Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Adjusting coordinates in raster plots"
2012 Oct 29
How can I map numbers to colours with raster?
This code will read binary file and display it as a map. may problem is that
this code is using a continuous colour scheme, even though I have discrete
data (which is a classification scheme). How can I map numbers to colours
with raster? Please
conne <- file("C:\\lai.bin", "rb")
sd<- readBin(conne, integer(), size=1, n=360*720, signed=F)
2020 Feb 20
Pregunta sobre rLandsat
Hola Ángel:
Yo creo que tendrías que establecer el sistema de coordenadas de
referencia de tu objeto raster antes de salvarlo como GTiff. Algo así:
crs(r1) <-"+proj=utm +zone=14 +datum=WGS84"
El 20/02/2020 a las 1:42, Angel Cervantes escribió:
> Hola a todos, quisiera pedirles su ayuda. Estoy tratando de crear un raster a partir de una tabla de datos
2012 Feb 28
colour by z value, persp in raster package
Hi all!
My question is how to colour pixels by z value in persp plot in raster package. Here is an example:
x <- seq(-1.95, 1.95, length = 30)
y <- seq(-1.95, 1.95, length = 35)
z <- outer(x, y, function(a,b) a*b^2)
r1 <- raster(nrows=35, ncols=30, xmn=0, xmx=30, ymn = 0, ymx = 35)
r1[] <- c(z)
There already exist some function to produce persp plot for anothe
2020 Feb 19
Pregunta sobre rLandsat
Hola grupo, estoy siguiendo una gu?a de la librer?a rLandsat que me la he descargado de:
Y tras hacer los siguiente (obviamente tengo me he registrado previamente en la api correspondiente):
product_id = c("LC08_L1TP_145049_20180301_20180308_01_T1",
2012 Jun 20
Edges and Rasters
Hi everyone!
I would like to draw a line surrounding my raster, with i want it in black,
and i don't know if its possible to change the colour.
A simple example is:
r <- raster(nrow=30, ncol=30, xmn=0)
plot( edge(r,
2009 Aug 04
asc class object - how to get positions (coordinates) for a given raster ID?
In a raster asc object, I'd like to take the positions (x and y coordinates)
for a given "pixel" ID. Any idea about how to do this?
Paulo E. Cardoso
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2013 Apr 24
How to make a raster image in R from my own data set
Hi R-user,
I was trying to make a raster map with WGS84 projection in R, but I could not make it. I found one data set in Google that data is almost the same format as of mine. I wanted to make a raster map of temperature with 1 degree spatial resolution for the global scale.
I could make it in GIS software but I do have many variables (to be many raster images) and ultimately I am importing them
2009 Feb 21
Extracting xy from raster based on raster value
I have a raster (which I called glc), which I read
into R as a raster with "raster.create.from.file" from the raster package (R-forge). Values in glc range between 1 and 27 (whole numbers only). I'd like to extract all cells with a value of 1 to create
a new raster with only the cells that have a value of 1, or to extract
the xy values of all raster cells with a value of 1. Could you
2010 Aug 26
Passing arguments between S4 methods fails within a function:bug? example with raster package.
Dear all,
This problem came up initially while debugging a function, but it
seems to be a more general problem of R. I hope I'm wrong, but I can't
find another explanation. Let me illustrate with the raster package.
For an object "RasterLayer" (which inherits from Raster), there is a
method xyValues defined with the signature
2009 Dec 01
raster support in graphics devices
This is for developers of extension packages that provide extra
*graphics devices* for R.
In the *development* version of R, support has been added to the
graphics engine for sending raster images (bitmaps) to a graphics
device. This consists mainly of two new device functions: dev_Raster()
and dev_Cap().
The R_GE_version constant (in GraphicsEngine.h) has been bumped up to 6
as a
2011 Jan 31
str() on raster objects fails for certain dimensions
str() on raster objects fails for certain dimensions. For example:
> str(as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=100))
'raster' chr [1, 1:100] "#000000" "#000000" "#000000" "#000000" ...
> str(as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=101))
Error in `[.raster`(object, seq_len(max.len)) : subscript out of bounds
This seems to do with how str() and
2012 May 10
converting raster image
Dear R users,
I was wondering how I can convert a raster image (that made R through interpolation) into an ascii or csv format?
this is the last line of my command
p <- interpolate(r, tpsfit)
So p is my raster file which I want to convert into ascii or csv
Many thanks
2013 Oct 24
Plot.raster hides the axis layer
Hi all,
I am trying to plot a raster object (I can explain why but the point is that it would be a raster objeçt)..
I have selected a small code to show you exactly the problem
axis(1,at=c(0,1),labels=c("a","b")) # THIS DOES NOT CHANGE THE INVISIBLE AXIS WHILE
2011 Dec 01
Raster manipulation in R
Hello everyone in the forum
For introducing myself I would say I have a basic knowledge of R.
Now I am intended to implement a flood algorithm using R. I have some MatLab
experience doing these, and as an example to explain more or less what I
want, I have a m code to calculate the slope from a Digital elevation model:
for i=2:row-1
for j=2:col-1
2010 Jan 16
"Too many raster images" in devPS.c
I am finding the recently added [1] functionality of embedding raster
images into plots on R devices very useful! Thanks to Paul Murrell and
others for providing that. I noted that in
a macro is defined: #define MAX_RASTERS 64, and consequently, I get
Error in grid.Call.graphics("L_raster", x$raster, x$x, x$y,
2011 Jun 10
merge large number of raster objects
I have a large number of raster objects in memory, with names RH100,
RH101, RH102, etc. (myobjects <- ls(pattern='^RH')).
These rasters are sections of a continuous map, and I would like to
combine them using the RasterObject merge tool in package 'raster.'
Merge expects an input list of raster objects (outmap<-merge(x, y, ...),
where x, y, and ... are raster
2013 Jan 29
Netcdf and Raster Package Questions, Need .asc File for GIS
Hello R-Group,
I am new working with netcdf files and the raster package in R.I am
trying to read in a netcdf file using the package "ncdf".I am able to
get the lat, lon and parameter I need and can plot using
fill.contour.Ultimately, I am trying to create a .asc file to reafd into
GIS.I am using the package "raster" to read the parameter.When I read in
2020 Oct 31
raster::levels() not working in packaged function.
Apologies, I cannot see how to make a rero for this issue.
I have a function that uses levels(r) tor return the RAT of a raster "r"
when the function is sourced from a script
it works fine.
when the function is built into a package and sourced from there
library(mypackage) using the same script file to make the package
the same line
2009 Apr 18
install raster package on ubuntu
Dear all,
I am running R 2.8.1. under ubuntu, and I need to install
the package "raster" but I get the following error:
> install.packages("raster")
Warning in install.packages("raster") :
argument 'lib' is missing: using '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library'
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
2012 Mar 21
To overlay my raster and its boundary
I want to overlay my raster and its boundary which is a shapefile.
When I used thise code separately, all is ok:
# Open raster
>testo2 <- aggregate(testo,fact=10, fun=mean)
# open