similar to: Fine Tuning Country Map

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Fine Tuning Country Map"

2013 Nov 27
GADM Data Download
Dear All, Please consider the snippet at the end of the email. I often download some maps (in the R format) from However, when I run (typically more than once) a variation of the script below (based on ), I often get Error in load(url(paste("", fileName, "_adm", : cannot open the connection In
2012 Sep 24
Latitude Longitude to SPDF
Hi Team, Need your guidance in building SPDF objects from Latitude, Longitude Information available. I am using package "plotGoogleMaps" which is really awesome but it requires SPDF objects to build the maps. I have a data frame which have Latitude and Longitude information and wanted to convert it in SPDF for making maps. Please help me to find suitable package or function to convert
2012 Apr 23
automating a script to read a file
Hi, The following script (which I did not develop) is used to calculate and plot a skewed normal curve. The script currently requires the user to input six parameters, rather than reading these directly from a file. I've been spinning wheels here, trying to figure out how to modify the script to automate it. I have four data sets, each in excess of 300 records that I need to process. My
2013 Jan 04
SpatialPolygon with the max value gets no color assigned in spplot function when using "at" parameter
Hi, I would like to do coloring of map regions based on the region values "weight". The approach I am taking is first to break regions into equal intervals, classIntervals(spdf$weight,4)$brks #4 intervals in this case and coloring all regions within the interval with the same color col = brewer.pal(4,"RdYlGn")) The max "weight" is as well the boundary of the
2012 Aug 10
Trouble with Spatial Data Example Script
Dear All, I need to do something relatively simple: generate a map of Europe and paint the various states with different colors (only 3-4 are needed) according to a rule. I would like to keep it as simple as possible and the script resorting to the sp package that I found at is exactly what I am looking for (I need to repeat the exercise with Europe instead of
2011 Nov 16
I have csv data that extend beyond the area I want for an existing map. I want using the boundaries of the polygon shape file as a cookie cutter so that I can overlay the csv data on map without including anything outside the map boundaries and create a dbf file or shapefile of the clipped data .  The reproducible example: ############################################### library(RColorBrewer)
2010 Sep 26
plot single part of the country using gadm map
Dear all, in GADM map there are three levels (nation, province and precinct) for each country of the world but for all of them you are never able to plot only one part of a chosen country. To be sure, I am trying to plot only one region of “Italy” and colour the different precincts in it. So far I am able to colour only the part of my interest but the programme still plot the whole country. Is
2009 Aug 30
Trying to rename spatial pts data frame slot that isn't a slot()
Dear List, I am analyzing the home range area of fish and seem to have lost the individuals ID names during my manipulations, and can't find out how to rename them. I calculated the MCP of the fish using mcp() in Adehabitat. MCP's were converted to spatial points data frame and exported to qGIS for manipulations. At this point the ID names were lost. I brought the manipulated
2016 Apr 06
Plotting data on a map
Hello, I would like to generate a small map (say 10cm x 10cm) of France showing cumulative numbers by Distribution Center stored in a database: DISTRIBUTION_CENTER COUNT Paris 122 Paris 3 Paris 21 Lyon 12 Lyon 4444 Lyon
2013 Apr 19
3D Histograms on a Geographical Map
Dear All, I like very much figure 2.a) and 2.b) of this paper and I probably need a similar visualization. Is anything like that doable in R? I have some experience with R and gadm (, but that is only to produce maps colored according to a scalar. I do not know how to visualize maps with a "perspective", let
2012 Jan 27
Overimposing one map in ssplot onto another
Hello! I have 2 maps - both created in ssplot and both identical in terms of outline. Is there any way to superimpose Map1 (which has black borders between Canadian provinces) onto Map2 (which is also a map of Canada)? Thanks a lot for your hints! Dimitri ### A. Reading in Canada data at the province and then at the county level: library(raster) getData('ISO3') # Canada's code is
2018 Mar 19
Labelling a fortified GADM map plotted with ggplot and geom_map
I am having trouble getting data labels to display over the provinces in a GADM map of Canada. Specifically, I need the variable "Number" from the data set "by_province", grouped by "region", to appear on the corresponding regions of the map. The data set "by_province" looks like this: long lat order hole piece region
2015 Apr 02
Mapas con spplot
Hola He hecho el típico mapa con gadm y spplot: library(sp) ES <- local(get(load(url(" ")))) acerco las canarias: A <- which(ES en data$NAME_1 == "Islas Canarias") L <- length(ES en polygons[[A]]@Polygons) L <- length(ES en polygons[[A]]@Polygons) for (i in 1:L){ ES en polygons[[A]]@Polygons[[i]]@coords
2015 Aug 04
Duda interpolación (package ' gstat ')
Hola, # Hacemos el KED. Ver función "krige()": KED.rad <- krige( formula=pluvPcp~layer, # covariable -> radar locations=lluvia.rad.pluv.spdf, newdata=radarGrid, # podría ser cualquier objeto Spatial, # modelo de semivariograma. maxdist=Inf
2015 Apr 03
Mapas con spplot
Hola, Yo lo resuelvo usando grid.rect. Tienes una posible solución aquí: (que es una versión actualizada de este artículo Saludos. Oscar. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro Dpto. Ing. Eléctrica,
2017 Oct 11
Iterate in a Spatial Polygon Dataframe in R?
Hi all, ?I'm trying to iterate in a SpatialPolygonDataFrame thatcontains 110 features. I tried to use the following code? iterate.spdf =function(x){ for (i in 1:nrow(x)){ p = x[i, ]} return(p)} but with no success as it returns with aSpatialPolygonDataFrame that contains onlyone feature. The code seems to overwrite the polygons to end up with only onefeature. ?Any suggestions?Ashraf, cheers
2017 May 12
Salutations, Long story short: I need to create an SPDF to superimpose on a Google map. I have .shp file which has a long list of locations listed in (what I guess must be) UTM. I need to transform these into lon, lat. My use of spTransform, however, keeps giving me the wrong results. For what it's worth, it only seems to be messing up the latitude. My final line of code looks like this:
2017 Jan 03
Consulta mapas
Hola! Quiero empezar a georeferenciar en mapas con R. En blogs se encuentra bastante información pero veo que no hay unanimidad respecto a las librerías a utilizar ni tampoco la información es muy clara ni abarcativa. ¿Alguno/a trabaja con mapas en R y me puede indicar por donde encarar? En principio mi interés es realizar mapas sencillos con información por provincias y departamentos de
2019 Jun 09
como graficar una coordenada en un mapa
Hola a todos. Soy nuevo en R, estoy aprendiendo con tutoriales y lo hago sin un fin comercial y/o laboral. Necesito ayuda para mostrar un mapa y sobre ese mapa poner un punto dado por una coordenada. con esto consigo mostrar el mapa. library(raster) arg<-getData('GADM', country='ARG', level=0) plot(arg) En ese mapa quiero mostrar un punto que está en el sistema de
2015 Aug 06
Duda interpolación (package ' gstat ')
Sale plano sí. Ya se que sin tener los datos y el código es un poco difícil, pero es que mis datos ocupan mucho, es imposible. Seguiré mirando por internet. Muchas gracias Rubén. Un saludo, > To: r-help-es en > From: rubenfcasal en > Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2015 14:21:47 +0200 > Subject: Re: [R-es] Duda interpolación (package ' gstat ') > > Hola