be a method of including an explanatory
variable without it automatically being included as a lagged term. I'm
after something along the
2009 May 15
Plotting question re. cuminc
Hello everyone,
(This is my second question posted today on the R list).
I am carrying out a competing risks analysis using the cuminc function...this takes the form:
In my study, fstatus has 3 different causes of failure (1,2,3) there are also censored cases (0). "group" has two levels (0 and 1).
I therefore have 6 different cumulative incidence curves:
2005 Mar 21
Violin plot for discrete variables.
Dear Rgurus,
To my knowledge the best way to visualize the distribution of a discrete
variable X is
The problem which I have is the following. I have to discrete variables
X and Y which distribution I would like to compare. To overlay the
distribution of Y with lines(table(Y)) gives not satisfying results.
This is the same in case of using density or histogram.
Hence, I am
2006 Sep 29
Helmert contrasts for repeated measures and split-plot expts
Dear R-help
I have two separate experiments, one a repeated-measures design, the other
a split-plot. In a standard ANOVA I have usually undertaken a
multiple-comparison test on a significant factor with e.g TukeyHSD, but as
I understand it such a test is inappropriate for repeated measures or
split-plot designs.
Is it therefore sensible to use Helmert contrasts for either of these
2007 Nov 26
Unweighted meta-analysis
I'm very much a beginner on meta-analysis, so apologies if this is a
trivial posting. I've been sent a set data from separate experimental
studies, Treatment and Control, but no measure of the variance of effect
sizes, numbers of replicates etc. Instead, for each study, all I have
is the mean value for the treatment and control (but not the SD). As
far as I can tell, this forces
1999 May 19
shell command
Using R (version 0.63.3) for MS windows, I try the following command
> shell(paste("cd ",getenv("RHOME"),sep=""))
which replies with an error message
Too many parameters - FILES\RW0633
which appears to suggest that the space if the path name is causing
difficulties to the cd command. getenv returns
> getenv("RHOME")
2005 Nov 16
Problem with R.2.2 "No rule to make target `d:/prog/r/rw2011/include/R.h"
Dear R-devlopers,
I removed yesterday the R.2.1. installation from windows NT laptop and I
am getting the following error when building a pacage with R.2.2
---------- Making package msbase ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
making DLL ...
make[3]: *** No rule to make target `d:/prog/r/rw2011/include/R.h',
needed by `llogic.o'. Stop.
I have no idea from where
2010 May 25
Centos 5.4 to 5.5 fails to update lvm2 (needs newer device-mapper?)
Updating from centos 5.4 to 5.5 using an update rather than a rebuild, I get the following complaint from yum:-
lvm2-2.02.56-8.el5_5.1.x86_64 from setup has depsolving problems
--> Missing Dependency: device-mapper >= 1.02.39-1 is needed by package lvm2-2.02.56-8.el5_5.1.x86_64 (setup)
This is from a local mirror, so checking the upstream feed in case the mirroring is incomplete I see
2009 Nov 15
Problem building package for R 2.10.0 on Mac OS X
I have submitted a package (rioja) to CRAN. It checks OK for all R versions and OS's except r-release-macosx-ix86 where it fails when checking the examples. Specifically, it fails because R can't find the package vegan which is needed in a function. Here is the snippet from the check results:
### Begin snippet
checking examples ... ERROR
Running examples in 'rioja-Ex.R'
2006 Feb 20
Nested AIC
I have recently come into some confusion over weather or not AIC
results for comparing among models requires that they be nested.
Reading Burnham & Anderson (2002) they are explicit that nested
models are not required, but other respected statisticians have
suggested that nesting is a pre-requisite for comparison. Could
anyone who feels strongly regarding either position
2009 Aug 25
Pec function in R
Hello everyone,
These are some questions about the 'pec' function in R. These questions deal with prediction error curves and their derivation. Prediction error curves are documented in, for example, "Efron-type measures of prediction error for survival analysis" by Gerds and Schumacher.
I have detailed some syntax that I have used at the bottom of this email. The associated
2015 Oct 05
authorship and citation
Dear R developers,
This is a rather peculiar question, but nevertheless I would still need an
answer for.
It is about an R package which I created (namely QCA), and from versions
1.0-0 to 1.1-4 I had a co-author.
The co-author recently withdrawn from the package development, but still
requires to be left in the authors list and be cited for the package in the
Obviously, one could
2015 Oct 05
authorship and citation
As a fourth option, I wonder if the first author could fork the package?
Presumably, appropriately cited, a fork is permitted by the license under
which it was released. Then the original package, by both authors, still
exists (and a final version could point to the new one) and the new
package, citing the previous version appropriately, is by a single author.
The page of CRAN's policies
2003 Mar 26
Libvorbis documentation.
On the official documentation page,
http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/docs.html, there are links to the
documents describing the released libraries, ie. libvorbis, vorbisfile
and vorbisenc. However, the first one is not a link at all, although I
seem to remember that it was so earlier.
I also downloaded the SDK for Mac OSX, which sorta contains a
documentation for libvorbis, but
2012 Dec 08
Want to contribute code to the Xapian project
Hey guys,I am a 3rd year Computer Science undergrad student.I a extremely
interested in contributing code to the XAPIAN project. The work you people
do sounds extremely fascinating and interesting.Can someone just give me a
brief overview of how to proceed ?. I Can code in C,C++ and Python and
have experience in Natural Lanuage Processing.Am also quite comfortable
with NLTK and using Wordnet.Am
2016 Nov 04
dnf and failing epel
On 04/11/16 12:51, Jonathan Billings wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 04, 2016 at 12:30:02PM +0000, lejeczek wrote:
>> hi everyone,
>> I use dnf but one epel fails in a peculiar way:
> Do you get this error when using 'yum'? 'dnf' is provided via EPEL
> and isn't part of CentOS, so you might want to consider filing a bug
> with EPEL.
it seems it might be