similar to: Rd] Numerics behind splineDesign

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Rd] Numerics behind splineDesign"

2006 Nov 15
splineDesign and not-a-knot conditions
Hi, I would like to fit an (interpolating) spline to data where the derivatives at the endpoints of the interval are nonzero, thus the natural spline endpoint-specification does not make sense. Books (de Boor, etc) suggest that in this case I use not-a-knot splines. I know what not-a-knot splines are (so if I were solving for the coefficients directly I knew how to do this), but I don't
2006 Dec 13
caching frequently used values
Hi, I am trying to find an elegant way to compute and store some frequently used matrices "on demand". The Matrix package already uses something like this for storing decompositions, but I don't know how to do it. The actual context is the following: A list has information about a basis of a B-spline space (nodes, order) and gridpoints at which the basis functions would be
2011 Mar 28
mgcv gam predict problem
Hello I'm using function gam from package mgcv to fit splines. ?When I try to make a prediction slightly beyond the original 'x' range, I get this error: > A = runif(50,1,149) > B = sqrt(A) + rnorm(50) > range(A) [1] 3.289136 145.342961 > > > fit1 = gam(B ~ s(A, bs="ps"), outer.ok=TRUE) > predict(fit1, newdata=data.frame(A=149.9), outer.ok=TRUE) Error
2008 Jul 29
tensor product of equi-spaced B-splines in the unit square
Dear all, I need to compute tensor product of B-spline defined over equi-spaced break-points. I wrote my own program (it works in a 2-dimensional setting) library(splines) # set the break-points Knots = seq(-1,1,length=10) # number of splines M = (length(Knots)-4)^2 # short cut to splineDesign function bspline = function(x) splineDesign(Knots,x,outer.ok = T) # bivariate tensor product of
2012 Feb 24
B-spline/smooth.basis derivative matrices
Hello, I've noticed that SPLUS seems to have a function for evaluating derivative matrices of splines. I've found the R function that evaluates matrices from 'smooth.spline'; maybe someone has written something to do the same with smooth.basis? regards, s
2016 Mar 04
R 3.2.4 rc issue
I generally run 'make; make check' (with more settings) when building the Debian package. Running 3.2.4 rc from last night, I see a lot of package loading issues during 'make check'. Here is splines as one examples: checking package 'splines' * using log directory '/build/r-base-' * using R version 3.2.4 RC (2016-03-02 r70270) *
2005 Jun 03
using so-library involving Taucs
Dear R developers, The trace of the hat matrix H~(n,n) is computed as follows: tr(H) = tr(BS^-1B') = tr(S^-1B'B) := tr(X) = sum(diag(X)) with B~(n,p), S~(p,p). Since p is of the order 10^3 but S is sparse I would like to employ Taucs linear solver ( ) on SX = B'B. (Further improvement by implying a looping over i=1,...,p, calling
2012 Mar 12
Fwd: Re[2]: B-spline/smooth.basis derivative matrices
--- On Mon, 3/12/12, aleksandr shfets <a_shfets at> wrote: > From: aleksandr shfets <a_shfets at> > Subject: Fwd: Re[2]: [R] B-spline/smooth.basis derivative matrices > To: "Vassily Shvets" <shv736 at> > Received: Monday, March 12, 2012, 5:15 PM > > > > -------- ???????????? ????????? > -------- > ?? ????:
2008 Feb 13
use of poly()
Hi, I am curious about how to interpret the results of a polynomial regression-- using poly(raw=TRUE) vs. poly(raw=FALSE). set.seed(123456) x <- rnorm(100) y <- jitter(1*x + 2*x^2 + 3*x^3 , 250) plot(y ~ x) l.poly <- lm(y ~ poly(x, 3)) l.poly.raw <- lm(y ~ poly(x, 3, raw=TRUE)) s <- seq(-3, 3, by=0.1) lines(s, predict(l.poly, data.frame(x=s)), col=1) lines(s,
2005 Nov 10
OggPCM proposal feedback
On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 05:30:10PM +0100, oliver oli wrote: > John Koleszar wrote: > >I hadn't even heard > >of ambisonics until your post, to be honest. > > because people don't know how to distribute ambisonics. no way to play > it in a DVD player. there are no easy to use software players that > decode ambisonic files and there are no widely used audio
2008 Jul 17
I like what smooth.spline does but I am unclear on the output. I can see from the documentation that there are fit.coef but I am unclear what those coeficients are applied to.With spline I understand the "noraml" coefficients applied to a cubic polynomial. But these coefficients I am not sure how to interpret. If I had a description of the algorithm maybe I could figure it out but as it
2013 Jan 28
Why are the number of coefficients varying? [mgcv][gam]
Dear List, I'm using gam in a multiple imputation framework -- specifying the knot locations, and saving the results of multiple models, each of which is fit with slightly different data (because some of it is predicted when missing). In MI, coefficients from multiple models are averaged, as are variance-covariance matrices. VCV's get an additional correction to account for how
2013 May 21
making makepredictcall() work
Dear All, I'm interested in creating a function similar to ns() from package splines that can be passed in a model formula. The idea is to produce "safe" predictions from a model using this function. As I have seen, to do this I need to use makepredictcall(). Consider the following toy example: myns <- function (x, df = NULL, knots = NULL, intercept = FALSE, Boundary.knots =
2010 Jun 11
Documentation of B-spline function
Goodmorning, This is a documentation related question about the B-spline function in R. In the help file it is stated that: "df degrees of freedom; one can specify df rather than knots; bs() then chooses df-degree-1 knots at suitable quantiles of x (which will ignore missing values)." So if one were to specify a spline with 6 degrees of freedom (and no intercept) then a basis
2013 May 28
R-3.0.1 - "transient" make check failure in splines-EX.r
Hello. I seem to be having the same problem that Paul had in the thread titled "[Rd] R 2.15.2 make check failure on 32-bit --with-blas="-lgoto2"" from October of last year <> Unfortunately, that thread ended without an answer to his last question. Briefly, I am trying to compile an Rblas for Windows NT 32bit
2005 Apr 15
negetative AIC values: How to compare models with negative AIC's
Dear, When fitting the following model knots <- 5 lrm.NDWI <- lrm(m.arson ~ rcs(NDWI,knots) I obtain the following result: Logistic Regression Model lrm(formula = m.arson ~ rcs(NDWI, knots)) Frequencies of Responses 0 1 666 35 Obs Max Deriv Model L.R. d.f. P C Dxy Gamma Tau-a R2 Brier 701 5e-07 34.49
2007 Jul 04
Problem/bug with smooth.spline and all.knots=T
Dear list, if I do smooth.spline(tmpSec, tmpT, all.knots=T) with the attached data, I get this error-message: Error in smooth.spline(tmpSec, tmpT, all.knots = T) : smoothing parameter value too small If I do smooth.spline(tmpSec[-single arbitrary number], tmpT[-single arbitrary number], all.knots=T) it works! I just don't see it. It works for hundrets other datasets, but not for
2009 Oct 13
How to choose a proper smoothing spline in GAM of mgcv package?
Hi, there, I have 5 datasets. I would like to choose a basis spline with same knots in GAM function in order to obtain same basis function for 5 datasets. Moreover, the basis spline is used to for an interaction of two covarites. I used "cr" in one covariate, but it can only smooth w.r.t 1 covariate. Can anyone give me some suggestion about how to choose a proper smoothing spline
2005 Feb 24
a question about function eval()
Hi, I have a question about the usage of eval(). Wonder if any experienced user can help me out of it. I use eval() in the following function: semireg.pwl <- function(coef.s=rnorm(1),coef.a=rnorm(1),knots.pos=knots.x,knots.ini.val=knots.val){ knotn <- length(knots.pos) def.par.env <- sys.frame(1) print(def.par.env) print(environment(coef.s)) tg <- eval( (parse(text=
2012 Nov 29
[mgcv][gam] Manually defining my own knots?
Dear List, I'm using GAMs in a multiple imputation project, and I want to be able to combine the parameter estimates and covariance matrices from each completed dataset's fitted model in the end. In order to do this, I need the knots to be uniform for each model with partially-imputed data. I want to specify these knots based on the quantiles of the unique values of the non-missing