similar to: Force evaluation of a symbol when a function is created

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Force evaluation of a symbol when a function is created"

2008 Mar 17
driving R from MATLAB
I am trying to use R functions from my MATLAB code using a DCOM server. I am working under Windows XP. While I mange to run basic functions and run them using scripts, when I try a more complicated set of functions I fail. I am trying to perform survival analysis, using Surv Surv(recruTime,recur) Surv creates a somewhat complex output and I get the response Problem evaluating command
2011 Jul 31
Display/show the evaluation result of R commands automatically
Hello R-help, I wonder if it is possible to configure R, so that it will display/show the evaluation result of the R commands automatically (similar to the behavior of Matlab) i.e. If I type x <- 8 it will print 8 in the command prompt, instead of having type x explicitly to show the result and perhaps put an ";" at the end to suppress the output. i.e. x <- 8; Thank you
2004 Jan 20
evaluation of discriminant functions+multivariate homosce dasticity
While I don't know anything about Box's M test, I googled around and found a Matlab M-file that computes it. Below is my straight-forward translation of the code, without knowing Matlab or the formula (and done in a few minutes). I hope this demonstrates one of Prof. Ripley's point: If you really want to shoot yourself in the foot, you can probably program R to do that for you. [BTW:
2006 Dec 30
Evaluating Entire Matlab code at a time
Hi. On 12/30/06, Bhanu Kalyan.K <kalyansikha at> wrote: > Dear Mr.Bengtsson, > > The steps you have suggested are working for single lines of matlab > statements. But, as i mentioned earlier, If i want to see the output of an > entire matlab code (say swissroll.m) then you suggested me to do > res <- evaluate(matlab, "swissroll"). > When i did
2008 Jul 07
A shorter version of ".Last.value"?
Hi, There is an object, ".Last.value" to which the result of the most recent evaluation is assigned. This is similar to "ans" in Matlab. In Matlab "ans" can be very useful and time-saving, but typing the larger R version is somewhat clunky and takes away from the usefulness. Is it possible to reassign '.Last.value' to something simpler, like
2012 Apr 28
Equivalent of Nothing (in VBA) or [] in Matlab in R
Hi, I am very new to R so please excuse me if I am asking very obvious questions. I am trying to call a blackbox api function implemented in as a COM object from R. The function definition says that 1. if calling from VBA, the first parameter should be set to "Nothing" 2. if calling from matlab, the first parameter should be set to [] What should be the equivalent for above in R?.
2009 Nov 30
Question about output from optim
Dear R-users, I am trying to port to R something that I wrote in Matlab to perform model parameter optimization using the Nelder-Mead simplex method (fminsearch). I read the help on ?optim (which seems to be the way to go) as well as a bunch of posts on the topic, but I would like to make sure about something before I spend to much time trying to reproduce something that is not possible. The
2004 Aug 09
returns the value of a polynomial of degree n evaluated at x.
> Background: > OS: Linux Mandrake 9.1 > release: R 1.9.0 > editor: Xemacs 21.4 > frontend: ESS 5.1.23 > --------------------------------- > > Colleagues > Is there a function in R that is similar to polyval in matlab? (y = polyval(p,x) returns the value of a polynomial of degree n evaluated at x. The input argument p is a vector of length n+1 whose elements are the
2005 Jul 13
How to use the function "plot" as Matlab?
Hello, How to use the function plot to produce graphs as Matlab? example in Matlab: a = [1,2,5,3,6,8,1,7]; b = [1,7,2,9,2,3,4,5]; plot(a,'b') hold plot(b,'r') How to make the same in R-package ? I am trying something thus: a <- c(1,2,5,3,6,8,1,7) c(1,7,2,9,2,3,4,5) -> b a;b plot(a,t="l",col="blue") plot(b,t="l",col="red")
2008 Oct 29
Functional pattern-matching in R
I found there's a very good functional set of operations in R, such as apply family, Hadley Wickham's lovely plyr, etc. There's even a Reduce (a.k.a. fold). Now I wonder how can we do pattern-matching? E.g., now I split dimensions like this: m <- dim(V)[1] # R n <- dim(V)[2] # still R While even Matlab allows for [m,n] = size(V) % MATLAB! Ideally I'd be able to
2006 Jun 19
can I call user-created functions without source() ?
Hi, I have to R fairly recently from Matlab, where I have been used to organising my own custom functions into directories which are adding to the Matlab search path. This enables me to call them as I would one of Matlab's built-in functions. I have not found a way of doing the same thing in R. I have resorted to using source() on symlinks located in the current directory. Not very
2009 Sep 23
scaled Schoenfeld residuals
hi sorry if this has been discussed before, but I'm wondering why the scaled Schoenfeld residuals do not follow the defining formula for obtaining them from the ordinary Schoenfeld residuals, but are instead offset by the estimated parameter values. e.g. library(survival) attach(ovarian) sv<-Surv(futime,fustat) f1<-coxph( f1
2006 Dec 17
Start Matlab server in R 2.4.0
In order to start matlab server in R , I using the following commands getwd() setwd("D:\R_matlab") install.packages("R.oo") install.packages("R.matlab") install.packages("R.utils") library(R.matlab) Matlab$startServer() a minimized MATLAB Command Window come out, but I can't make this window become larger. Does anyone know why? I type
2006 Dec 20
R.matlab question
Does anyone know how to solve this question about R.matlab? I am in windowsXP, my matlab is matlab 7.0.0 19920(R14) thanks, Aimin > matlab <- Matlab(host="localhost", port=9998) > if (!open(matlab)) throw("Matlab server is not running: waited 30 seconds.") Error in list("throw("Matlab server is not running: waited 30 seconds.")" =
2010 Aug 27
R.matlab package help
Hi,all I have a problem running R.matlab package (under 2.10.1 version). I can set up the matlab server under local machine(run the MatlabServer.m), " And I can use setVariable and evaluate matlab functions in R. But when I ask Matlab to send the value back to R using getVariable function it always returns an error: " ??? Error: A MATLAB string constant is not
2007 Nov 17
R and reading matlab compressed files
Is there any way to read these files (standard .mat files, created by matlab version 7 onwards are compressed)? I know that R.matlab doesn't read them (it even says in the file MatlabServer.m "Matlab v7 saves compressed files, which is not recognized by R.matlab's readMat()" (lines 47-8)). I know I should be able to make R call Matlab and transfer data (not that I managed to
2012 Dec 01
cubic spline
Hallo, I'm facing a problem and I would really appreciate your support. I have to translate some Matalb code in R that I don't know very well but I would like to. I have to interpolate 5 point with a cubic spline function and then I expect my function returns the Y value as output a specific X value inside the evaluation range. Let's suppose that: 1- *X = [-10, -5, 0, 5, 10]* 2
2008 Mar 26
Moving data between R and Matlab back and forth?
Hi to the list, I am trying to find a way to painlessly move structured data back and forth between R and Matlab (also Octave). For this purpose I found the R.matlab package great help. I wish to use a Matlab -v6 MAT file as an intermediary format, because it is well read by both Matlab and Octave. It is also well read by 'readMat' function in R.matlab package, but that is where I run
2007 Apr 10
Matlab import
Dear R-Experts, here again a question concerning matlab. With the command "matrixM=[1 2 3;4 5 6]" a matrix under Matlab was constructed. It was than stored with the command "save('matrixM.txt','matrixM')". Now I tried to import the data in R with the help of the command "Z=matrix(scan("Z:/Software/R-Programme/matrixM.txt"))" An error
2003 Apr 03
Matrix eigenvectors in R and MatLab
Dear R-listers Is there anyone who knows why I get different eigenvectors when I run MatLab and R? I run both programs in Windows Me. Can I make R to produce the same vectors as MatLab? #R Matrix PA9900<-c(11/24 ,10/53 ,0/1 ,0/1 ,29/43 ,1/24 ,27/53 ,0/1 ,0/1 ,13/43 ,14/24 ,178/53 ,146/244 ,17/23 ,15/43 ,2/24 ,4/53 ,0/1 ,2/23 ,2/43 ,4/24 ,58/53 ,26/244 ,0/1 ,5/43) #R-syntax