similar to: importing S3 methods with importFrom

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "importing S3 methods with importFrom"

2011 Sep 19
"could not find function" after import
I am trying to build a package (GWASTools, submitted to Bioconductor) that uses the "sandwich" package. I have references to "sandwich" in DESCRIPTION: Imports: methods, DBI, RSQLite, sandwich, survival, DNAcopy and NAMESPACE: import(sandwich) In the code itself is a call to vcovHC: Vhat <- vcovHC(mod, type="HC0") I have sandwich version 2.2-7 installed.
2009 Jul 14
How does logLik(lm(...)) find the maximum log likelihoods
Hi. Thanks for your help with my previous question (comparing two lm() models with a maximum likelihood ratio test) I had a look at lrtest from the package lmtest as it has been suggested to me, but I am not 100% sure if that is the right thing to do ... lrtest uses the same log likelihoods as you can extract by hand from lm() with logLik - are this the maximum log likelihoods? How does R
2006 Apr 01
Nested error structure in nonlinear model
I am trying to fit a nonlinear regression model to data. There are several predictor variables and 8 parameters. I will write the model as Y ~ Yhat(theta1,...,theta8) OK, I can do this using nls() - but "only just" as there are not as many observations as might be desired. Now the problem is that we have a factor "Site" and I want to include a corresponding error
2009 Apr 03
Trouble extracting graphic results from a bootstrap
Hi, I'm trying to extract a histogram over the results from a bootstrap. However I keep receiving the error message "Error in hist.default(boot.lrtest$ll, breaks = "scott") : 'x' must be numeric". The bootstrap I'm running looks like: > boot.test <- function(data, indeces, maxit=20) { + y1 <- fit1+e1[indeces] + mod1 <- glm(y1 ~ X1-1, maxit=maxit) +
2007 Jan 17
Coefficient of determination when intercept is zero
I am curious as to the "lm" calculation of R2 (multiple coefficient of determination, I assume) when intercept is zero. I have 18 data points, two independent variables: First, a model with an intercept: > mod0=lm(Div~Rain+Evap,data=test) > summary(mod0)$r.squared [1] 0.6257541 > cor(predict(mod0),test$Div)^2 [1] 0.6257541 The $r.squared and the result from "cor"
2010 Apr 13
Generating model formulas for all k-way terms
For the vcdExtra package, I'm exploring methods to generate and fit collections of glm models, and handling lists of such model objects, of class "glmlist". The simplest example is fitting all k-way models, from k=0 (null model) to the model with the highest-order interaction. I'm having trouble writing a function, Kway (below) to do what is done in the example below >
2008 Mar 07
confused about CORREP cor.LRtest
After some struggling with the data format, non-standard in BioConductor, I have gotten cor.balance in package CORREP to work. My desire was to obtain maximum-likelihood p-values from the same data object using cor.LRtest, but it appears that this function wants something different, which I can't figure out from the documentation. Briefly, my dataset consists of 36 samples from 12
2013 Apr 19
NAMESPACE and imports
I am cleaning up the rms package to not export functions not to be called directly by users. rms uses generic functions defined in other packages. For example there is a latex method in the Hmisc package, and rms has a latex method for objects of class "anova.rms" so there are anova.rms and latex.anova.rms functions in rms. I use:
2013 Nov 25
lmer specification for random effects: contradictory reults
Hi All, I was wondering if someone could help me to solve this issue with lmer. In order to understand the best mixed effects model to fit my data, I compared the following options according to the procedures specified in many papers (i.e. Baayen <
2007 Apr 05
about systemfit
Hello. I am still a newbie in R. Excuse me if I am asking something obvious. My efforts to get an answer through browsing the mailing archives failed. I want to perform an augmented Dickey-Fuller test and to obtain AIC and BIC and to be able to impose some linear restrictions on the ADF regression so as to decide the correct order of autoregression. However I could find no obvious way to impose
2005 Jan 27
Is glm weird or am I?
Hi, I've written a script that checks all bivariate correlations for variables in a matrix. I'm now trying to run a logistic regression on each pair (x,y) where y is a factor with 2 levels. I don't know how (or whether I want) to try to fathom what's up with glm. What I wrote is attached. Here's what I get. *****************************************************
2011 Jan 06
Different LLRs on multinomial logit models in R and SPSS
Hello, after calculating a multinomial logit regression on my data, I compared the output to an output retrieved with SPSS 18 (Mac). The coefficients appear to be the same, but the logLik (and therefore fit) values differ widely. Why? The regression in R: set.seed(1234) df <- data.frame( "y"=factor(sample(LETTERS[1:3], 143, repl=T, prob=c(4, 1, 10))), "a"=sample(1:5,
2013 Sep 12
declaring package dependencies
I received the following email note re: the vcdExtra package > A vcd update has shown that packages TIMP and vcdExtra are not > declaring their dependence on colorspace/MASS: see > > But, I can't see what to do to avoid this, nor understand what has changed in R devel. Sure enough, CRAN now reports errors in
2012 Mar 12
Speeding up lots of calls to GLM
Dear useRs, First off, sorry about the long post. Figured it's better to give context to get good answers (I hope!). Some time ago I wrote an R function that will get all pairwise interactions of variables in a data frame. This worked fine at the time, but now a colleague would like me to do this with a much larger dataset. They don't know how many variables they are going to have in the
2009 May 17
Chow test(1960)/Structural change test
Hi,   A question on something which normally should be easy !   I perform a linear regression using lm function:   > reg1 <- lm (a b+c+d, data = database1)   Then I try to perform the Chow (1960) test (structural change test) on my regression. I know the breakpoint date. I try the following code like it is described in the “Examples” section of the “strucchange” package :   > sctest(reg1,
2008 Jan 28
(no subject)
Hi all I am trying to generate a normal unbalanced data to estimate the coefficients of LM, LMM, GLM, and GLMM and their standard errors. Also, I am trying to estimate the variance components and their standard errors. Further, I am trying to use the likelihood ratio test to test H0: sigma^2_b = 0 (random effects variance component), and the t-test to test H0:mu=0 (intercept of the model Yij = mu
2012 Jan 14
A: ImportFrom(B, ...) -- B: ImportFrom(A, ...)
If I have a package A whose NAMESPACE has ImportFrom(B, <B-syms>)) and a package B whose NAMESPACE has ImportFrom(A, <A-syms>) and we can assume that <A-syms> and <B-syms> are disjoint. The clue would be that I only import relatively little from one namespace to the other. I currently get an error Error in loadNamespace(imp[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths())) :
2018 Feb 14
Unexpected behaviour in rms::lrtest
Hello. One of my teaching assistants was experimenting and encountered unexpected behaviour with the lrtest function in the rms package. It appears that when you have a pair of non-nested models that employ an RCS, the error checking for non-nested models appears not to work. Here is a reproducible example. > library(rms) Loading required package: Hmisc Loading required package: lattice
2007 Feb 20
Problems with obtaining t-tests of regression coefficients applying consistent standard errors after run 2SLS estimation. Clearer !!!!!
First I have to say I am sorry because I have not been so clear in my previous e-mails. I will try to explain clearer what it is my problem. I have the following model: lnP=Sc+Ag+Ag2+Var+R+D In this model the variable Sc is endogenous and the rest are all objective exogenous variables. I verified that Sc is endogenous through a standard Hausman test. To determine this I defined before a new
2007 Dec 24
curve fitting problem
I'm trying to fit a function y=k*l^(m*x) to some data points, with reasonable starting value estimates (I think). I keep getting "singular matrix 'a' in solve". This is the code: ox <- c(-600,-300,-200,1,100,200) ir <- c(1,2.5,4,9,14,20) model <- nls(ir ~ k*l^(m*ox),start=list(k=10,l=3,m=0.004),algorithm="plinear") summary(model) plot(ox,ir) testox <-