Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "replace funcion"
2012 Jul 29
Error in for-loop
Hello erverybody,
I have a problem with my second for-loop.
1. First i read the tables.
datos.mx1 <- read.table('PETmx1.csv',head=TRUE,sep=';')
datos.min <- read.table('PETmin.csv',head=TRUE,sep=';')
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n4638257/PETmx1.csv PETmx1.csv
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n4638257/PETmin.csv PETmin.csv
2012 Aug 12
Error in if-command
Hello everybody,
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. But it isn't possible that each
element of the if-condition is tested for each vector element?
y <- c(1:20)
> y
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
> if (y == c(4,5,9,11,17)) { print("yes") } else { print("no")}
[1] "no"
In if (y == c(4, 5, 9, 11,
2012 Aug 07
Hist function
Hello everyone,
First i explain my aim. I would like to calculate the frecuency of
temperature (datos.mx1, columns 3-6) for each month with the thresholds of
table lf.med and lc.med.
numero1 <- hist(subset(datos.mx1[,3],
# First month and only the first weather station (column 3)
I now
2014 Nov 11
creating OU with samba4
Hello guys!
How I can create an organizationalUnit (OU)?
Now I created an user into an OU already existent, but I need to create a new OU.
I tried with:
root at s1 :~#nano file.ldif
dn: ou=MyOU,DC=dominio,DC=pdc,DC=cu
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: MyOU
root at s1 :~#ldbadd --url=/var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb file.ldif
but when I search MyOU on the Active
2013 Nov 18
dns troubles in win2003 dc migration
Hello everyone,
Great job with Samba4,
Necesary details:
Windows OS: Windows Server 2003 Servipack2 -> i386
GNU/Linux OS: Ubuntu server 12.04.3 -> i386
Samba version: 4.1.1
DNS for Samba 4(Internal dns)
I have been using the official documentation:
I have been building samba 4.1.1 from the sources for migrating a
2009 Jun 16
adressing dataframes
Hi everyone,
I experience some problems with adressing of data.frames when I retrieve
some information for geographical position (ypos, xpos) ot of a MySQL
Database and want to perform some simple statistics. The problem is
adressing the dataframes with a construct like
rawdata[c(type)] vs. rawdata$TEMPMIN
to retrieve the numerical information and not a string (I want to store the
2012 Sep 05
model.table (anova)
Hello everybody,
I have a problem with the model.table of anova.
I have data (datos2) with 4 cluster (V7), calculated with daisy and hclust.
'data.frame': 56 obs. of 7 variables:
$ Estacion: Factor w/ 56 levels "Abradelo","AltoDoRodicio",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 ...
$ Invierno: num 36 53.9 37.1 63.6 12.5 ...
$ X : int 643449 616292 562796
2013 Jul 19
Hola a todos
¿alguien sabe como instalar rNVD3 y ramnathv ?.
Siguiendo estos pasos no soy en absoluto capaz.
require(devtools) install_github('rNVD3', 'ramnathv')
He intentado guardar el archivo zip, pero tampoco he podido. No sé que se me escapa.
Saludos y buen verano!!
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jul 13
Extraer datos mensuales de una serie temporal
Hola a todos
Estoy intentando extraer un subconjunto de datos de una serie temporal,
concretamente quiero extraer los meses de verano de varios años pero no
encuentro la manera. Los datos tienen este formato:
2009 Nov 24
extraer un valor de un objeto lmer
> Hola, a todos!
Estoy ajustando un modelo componentes de varianza utilizando el paquete
lme4, quiero extraer luego los valores estimados de varianza de cada factor
aleatorio de este objeto lmer y guardarlo en un vector.
Existe la función VarCorr, Esto es lo que hago:
Mi ejemplo: tengo 3 factores NDVIaño; Máx.IH; TV
# Ajusto el modelos
lmer(peligro100 ~ 1 + (1|NDVIaño) + (1|Máx.IH) +
2012 Jan 12
glht (multicomparisons) with an interaction factor
i was working with this model
> mq<-glm(rojos~edadysexo*zona*estacion,quasipoisson)
and i get this minimal adequate model
> anova(mq5,test="F")
Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev F Pr(>F)
NULL 518 64799
edadysexo 2 1556.5 516 63243 8.9434 0.0001524 ***
zona 4
2012 Oct 04
Subsetting a group of data
I am making my way down the learning curve of R, and find it a great
language with so many helpful users!
Below is an example of what I'm trying to do, but can't quite figure out the
right path to go down.
Here's what I have:
Main is a time series of data with columns Cola and Colb
Cola Colb
1 1 1
2 1
2012 Jul 11
Help with loop
I have two dataframes:
The first, df1, contains some missing data:
cola colb colc cold cole
1 NA 5 9 NA 17
2 NA 6 NA 14 NA
3 3 NA 11 15 19
4 4 8 12 NA 20
The second, df2, contains the following:
cola colb colc cold cole
1 1.4 0.8 0.02 1.6 0.6
I'm wanting all missing data in df1$cola to be replaced by the value of
2014 Oct 15
Ayuda prueba de significancia funcion nls()
Hola, estoy haciendo un estudio de la desaceleración de la mortalidad y
tengo dudas con la función nls(), adjunto un archivo donde he redactado mi
saludos cordiales
Boris Polanco
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2007 Oct 26
Time went backwards / Stability issues
Hi, all --
I''m in the process of configuring a new machine for use as a Xen server,
and am having some rather significant stability issues.
The hardware/distro/kernel info is:
opensuse 10.3
Linux offxen2 #1 SMP 2007/09/21 22:29:00 UTC x86_64
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2 x Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2212 HE
8 x 2GB PC2-5300 RAM
Xen 3.1.0_15042-51
I currently have
2020 Jun 13
Dovecot Replication Errors (only) when using tcps: as the mail_replica Protocol
I've been seeing errors logged for some time with replication processes,
whereby replication sessions seem to be timing out periodically.
This is with dovecot version (a3d0e1171) and both are Gentoo
After some investigation I've determined that these timeouts are only
ever occurring with tcps as the replication connection type. These
errors never occur if
2023 Jan 15
dovecot replication - new and cur folders on mx1 and mx2
I have a question in regards to specific dovecot replication behaviour
and I'm just wondering if this is actually an expected/normal behaviour,
or just a version issue.
I'm using dovecot 2.3.16 which is packed by default with latest Ubuntu
22.04.1 LTS server release. I setup dovecot replication pair (mx1 - mx2)
which is working ok. MX1 has priority 10, MX2 has priority 20. I
2009 Jul 12
Nonlinear Least Squares nls() programming help
Hi, I am trying to use the nls() function to closely approximate a vector of
values, colC and I'm running into trouble. I am not sure how if I am asking
the program to do what I think its doing, because the same minimization in
Excel's Solver does not run into problems. If anyone can tell me what is
going wrong, and why I'm getting a singular convergence(7) error, please
tell me. I
2003 Dec 29
Agent setup
Dear Group,
I have been successful in setting up the Agents, queues and getting agents
to log in.
Is there a way that I could configure the system so that the agent is called
back. i.e. the agent logs into the system, a call is destined for them and
their phone rings.
If some one has this setup I would be very interested in hearing from them.
Warm Regards and Thanks
2023 Jan 17
dovecot replication - new and cur folders on mx1 and mx2
I can confirm this in a slightly different setting, but still using two-way sync between two dovecots. On e is running on macOS Monterey, the other is 2.3.20 running in an alpine container on Ubuntu.
Gerben Wierda (LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerbenwierda>)
R&A IT Strategy <https://ea.rna.nl/> (main site)
Book: Chess and the Art of Enterprise?Architecture