Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "spatial auto-correlation structure in nlme"
2011 Feb 18
Variogram (nlme) of a lme object - corSpatial element question
Dear Users,
>From previous analysis (semi-variograms using package gstat), I found
spatial autocorrelation in my dataset.
The best fitted model to this spatial correlation structure is the Gaussian
model (Spherical, Exponential, Linear tested and comparison done by Sum of
Square errors).
So I used corGaus function to define this spatial autocorrelation in my lme
model using the option
2006 Jul 18
Using corStruct in nlme
I am having trouble fitting correlation structures within nlme. I would like to
fit corCAR1, corGaus and corExp correlation structures to my data. I either
get the error "step halving reduced below minimum in pnls step" or
alternatively R crashes.
My dataset is similar to the CO2 example in the nlme package. The one major
difference is that in my case the 'conc' steps are
2009 Dec 17
nonlinear (especially logistic) regression accounting for spatially correlated errors
Sorry to be a bit longwinded, but I've struggled quite a bit with the following over the last few days. I've read all entries related to spatial autocorrelation in R help and haven't found what I'm after. If it's okay, I'm going to first describe my general understanding of the process by which a mixed model can account for correlated errors. If possible, please
2005 May 17
problem with gls : combining weights and correlation structure
Dear R-users,
I hope you will have time to read me and I will try to be brief. I am also
sorry for my poor english.
I used gls function from the package nlme to correct two types of bias in my
database. At first, because my replicates are spatially aggregated, I would
like to fit a corStruct function like corLin, corSpher, corRatio, corExp or
corGaus in my gls model, and simultaneously,
2009 Jul 25
how to avoid a for looping break after an error message
Hi all,
I wrote a piece of code that generates simulated variables. after variable
generation I use them in several analyzes.
However, when I use a for to repeat the procedure 1000 times I get an erro
message in one of the "for" steps, precisely at this time:
gls.temp<- gls(y2 ~ x2,correlation=corExp(form=~coord2[,1]+coord2[,2])) #
coord 2 are spatial coordinates
and the error
2005 Jul 15
nlme and spatially correlated errors
Dear R users,
I am using lme and nlme to account for spatially correlated errors as
random effects. My basic question is about being able to correct F, p, R2
and parameters of models that do not take into account the nature of such
errors using gls, glm or nlm and replace them for new F, p, R2 and
parameters using lme and nlme as random effects.
I am studying distribution patterns of 50 tree
2008 Aug 07
3d kriging et al
R Users:
...been working with the sp and gstat packages for the past couple of days in an effort to analyze a set of ~ 200 soil samples collected from various eastings, northings, and depths and containing a wide range of measured hydrocarbon concentrations.
Thus far, I've managed to import the data, log-transform the concentrations, assign coordinates, generate and fit a variogram model and
2011 Jun 20
R crashes with 'nlme' and corStruct
I would like to fit correlation structures with nlme, but R crashes.
My data is similar to the "growth of orange trees" example from Pinheiro and
Bates (2000),
but data are not equally spaced in time, as the last observation is taken
after 6 days ( and not 2 as the others).
This is the code I'm using:
2012 Aug 29
spatial correlation in lme and huge correlation matrix (memory limit)
I'm trying to introduce a (spatial) exponential correlation
structure (with range=200 and nugget.effet of 0.3) in a lme model of
this form: lme(ARBUS~YEAR, random=~1|IDSOUS).
The structure of the data is "IDSOUS" "XMIN" "YMAX" "YEAR" "ARBUS"
with 2 years of data and 5600 points for each year.
I do:
2011 Mar 25
spatial stats - geoR - variogram - standard deviation
I am attempting to get the standard deviation in multiple distance bins in
my spatial data.
It appears as though the 'variog' command in the geoR package will do the
trick, as one of the outputs from 'variog' is 'variog$sd', which,
according to the manual, is the "standard deviation of the values in each
However, when I run this command, the
2010 Jun 25
variograms and kriging
Trying to develop variograms and kriged surfaces from a point file. Here is
what I've done so far.
library(gstat) # also loads library(sp)
soilpts$x <- soilpts$UTM_X
soilpts$y <- soilpts$UTM_Y
soil.dat <- subset(soilpts, select=c(x, y, Area, BulkDensity, LOI, TP, TN,
TC, Total_Mg))
[1] 1292 7
coordinates(soil.dat) <- ~ x+y
2008 Nov 06
I'm not sure how use curve(dexGAUS(…
None of the following four works:
rt<- rexGAUS(100, mu=300, nu=100, sigma=35)
m1<-gamlss(rt~1, family=exGAUS)
curve(dexGAUS(rt=x, mu=300 ,sigma=35,nu=100), 100, 600, main = "The ex-
GAUS density mu=300 ,sigma=35,nu=100")
curve(dexGAUS(x=rt, mu=300 ,sigma=35,nu=100), 100, 600, main = "The ex-
GAUS density mu=300
2010 Jan 23
(nlme, lme, glmmML, or glmmPQL)mixed effect models with large spatial data sets
I have a spatial data set with many observations (~50,000) and would like to
keep as much data as possible. There is spatial dependence, so I am
attempting a mixed model in R with a spherical variogram defining the
correlation as a function of distance between points. I have tried nlme,
lme, glmmML, and glmmPQL. In all case the matrix needed (seems to be
(N^2)/2 - N) is too large for my
2011 Oct 12
ARMA and prediction
I am running an ARMA model to run forecast for changes in S&P 500 prices.
My ARMA calculations look as follows
armacal <- arma( spdata, order = c(0,4), lag = list(ma = c(1,2,4)) )
arma(x = spdata, order = c(0, 4), lag = list(ma = c(1, 2, 4)) )
ma1 ma2 ma4 intercept
-0.073868 0.058020 -0.081292 0.007082
2009 Mar 03
spatial markov chain methods
can any one point me to R-packages (if available) which include spatial
Markov Chain methods?
My second question is more general but hopefully not OT: Currently we
are using the software TPROGS, which let people simulate property
distributions in space by some Markov Chain approaches. We face some
problems due to the lack of information between distances of samples
along borehole path
2012 Jun 12
Specifying spatial correlation Form in nmle
Dear R users,
I'm applying a correlation structure in a mixed model (nmle function) to
control for spatial correlation between land parcels that are adjacent to
each other. I generated X,Y coordinates in ArcGIS for each land parcel and
used them in the correlation form like this:
test.exp<-corExp(1, form = ~ X + Y)
test.exp<- Initialize(test.exp,dataset)
However, the correlation
2010 Jul 08
Psudeo R^2 (or other effect size) in spatial gls regressions
Dear all,
I have been using the function gls in the package nlme in R to fit some spatial
regressions (as described in Dormann et al.). However, I have been struggling
trying to find a way to calculate a measure of effect size from these models, so
I wanted to know if any of you had an idea on how to do this.
More precisely, I am producing a multiple model with an exponential correlation
2009 Nov 12
QR-decomposition using the base package vs. Matrix package
I need to perform a QR-decomposition of a sparse matrix, so I've been
trying to use the Matrix package. Unfortunately I don't seem to be getting
exactly the same results as if I had used the qr() command from the base
package. Here is an example of what I'm doing.
> spdata <-rpois(50,1)
> y <- rnorm(10,0,1)
> S <-
2011 Jul 07
CAPdiscrim error in BiodiversityR
I having trouble running the CAPdiscrim function located in biodiversityR.
My data tables are as follows:
community data frame (called "spdata")
Species1... Speciesn
with abundance data as values. Site names are row names.
and environmental data (called "envdata")
year elevation
my command
2008 Aug 05
LIDAR Problem in R (THANKS for HELP)
Hi All,
I am a PhD student in forestry science and I am working with LiDAR data set
(huge data set). I am a brand-new in R and geostatistic (SORRY, my
background it?s in forestry) but I wish improve my skill for improve myself.
I wish to develop a methodology to processing a large data-set of points
(typical in LiDAR) but there is a problem with memory. I had created a
subsample data-base but