similar to: Problem with legend and RasterLayer

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Problem with legend and RasterLayer"

2011 Jan 24
writeRaster with raster package
Hello, I have a problem writing a raster with the raster package. I have the raster object "mask" which has the following geoinformation: ---- R output > mask class : RasterLayer filename : E:/Daten/FE/HyMAP/Luxembourg_2010/Kehlen_Useldange/mosaik/LUX_LC_noOverlap_mask nrow : 5198 ncol : 2813 ncell : 14621974 min value : 0 max value : 255
2018 Mar 28
Fwd: netCDF to GeoTIFF by layer in r
Hi I have a netCDF file of volumetric soil water content at four different soil layers and want to convert each soil layer in the netCDF file to a GeoTIFF layer. This code converts the netCDF file to one GeoTIFF layer, i.e. unclear which soil depth. <- "C:/Soil_Weather_data/Agro/VMC21/" file.tiff <- "C:/Soil_Weather_data/Agro /VMC21/VMC21" importnetcdf
2018 Mar 28
netCDF to GeoTIFF by layer in r
Hi Ahmed, When reading from a ncdf file you can use the 'varname', 'lvar' and 'level' arguments - see the 'Details' section in the docs <> We can't tell what is in the ncdf file from what you report other
2014 Jun 10
Como controlar la altura de "colorkey" en levelplot de RatserVis
Hola miembros de la lista, Estoy utilizando la función levelplot del paquete rasterVis para graficar un raster y quiero controlar la altura de la referencia de color (colorkey) del mapa, pero cuando cambio valores en el argumento "height" no parece provocar cambios. Alguna idea de por qué no está funcionando? > cobertura class : RasterLayer dimensions : 780, 1296, 1010880
2018 May 24
Problem with adding a raster and a brick
On Thu, 24 May 2018 at 18:41 Mark R Payne <markpayneatwork at> wrote: Hi, I seem to be having a problem adding the following two raster objects together - one is a rasterLayer, the other is a rasterBrick. The extent, resolution, and origin are the same, so according to my understand it should work. The objects look like so: > obs.clim class : RasterLayer dimensions : 60, 200,
2013 Jan 18
How to re-project ease( Equal Area Scalable Earth) grid with a ~25 km cylindrical projection to WGS84 0.25 degree?
I have nc files for global soil moisture,here is one file from the metadata ,the projection is cylindrical and the resolution is 25 km(it is based on authalic sphere based on International 1924 ellipsoid).As I want to compare with other data, I have to make them identical. - my other data are in WGS84 with 0.25*0.25 degree resolution
2018 Jun 01
Problem with adding a raster and a brick
This is now fixed in development on RForge, you can try it out by installing from there, or from the Github mirror with devtools::install_github("rforge/raster/pkg/raster"). (To get fixes into raster email the maintainer directly - you might not get a response but it'll be addressed). Cheers, Mike. On Thu, 24 May 2018 at 20:08 Michael Sumner <mdsumner at> wrote:
2018 May 24
Problem with adding a raster and a brick
Hi, I seem to be having a problem adding the following two raster objects together - one is a rasterLayer, the other is a rasterBrick. The extent, resolution, and origin are the same, so according to my understand it should work. The objects look like so: > obs.clim class : RasterLayer dimensions : 60, 200, 12000 (nrow, ncol, ncell) resolution : 0.5, 0.5 (x, y) extent : -70,
2012 Oct 30
lapply and kernelUD (adehabitatHR package): Home Range kernel estimation for a list of individuals
Dear R experts, I'm using the adehabitatHR package in order to perform a kernel analysis and estimate the home range of my input data (GPS relocations of 42 individuals). I've done the analysis for one of the individuals and it worked perfectly (see code below). But now I'm trying to use a list and call the function lapply to do the same thing through all the 42 individuals (also see
2012 Jun 06
randomForest Species Distribution Modelling
Hi, I appologise if this is a rudimentary question and long winded but I just wanted to let ye know where I'm comming from. I'm new to R and I'm trying to use the 'randomForest' package to classify and predict. The Error message that is troubling me is: > pr<-predict(predictors,rf1, ext=ext) Error in x[...] <- m : NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments In
2018 Nov 03
odd NOTE in R CMD check of data; Rcpp module related
With the current version of the "raster" package (that I maintain), R CMD check on packages "soilDB" and "PopGenReport" have this NOTE: Package: soilDB Check: data for non-ASCII characters New result: NOTE Error in .requirePackage(package) : unable to find required package 'raster' Calls: <Anonymous> ... .findInheritedMethods ->
2013 Mar 21
Problems of exporting raster to ArcGIS
Hello: I am using R raster package to replace ArcGIS when processing multiple shp files. However, when I export R raster back to ArcGIS, it couldn't recognize R raster file correctly. For example, I used {raster} package and got a RasterLayer as followed. class : RasterLayer dimensions : 8280, 18480, 153014400 (nrow, ncol, ncell) resolution : 0.008333334, 0.008333334 (x, y)
2013 Mar 19
How to get the rolling standard deviation in rasters?
I am using this code to calculate the moving average mean.It worked fine but when I wanted to also calculate based on sd(stander deviation) I got the error shown below. I read this documentation of R movingFun and found that sd was mentioned at I wonder if needs any other things to conseder or sd is not at all supplied
2013 Mar 18
Why stacking rasters return NAs?
I have several rasters that I want to do some calculations ,basically calculating the moving average. dir2 <- list.files("D:\\2010+2011", "*.bin", full.names = TRUE) saf=stack(dir2) movi <- overlay(stack(saf),fun=function(x) movingFun(x, fun=mean, n=3, na.rm=TRUE)) Error in .overlayList(x, fun = fun, filename = filename,
2020 Oct 20
sp:gIntersection warning message about projection
Hi, I am using in my workflow gIntersection from sp package. Part of my relevant sessionInfo is: R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 17763) attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages: [1] CircStats_0.2-6 boot_1.3-25 MASS_7.3-53 stringr_1.4.0
2012 Mar 27
Rgdal package - get information
> > Hi, > > I used > GDALinfo("MOD13Q1.A2001049.h13v11.005.2007002215512.250m_16_days_EVI.tif") and > got the results: > > rows 10 > columns 11 > bands 1 > origin.x 150701.4 > origin.y 7744897 > res.x 250 > res.y 250 > ysign -1 > oblique.x 0 > oblique.y 0 > driver GTiff >
2012 Oct 18
spTransform longlat to utm
Dear all, I am trying to project my LongLat-maps to a plane. The ultimate purpose is to do a search of points in vicinity of other points using overlay-commands (sp) with radius in km. I am applying spTransform (package rgdal) and it gives my some curious results. An example. Let's take a point lying somewhere in Germany, zone=32U x <- 8.968735 y <- 49.454735 After conversion I
2011 Oct 18
problem with project command in rgdal
Hi I'm trying to analyse some data and need to set the geographic coordinate system before I can do the analysis. I've been trying to use the project command in rgdal but keep getting an error message saying: Error in project(locationsMatrix, PROJECTION.OUT) : latitude or longitude exceeded limits ( PROJECTION.OUT <- "+proj=aea +lat_1=-18 +lat_2=-36 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=132
2016 Jul 20
un solo un favor
Hola a todos Esta es mi primera pregunta en el grupo, y es sencilla pero me tiene atascado. Estoy tratando de cortar mi mapa de (poner limites en UTM) en un lugar definido como mi area de estudio (en este caso el sur de chile). Pero creo no estar usando bien la función CRS ponendo bien los limites requeridos. > study_area <- readRDS("CHL_adm0.rds") > study_area_UTM <-
2007 Jul 06
import DTM with readRAST6()
Hello everybody, I am a new R & Grass user. I am interested in doing a kriging of the Temperature in a basin, based on pixel elevation (DTM). I use Grass 6.2.1 and R 2.5.1 and have installed the spgrass6 package. The DTM is called "DTM_trentino_100m" and is like this: north:5158000.0 south:5058500.0 east:1729700.0 west:1611600.0 rows:995 cols:1181 -9999.0 -9999.0 -9999.0