Displaying 20 results from an estimated 110 matches similar to: "texi2dvi error "Sweave" and "exams""
2009 Feb 23
New package: exams - Automatic Generation of Standardized Exams
Dear useRs,
the new R package exams provides Sweave-based automatic generation of
exams with multiple-choice questions and arithmetic problems. The
package is available from CRAN:
It includes a vignette giving an overview of the main design aims and
principles as well as strategies for adaptation and extension.
Hands-on illustrations - based on example
2009 Feb 23
New package: exams - Automatic Generation of Standardized Exams
Dear useRs,
the new R package exams provides Sweave-based automatic generation of
exams with multiple-choice questions and arithmetic problems. The
package is available from CRAN:
It includes a vignette giving an overview of the main design aims and
principles as well as strategies for adaptation and extension.
Hands-on illustrations - based on example
2010 Jul 15
Redhat Exams.
I want to take the exams of redhat.. I?m starting now..
What advices
I can get from you list?
Explore the seven wonders of the world
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2012 Dec 20
Package exams with Moodle and OLAT support
Dear useRs,
this week we have released a new version (1.9) of the "exams" package
which now contains flexible tools for generating e-learning exams for
various learning management systems: As in earlier versions of the package
exam generation is still based on separate Sweave files for each exercise.
But rather than just producing different types of PDF output files, the
package can
2012 Dec 20
Package exams with Moodle and OLAT support
Dear useRs,
this week we have released a new version (1.9) of the "exams" package
which now contains flexible tools for generating e-learning exams for
various learning management systems: As in earlier versions of the package
exam generation is still based on separate Sweave files for each exercise.
But rather than just producing different types of PDF output files, the
package can
2009 May 26
Using package "exams" and xtable
I am trying to use the package "exams" to construct problem sets.
I have constructed an exercise which generates a list of integers and asks
the student to compute the median.
rx is the vector of n numbers
num [1:16] 21 9 8 18 4 12 17 2 9 7 ...
I want to print out the entire vector as part of the problem.
When I use \Sexpr(rx) only the first value (in this case
2011 Mar 23
Passing tex parameter via texi2dvi
I am trying to pass a additional argument to texi2dvi, for example to use
the aux-directory. Looks like this is not possible via options:
options(texi2dvi='texi2dvi --tex-option="-aux-directory=auxdir"')
texi2dvi(file = "GBPL3.tex", pdf = TRUE)
#Error in system(paste(shQuote(texi2dvi), "--version"), intern = TRUE) :
# '"texi2dvi
2009 Jul 15
bug in texi2dvi? (PR#13833)
I am trying to call texi2dvi on a very simple tex-file (see below) and
it fails with a memory access error. I originally tried to call it on
another, meaningful tex file with the same error occuring. I am
attaching a screenshot.
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards,
-------------- tex file ciao.tex ------
2015 Jan 13
R CMD build looking for texi2dvi in the wrong place (R-devel)
On 12/01/2015 6:26 PM, Dan Tenenbaum wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Simon Urbanek" <simon.urbanek at r-project.org>
>> To: "Dan Tenenbaum" <dtenenba at fredhutch.org>
>> Cc: "R-devel" <r-devel at r-project.org>
>> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 5:50:35 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Rd] R CMD build
2015 Oct 09
Building manuals are failing now that MikTex 2.9 has removed texi2dvi.exe
Hmm, look in MkRules.dist for the setting you failed to make ....
Obviously available in R-patched and R-devel only as we cannot foretell
such changes.
On 09/10/2015 06:24, Avraham Adler wrote:
> According to the MikTex bug reports [1], MikTex 2.9 has removed
> texi2dvi.exe last week (on 2015-09-29) as "it was not compatible
> (anymore) with the original shell script texi2dvi (GNU
2015 Oct 10
MiKTeX's withdrawal of texi2dvi.exe
MiKTeX has abruptly removed texi2dvi.exe from its distribution. (MiKTeX
broke its updating process earlier and an attempted update trashed the
updater on my installation so I was forced to make a fresh install of
the current distribution. I do not know if updates remove a currently
installed texi2dvi.exe.)
This has two consequences:
1) It is used by tools::texi2dvi() if found. As far as I
2016 Jun 18
Error in texi2dvi
On 17/06/2016 10:21 PM, Spencer Graves wrote:
> Hello:
> Changes in R seem to have broken the sos vignette, and I don't
> know how to fix it. The build on R-forge,
> "https://r-forge.r-project.org/R/?group_id=235&log=build_src&pkg=sos&flavor=patched",
> ends as follows:
> Error in texi2dvi(file = file, pdf = TRUE, clean =
2015 Jan 13
R CMD build looking for texi2dvi in the wrong place (R-devel)
On Jan 12, 2015, at 7:50 PM, Dan Tenenbaum <dtenenba at fredhutch.org> wrote:
> R CMD build fails with recent R-devel because it is looking for texi2dvi in /usr/local/bin, but on this system, MacTex has installed it in /usr/bin.
No, you're looking at the wrong package - texi2dvi comes from texinfo which is now mandatory in version 5.2+ located in /usr/local since OS X
2011 Mar 21
texi2dvi / egrep issue shows (a.o.) up in R-alpha
I noticed weird tools::texi2dvi behaviour on R-alpha
when specifying an absolute path to the .tex
The same phenomenon also appears to occur on
R-2.12.2, so maybe the issue is independent
of R.
I hope I did not overlook any important information.
> require(tools)
Loading required package: tools
> getwd()
[1] "/home/tobias"
2011 Mar 25
Rd2pdf and Rd2dvi don't find texi2dvi
Hello everybody
I'm am trying to build a pdf out of the Rd files that i wrote for a package, so that I can attach it to my thesis.
if i Run Rd2pdf (or Rd2dvi) I get this error massage:
Hmm ... looks like a package
Converting Rd files to LaTeX .
Creating pdf output from LaTeX ...
Error in texi2dvi("Rd2.tex", pdf = (out_ext == "pdf"), quiet = FALSE, :
2010 Aug 19
texi2dvi: option "clean" also deletes the generated pdf file
Dear expeRts,
below are two examples of using texi2dvi. The problem becomes clear from the
second example: on cleaning, texi2dvi also deletes the generated .pdf file.
Is there a solution?
## Example 1: texi2dvi cleans fine, without deleting the generated .pdf
2015 Oct 09
Building manuals are failing now that MikTex 2.9 has removed texi2dvi.exe
According to the MikTex bug reports [1], MikTex 2.9 has removed
texi2dvi.exe last week (on 2015-09-29) as "it was not compatible
(anymore) with the original shell script texi2dvi (GNU Texinfo)." I
found this out the hard way as I just (unknowingly) updated MikTex
this evening, and then, while building R-devel_2015-10-08 on Windows7
64bit using the Rtools 3.3 toolchain (4.9.3 branch), had
2011 Dec 07
running texi2dvi without running bibtex
Dear all,
I was hoping someone may know a way of running texi2dvi while ignoring
bibtex errors, or any other work around (such as not running bibtex at
all, if possible).
The context is that I have an R program that does some calculations
and writes a table into various folders, one per country for several
countries. I have a latex file that takes the table as an input, and
this latex file is
2008 May 04
texi2dvi instead of pdflatex in R2.7.0? and related bioc 2.2 builds
Dear lists:
I am somewhat puzzled by the use of texi2dvi/pdflatex in R2.7.0. When
building EBImage (bioconductor) with 2.7.0 I get the same error both in
Windows and Linux, which reads the following:
** building package indices ...
* DONE (EBImage)
* creating vignettes ... ERROR
/usr/bin/texi2dvi: pdflatex exited with bad status, quitting.
Error in texi2dvi(file = bft, pdf = TRUE, clean =
2003 Oct 23
texi2dvi and buildVignettes() on Windows
I am currently writing a (private) package in which I produce pdf
files from within R using LaTeX. To do so I mainly copied some lines
from the buildVignettes() function in the tools package. This uses the
texi2dvi which is included in R's bin directory:
system(paste(file.path(R.home(), "bin", "texi2dvi"),
"--quiet --pdf", bft))
This runs