similar to: stopping rule in hierarchical Clustering

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "stopping rule in hierarchical Clustering"

2013 Feb 19
data format
Hi, Try this: el<- read.csv("el.csv",header=TRUE,sep="\t",stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ?elsplit<- split(el,el$st) ? datetrial<-data.frame(date1=seq.Date(as.Date("1930.1.1",format="%Y.%m.%d"),as.Date("2010.12.31",format="%Y.%m.%d"),by="day")) elsplit1<- lapply(elsplit,function(x)
2013 Jan 10
merging command
HI Eliza, You could do this: set.seed(15) mat1<-matrix(sample(1:800,124*12,replace=TRUE),nrow=12) # smaller dataset #Your codes ?list1<-list() ?for(i in 1:ncol(mat1)){ ? list1[[i]]<-t(apply(mat1,1,function(x) x[i]-x)) ? list1} ?x<-list1?? x<-matrix(unlist(x),nrow=12) x<-abs(x) ?y<-colSums(x, na.rm=FALSE) z<-matrix(y,ncol=10) ?z<-as.dist(z) ?z ?# ?? 1?? 2?? 3?? 4?? 5??
2013 Feb 17
HI Elisa, You could use ?cut() vec1<-c(33,18,13,47,30,10,6,21,39,25,40,29,14,16,44,1,41,4,15,20,46,32,38,5,31,12,48,27,36,24,34,2,35,11,42,9,8,7,26,22,43,17,19,28,23,3,49,37,50,45) label1<-unlist(lapply(mapply(c,lapply(seq(0,45,5),function(x) x),lapply(seq(5,50,5),function(x) x),SIMPLIFY=FALSE),function(i) paste(i[1],"<x<=",i[2],sep="")))
2013 Feb 17
addition in the initial question
Dear Elisa, Try this: vec1<-c(33,18,13,47,30,10,6,21,39,25,40,29,14,16,44,1,41,4,15,20,46,32,38,5,31,12,48,27,36,24,34,2,35,11,42,9,8,7,26,22,43,17,19,28,23,3,49,37,50,45) vec2<-vec1[1:26] names(vec2)<-LETTERS[1:26] label1<-unlist(lapply(mapply(c,lapply(seq(0,45,5),function(x) x),lapply(seq(5,50,5),function(x) x),SIMPLIFY=FALSE),function(i)
2013 Feb 15
data formatting
Dear Eliza, Try this: Lines1<-readLines(textConnection("1911.01.01?????? 7.87 1911.01.02?????? 9.26 1911.01.03?????? 8.06 1911.01.04?????? 8.13 1911.01.05????? 12.90 1911.02.06?????? 5.45 1911.02.07?????? 3.26 1911.03.08?????? 5.70 1911.03.09?????? 9.24 1911.04.10?????? 7.60 1911.05.11????? 14.82 1911.05.12????? 14.10 1911.06.13?????? 7.87 1911.06.14?????? 9.26
2013 Apr 25
connecting matrices
Dear Elisa, Try this: el<- matrix(1:100,ncol=20) ?set.seed(25) ?el1<- matrix(sample(1:100,20,replace=TRUE),ncol=1) In the example you showed, there were no column names.? ?list(el[,sort(el1)[1:3]],sort(el1,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1:3]) #[[1]] ?# ?? [,1] [,2] [,3] #[1,]?? 31?? 61?? 71 #[2,]?? 32?? 62?? 72 #[3,]?? 33?? 63?? 73 #[4,]?? 34?? 64?? 74 #[5,]?? 35?? 65?? 75 # #[[2]] #[1] 9 5 3 A.K.
2013 Feb 27
matrix multiplication
Hi, Try this: #mat1 is the data res<,lapply(seq_len(nrow(mat1)),function(i) {new1<,lapply(seq_len(nrow(mat1[-i,])),function(j) {x1<-rbind(mat1[i,],mat1[j,]); x2<-(abs(x1[1,1]-x1[2,1])*abs(x1[1,5]-x1[2,5]))+(abs(x1[1,2]-x1[2,2])*abs(x1[1,6]-x1[2,6]))+(abs(x1[1,3]-x1[2,3])*abs(x1[1,7]-x1[2,7]))+(abs(x1[1,4]-x1[2,4])*abs(x1[1,8]-x1[2,8]))}));new1}))
2013 Feb 13
date and matrices
Hi Elisa, Try this: date1<-format(seq.Date(as.Date("1991.1.1",format="%Y.%m.%d"),as.Date("1996.12.31",format="%Y.%m.%d"),by="day"),"%Y.%m.%d") ?length(date1) #[1] 2192 mat1<-matrix(c(.314,.314,.273,.273,.236,.236,.236,.236,.273,.314,.403,.314),ncol=1) res1<-
2017 Nov 23
adding percentage secondary y-axis
Thank you very much peter. It worked out nicely. I have additional question. How can I get Y-axis on log-scale? Thank you very much in Advance, Eliza UoS PP ________________________________ From: PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at> Sent: 23 November 2017 16:22:39 To: Eliza Botto; r-help at Subject: RE: adding percentage secondary y-axis Hi It is usually not
2013 Feb 11
Dear R users,[IF THE FORMAT OF MY EMAIL IS NOT CLEAR, I HAVE ATTACHED A TEXT FILE FOR A CLEAR VIEW] I would like to use the R output file in Fortran. my file Is exactly in the following format. ELISA/BOTTO wATER INN FROM 1900 11 1 TO 1996 12 31 1901.11. 1 447.000 1901.11. 2 445.000 1901.11. 3 445.000 1924.11. 4 445.000 1924.11. 5 449.000 1924.11. 6 442.000 1924.11. 7
2012 Oct 05
loop for column substraction of a matrix
Dear useRs, I have a matrix with 38 columns and 365 rows. what i want to do is the following..... 1. subtracting from each column, first itself and then all the remaining columns. More precisely, from column number 1, i will first subtract itself(column 1) and then the remaining 37 columns. Afterwards i will take column number 2 and do the same. In this way i want to proceed till 38th column.
2012 Nov 14
reversing distance matrix for original values
dear useRs, i created a distance matrix, of certain voltage values. unfortunately, i lost the original values. i am only left with the distance matrix that i created from those values. i wanted to ask that is there a way in R to reverse distance matrix for the original values? thanks in advance eliza [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Dec 24
whats wrong in my codes???
Dear R family,i am trying to plot and save, simultaneously, about 1000. the name of each plot is contained in "names" file. when i run this loop, i get an error. "Error in : Unable to open file 'C:/R/SAVEHERE/myplot_Tak.jpg' for writing". could you please correct the mistake in the loop? >names<-(names(sp)) >for(a in seq_along(names)){ >mypath
2012 Sep 21
efficient overlapping average curve on original curves
Dear useRs, my question could be very basic for which i apologize in advance. Each column of a matrix with dimensions 365 rows and 37 columns was drawn against another matrix of dimensions 365 rows and 1 column. with that i was able to draw 37 curves on the same axis. now i want to draw an average curve of these 37 curves on the same axis in such a way that all the curves (average and 37
2012 Dec 24
colmeans not working
[text file is also attached in case you find the format of email difficult to understand] Dear useRs,You must all the planning for the christmas, but i am stucked in my office on the following issue i had a file containg information about station name, year, month, day, and discharge information. i opened it by using following command > dat1<-read.table("EL.csv",header=TRUE,
2012 Oct 15
median between matrix column
Dear useRs, 1. how to calculate single median value for two columns of a matrix? 2. i have a matrix of 16 columns and 365 rows, how to calculate median between columns 1 and 16, 2 and 16, 3 and 16, 4 and 16, 5 and 16 till 15th column. is there a loop command to do the said operation? regards eliza [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Oct 19
bold dot size and name in plot
Dear useRs, I have the following data "z" of two variables "x"(z[,1]) and "y"(z[,2]). > dput(z) structure(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66,
2012 Dec 25
for loop not working
dear R family,i have a matrix of 444 columns. what i want to do is the following. 1. starting from column 1 i want to select every 37th column on the way. more precisely i want to select column 1, 38,75,112,149 and so on. 2.starting from column 2, i again want to select every 37th column. which means 2,39,76,113,150 and so on. similarly starting from 3 till 37th column. i have tried following loop
2013 Jan 02
loop correction needed
Dear useRs, i have a data frame with 16 lists in it. each list has variable number of lines. i want to create a loop which will start deleting every 32nd line in each list, till the end of each list. more precisely if a list has 200 rows i want to delete row number 32, 64, 96 and so on...for that i created the followng loop. >e<-lapply(seq(1),function(i)
2013 Apr 23
call a variable from outside of for loop
Dear useRs, While using print command in "for" loop, i designated a variable being printed by "e". Although the output was shown inside the loop but when i tried to call the variable outside the loop it only gave the first row, where as it should have 35 rows as it showed inside loop.The command which i used in the loop is e<-print(sum(abs(b-m[,i]))) Kindly help me on it..