similar to: [Bug 8856] New: --hard-links does not handle hard-linked symlinks correctly on FreeBSD

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "[Bug 8856] New: --hard-links does not handle hard-linked symlinks correctly on FreeBSD"

2008 Feb 16
Adding elements to existing lists
Dear everybody! Is there a command to add elements to an existing list, at best excluding the addition of already included ones? Thank you in advance. Yours, Mag. Ferri Leberl
2004 Feb 13
"Marcos Sanches" <marcos.sanches at> wrote: Ls1<-length(s1) Ls2<-length(s2) for ( p in 1:ls1){ for (q in 1:ls2){ t1<-levenshteinFast(s1[p],s2[q]) ... Ls1=42000 Ls2=70000 I think I will wait for months untill this program ends. Do you have any sugestion to increase the speed? The first suggestion has to be "search HARD in the
2005 May 22
[Bug 2734] --delete doesn't work ------- Additional Comments From 2005-05-21 22:15 ------- Your rsync options (-arRWxn) include -n, so nothing is actually going to get deleted on the destination, even though rsync reports that they are being deleted (which is what -n is for - i.e. to preview what will happen). -- Configure bugmail:
2012 Sep 24
Adding textbox to multiple panels in lattice
Dear R-users, I am trying to add some text in a textbox to all panels in the following example file. Using the panel-function, I can add a white rectangle with panel.rect but then I have to fit in the text into the box by hand and it will not automatically be centered. Does anyone know how to add the text centered with a white box around it automatically? Is there something like panel.textbox for
2011 Aug 26
Extracting values in table
Hi All, I am a beginner in programming in r and please do forgive me if my question seems to be silly and sometimes not understandable. 1. we have a list of elements in a list say: ls<-list("N","E","E","N","P","E","M","Q","E","M") 2. We have an another list of tables in a list say: n <-
2019 Nov 06
Alias analysis only throwing mayAlias for something that seems should be identifiable as mustAlias
I have a global 2-D array ARRAY[N][M] and I am accessing it inside the for loop like this: for (i...) for (j ...) ARRAY[i][j] ... So nothing really weird is happening. If I look at the generated IR, it is also fairly straight forward. @ARRAY0 = dso_local global [32 x [32 x i32]] zeroinitializer, section ".slow_mem", align 32, !dbg !84 ... %45 = getelementptr inbounds [32 x [32 x
2007 Feb 09
selective logging
>From the wiki: log_path = Use this logfile instead of syslog(). /dev/stderr can be used if you want to use stderr for logging (ONLY /dev/stderr - otherwise it is closed). (I dont understand the above references to the use of stderr) info_log_path = For informational messages, use this logfile instead of the default (What exactly is an informational message, and what is the
2008 Jan 31
viewing a subset of folders in dumb IMAP clients
I have several dozen IMAP folders (stored as Maildir++). When I'm on the go with my iPhone, I only want to see a few of them. My naive solution that didn't work: 1) create an alternate login that yields my existing permissions and mail folder, but stores its own version of metadata 2) configure the iPhone to use that login 3) subscribe to the folders I want I test-drove the
2002 Aug 15
order(1, na.last=NA) fails (PR#1913)
R> order(1, na.last=NA) Error in apply(sapply(z,, 1, any) : dim(X) must have a positive length This bug appears unrelated to PR#1906, and so the fix of 8/15 doesn't help. It comes from the line inside order(): ok <- !apply(sapply(z,, 1, any) where z=list(1) in my example. sapply() returns a single-element vector, not a matrix, making apply() unhappy. This might
2003 Jul 11
Title obscured when using par(mfrow) (PR#3463)
I want to put multiple plots on a page using par(mfrow), then a single title at the top. This should work, but doesn't: R> par(oma=c(0,0,4,0), mfrow=c(3,4)) R> for (i in 1:12) {plot(1); title(i)} R> ## text(10,10, ".") R> par(mfrow=c(1,1), oma=c(0,0,1,0)) R> title("Main Title") The main title does not appear. However, uncommenting the third line
2007 Feb 24
Serial Port (OS X)
Hi I have to use a windows application tu upload firmware to a controller. It uses the serial port. I use a MacBook with Tiger 10.4.8 I have installed a usb-serial converter. The device is /dev/tty.usbserial tilo-lutz:~/.wine/dosdevices tilolutz$ dir /dev/tty.usbserial crw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 9, 8 Feb 24 17:31 /dev/tty.usbserial I was able to compile wine 0.9.31 with help of darwine.
2012 Nov 26
[LLVMdev] [llvm-commits] Improved Covered Default Switch detection
On Nov 25, 2012, at 6:49 PM, Eli Friedman <eli.friedman at> wrote: > On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 3:19 PM, Joe Abbey <jabbey at> wrote: >> If cmake happens to detect GCC for the C compiler and Clang for the C++ >> compiler, then a manual override of either the C compiler or >> SUPPORTS_COVERED_SWITCH_DEFAULT_FLAG is required. This has been
2006 Mar 24
SAMBA install on IRIX 6.5
I am having problems with Samba on IRIX 6.5 authenticating via Active Directory. Installing the tardist of 3.0.21c did not give me kerberos/ldap/adc capabilities even though Kerberos and LDAP were prereq's. With OpenLDAP and Kerberos5 installed, my configure fails. I am trying this: ./configure --libdir=/usr/lib --includedir=/usr/include --prefix=/usr/samba --with-ldap --with-ads
2002 Mar 08
Sys.putenv environment variables disappear (PR#1371)
Environment variables set with Sys.putenv() disappear (i.e. become "") after a while, especially after heavy-duty I/O. Example: R> x <- matrix(1., 3000, 3000) R> save(x, file="myx.RData") R> Sys.putenv(HOME="/tmp") R> while (Sys.getenv("HOME") != "") {cat("ok\n"); load("myx.RData")} The loop prints
2004 Nov 07
Symlink file syncing issue
Hi! I've been attempting to use rsync to sync a set of files between my laptop and my desktop. I've tried using google to search the archives, but didn't find anything that addressed this issue exactly... First of all, here are the details of how I have things set up. Server acting as the intermediary: OS: Mac OS X Server 10.3 rsync: 2.6.2 Laptop: OS: Mac OS X 10.3.6 rsync: 2.6.2
2006 Aug 23
3.0.23b domain member not accessible
I portupgraded my samba domain server and domain member to 3.0.23b from 3.0.23 and found that the domain member was not accessible from workstations. The error message: \\HOSTNAME is not accessible. There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request. In the log.winbindd of the domain member, I found: [2006/08/23 22:52:00, 0] nsswitch/winbindd.c:request_len_recv(517)
2018 Mar 19
rsync time machine backup permissions
Dear rsync users, I'm trying to copy my Time Machine Backup from my old USB hard drive to a new one. I got error messages, because rsync don't create group and other permissions. I use rsync 3.1.3. Did I use the correct parameters? Who has an idea, what mistake? Thanks! Best, André -- The bash script: #!/bin/bash source=/Volumes/LaCie\ d2\ Quadra\ v3/Backups.backupdb
2012 Nov 25
[LLVMdev] [llvm-commits] Improved Covered Default Switch detection
On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 3:19 PM, Joe Abbey <jabbey at> wrote: > If cmake happens to detect GCC for the C compiler and Clang for the C++ > compiler, then a manual override of either the C compiler or > SUPPORTS_COVERED_SWITCH_DEFAULT_FLAG is required. This has been happening > on my Darwin build environments: > > -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.2.1 >
2003 Jan 02
wine issue
how come i always get like: err:module:BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin softdrv.dll: Cannot open "/usr/local/lib/wine/" err:module:BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin galaxy.dll: Cannot open "/usr/local/lib/wine/" /usr/local/lib/wine. i made a user and group called wine. and chgrp -R wine /usr/local/lib/wine, but
2007 Mar 12
imap + unmounted home disk
dovecot 0.99 still (RHEL4), I'm sorry to say. The config is for mbox's to live on the user's home disk. If the user tries to make an imap connection when his home disk is unmounted, various permission denied messages are logged, as expected, but then the imap process seems to hang around instead of aborting. The result is that eventually the imap process limit is reached, and even