Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "lubridate does not install on FreeBSD any more"
2011 Jul 22
Problem with creating default NAMESPACE on FreeBSD
After building and installing R-devel from 21/07/2011 on FreeBSD
9.0-CURRENT (amd64), starting R gives the following warning:
Beim Start - Warnmeldung:
package 'datasets' in options("defaultPackages") was not found
This happens with all versions after 14/07/2011. I think it is related to
NEWS Sat, 16 Jul 2011
Packages without
2012 Nov 16
lubridate concatenation issue
I took a look at Hadley's lubridate which seems a very neat package, but i am having a small problem with concatenating lubridates to build vectors of it. Namely when function c( ) is applied to lubridate seems to change time to a local timezone in this particular case changing the date to previous one.
> d<-ymd('20111231')
> d
[1] "2011-12-31 UTC"
> c(d)
2020 Jan 03
Error en salida de lubridate::seconds_to_period() en Rmarkdown
Buas y feliz año y decada nueva, compañeRos,
Me estoy encontrando con un problema tonto que no consigo resolver.
Explico, tengo un dato que necesito sacar en un documento con codigo on
line y no me saca el resultado de consola.
dato <- 2272.13
round(lubridate::seconds_to_period(seconds(dato))), 0)
En consola me da:
"37M 52S"
Pero en el documento
+ Duración total
2012 Mar 30
lubridate:ymd_hm and coercion of class POSIXct. Smooth way to restore the date format.
Dear all,
I wish to create a POSIXct variable from date and time variables using the ymd_hm function in package lubridate. In some cases data for time is missing, which causes a problem for ymd_hm. I wish to find a smooth way to handle this.
# Some example data:
x <- data.frame(date = c("2011-09-22", "2011-07-28"), time = c("15:00", NA))
# paste date and
2009 Sep 09
Monkey patching +.POSIXt
Hi all,
This summer I've been working with a grad student to bring more of the
date time classes from JODA (http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/) into
R. To make these work seamlessly with existing date time objects, we
need to patch +.POSIXt. (The ruby community uses the term
monkey-patching for this sort of ill-advised, by sometimes necessary,
internal hackery, hence the title.) The problem is
2011 Aug 30
lubridate and intervals
maybe there is a native R function for this and if so please let me know!
I have 2 data.frames with start and end dates, they read in as strings and I
am converting to POSIXct. How can I check for overlap?
The end result ideally will be a single data.frame containing all the
columns of the other two with rows where there were date overlaps.
2012 Mar 06
lubridate 1.1.0
lubridate makes it easier to work with dates and times by providing
functions to identify and parse date-time data, extract and modify
components of a date-time (years, months, days, hours, minutes,
and seconds), perform accurate math on date-times, handle time zones and
Daylight Savings Time. lubridate has a consistent, memorable syntax that
makes working with dates less frustrating.
2012 Mar 06
lubridate 1.1.0
lubridate makes it easier to work with dates and times by providing
functions to identify and parse date-time data, extract and modify
components of a date-time (years, months, days, hours, minutes,
and seconds), perform accurate math on date-times, handle time zones and
Daylight Savings Time. lubridate has a consistent, memorable syntax that
makes working with dates less frustrating.
2010 Aug 31
New package: lubridate 0.1
Please find below the package announcement for the R package lubridate
available from cran.
Thank you,
Garrett Grolemund
Rice University
Date-time data can be frustrating to work with in R. R commands for
date-times are generally unintuitive and change depending on the type
of date-time object being used. Moreover, the methods we use with
date-times must be robust to time zones,
2010 Aug 31
New package: lubridate 0.1
Please find below the package announcement for the R package lubridate
available from cran.
Thank you,
Garrett Grolemund
Rice University
Date-time data can be frustrating to work with in R. R commands for
date-times are generally unintuitive and change depending on the type
of date-time object being used. Moreover, the methods we use with
date-times must be robust to time zones,
2011 May 27
lubridate, as.POSIXct and a vector of times: bug or feature??
It took me some time to realize this annoying behavior was coming from
Perhaps this behavior is unexpected a result of cursory knowledge of it....
## The expected behavior
> sometimes=c(0,1,2,3)*60*60*24
> as.POSIXct( sometimes, origin='1970-01-01', tz='GMT')
[1] "1970-01-01 GMT" "1970-01-02 GMT" "1970-01-03 GMT" "1970-01-04
2010 Nov 17
lubridate v2.2 available on cran
Version 2.2 of the lubridate package is now available. lubridate makes it
easier to work with date-time data. For example, it provides:
* simple functions to extract and modify components of a date-time,
such as years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds: year(),
month(), day(), ...
* quick and easy functions to parse date-times: ymd(), dmy(), mdy(), ...
* helper functions for handling
2010 Nov 17
lubridate v2.2 available on cran
Version 2.2 of the lubridate package is now available. lubridate makes it
easier to work with date-time data. For example, it provides:
* simple functions to extract and modify components of a date-time,
such as years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds: year(),
month(), day(), ...
* quick and easy functions to parse date-times: ymd(), dmy(), mdy(), ...
* helper functions for handling
2008 Mar 27
snow, stopping cluster
is there any function in the package snow to check for a really running
The function checkCluster only checks the variable cl. And the variable
is still available after stopping the cluster!
( a simple solution would be deleting the cluster variable cl in the
function stopCluster)
> library(snow)
> cl <- makeCluster(5)
5 slaves are spawned successfully. 0
2008 Aug 08
Lattice: regression lines within grouped xyplot panels
Dear community,
I am looking for a possibility to draw 'regression lines' instead of
'smooth' lines in grouped xyplots. The following code should give you a
small example of the data structure.
data(Gcsemv, package = "mlmRev")
# Creates artificial grouping variable ...
Gcsemv$Groups <-
2010 Dec 17
installing package from source with Linux
Dear list,
this may not be related to R but rather to my OS, but I do not
understand the issue of compiling R packages deeply enough to figure out
the exact cause of the problem.
I am trying to install a R package from source as it is not yet
available under Cran (Rssa, downloaded here: https://github.com/asl/rssa).
sudo R CMD INSTALL asl-rssa-6f458e4.tar.gz
from the console
2007 Mar 31
add confidence intervales to xyplot for ANCOVA and extracting info
I would like to add confidence intervales to an ANCOVA with 2
covariates when using xyplot.
What would be a good way of accomplishing this?
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
rm(list = ls(all = TRUE))
rm(list = c(ls()))
## 1. generate data
random <- rnorm(200)
y <- abs(random)
x1.cont <- abs(random)
x2.fac <-
2011 Mar 01
can't open Cairo device
Dear list,
in R under wheezy the following error occurs:
> library(cairoDevice)
> Cairo()
Error in Cairo() : Graphics API version mismatch
It seems to be Debian-specific, as I tried the same under OpenSUSE 11.3
and it worked.
I tried installing cairoDevice via `apt-get install r-cran-cairodevice'
and with `install.packages("cairoDevice")' in R (without any
2008 Feb 27
d_fontdb.d, g_her_glyph.d
Dear Developers,
I'm updating my R installation via svn (currently: Revision 44626). For
some time now (sorry don't know the exact revision number) make for R
devel yields the following error
make[4]: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Target
ben?tigt von ?g_fontdb.o?, zu erstellen. Schluss.
(translation: no rule to make target ...
2025 Feb 12
Unexpected result after auto-attaching of the Matrix package
Why aren't you loading the package before you load the object that assumes the relevant methods for that object are available?
On February 11, 2025 4:51:48 AM PST, H B via R-help <r-help at r-project.org> wrote:
>Dear all,
>I just stumbled on this behavior - not sure if this is expected:
>R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31) -- "Pile of Leaves"
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