Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "metafor- interpretation of moderators test for raw proportions"
2012 Aug 09
Factor moderators in metafor
I'm puzzled by the behaviour of factors in rma models, see example and
comments below. I'm sure there's a simple explanation but can't see it...
Thanks for any input
John Hodgson
------------------------------------- code/selected output -----------------
## Set up data (from Lenters et al A Meta-analysis of Asbestos and Lung
2011 Aug 05
Main-effect of categorical variables in meta-analysis (metafor)
Dear R-experts!
In a meta-analysis (metafor) I would like to assess the effect of two
categorical covariates (A & B) whereas they both have 4 levels.
Is my understanding correct that this would require to dummy-code (0,1) each
level of each covariate (A & B)?
However I am interested in the main-effects and the interaction of these two
covariates and the dummy-coding would only allow to
2009 Aug 13
metafor random effects meta-analysis
Great to see the new metafor package for meta-analysis.
I would like to perform a meta-analysis in which I initially calculate the intercept of the model with a nested random-effects structure. In lme, this would be
model<- lme(v3~1, random=~1|species/study, weights = varFixed(~Wt), method = "REML")
where multiple effects sizes are measured for some studies and more than
2012 May 05
Dear users of metafor,
I am working on a meta-analysis using the metafor package. I have a
excel csv database that I am working with. I am interested in pooling
the effect measures for a particular subgroup (European women) in this
csv database. I am conducting both sub-group and meta-regression.
In subgroup-analyses, I have stratified the database to create a
separate csv file just for European
2013 Mar 15
metafor - multivariate analysis
Dear Metafor users, I'm conducting a metaanalysis of prevalence of a particular behaviour based on someone elses' code. I've been labouring under the impression that this:
is doing the multivariate analysis that i want, but have read that
2013 Jan 19
dummy encoding in metafor
I am quite new to R and in need of some advice. I am trying to conduct a meta regression over a some studies with about 7 mod variables which I have to dummy encode.
I have found the following piece of code in the manual for the metafor library:
### manual dummy coding of the allocation factor
alloc.random <- ifelse(dat$alloc == "random", 1, 0)
alloc.alternate <-
2013 Feb 27
metafor - interpretion of QM in mixed-effects model with factor moderator
I'm using metafor to perform a mixed-effects meta-analysis. I'd like to
test whether the effect is different for animals and plants/whether "group"
(animal/plant) influences the effect size, but am having trouble
interpreting the results I get. I've read previous posts about QM in
metafor, but I'm still a bit confused. I've dummy-coded the factors:
2010 Jan 04
metafor: using mixed models
Dear all,
I'm currently applying a mixed model approach to meta analysis using the
package metafor. I use the "model.matrix()" function to create dummy
variables. The option btt gives me the combined test for the dummies.
Problem is, I don't know which indices I have to use, and can't really
figure it out from the help file and the examples. I use following code :
X <-
2011 Sep 08
predict.rma (metafor package)
(R 2.13.1, OSX 10.6.8)
I am trying to use predict.rma with continuous and categorical variables. The argument newmods in predict.rma seems to handle coviariates, but appears to falter on factors. While I realise that the coefficients for factors provide the answers, the goal is to eventually use predict.rma with ANCOVA type model with an interaction.
Here is a self contained example
2012 Jan 14
metafor: weights computation in Mantel-Haenszel method
Dear R users,
In metafor 1.6-0, the Mantel-Haenszel method is implemented by the rma.mh() function. I have observed that the sum of the weights computed by weights(x) doesn't add to 100% when x is an object of class rma.mh. The consequences of this fact can be clearly seen when a forest diagram is drawn with forest(x), which calls weights(x) (or more precisely, the method weights.rma.mh()
2012 May 24
package metafor: specify weights?
Dear R-experts,
Dear Wolfgang,
Weighted model fitting in metafor uses the inverse of the study specific variances as weights.
I am wondering if it is possible to specify different weights.
In my meta-analysis, there are two types of studies with (intrinsic) differences in their range of sample sizes (which are used to calculate the variances of Fisher's z).
I would like to try normalizing
2011 Jul 18
Extract confidence intervals from rma object (metafor package)
Dear R-experts!
I am working on some meta-analysis using the metafor package. I would like
to extract values of the confidence intervals of the effect sizes of the
single studies from an rma object. Those values are printed out when
plotting a forest plot using the forest function on the rma object, however
I was not able to locate them.
Many thanks for your help!
[[alternative HTML
2011 Feb 20
Help Metafor
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era
Nome: non disponibile
URL: <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20110220/1f45c288/attachment.pl>
2009 Jul 24
I had found the author's (Wolfgang Viechtbauer) earlier meta-analytic code in R, MiMa, useful. so I have been exploring metafor using an example dataset from MiMa. metafor provides a lot more. However, MiMa provided parameter estimates, standard errors, z values, etc. for individual moderators in the meta-analysis, but I don't see how to obtain these from metafor. Have you any help
2012 Sep 07
metafor package: study level variation
Hello. A quick question about incorporating variation due to study in the metafor package. I'm working with a particular data set for meta-analysis where some studies have multiple measurements. Others do not. So, let's say the effect I'm looking at is response to two different kinds of drug treatment - let's call their effect sizes T1 and T2. Some studies have multiple
2011 Jan 12
Metafor vs Meta vs Spreadsheet: wrong numbers
I experimented the Metafor and Meta packages in the scope of replacing Excel
for meta-analysis. I performed the first working example provided in Michael
Borenstein's book "Introduction to Meta-Analysis" with Excel, Metafor and Meta.
The numbers given by my spreadsheet, which I validated from Borenstein's book,
conrespond quite closely to those given by Meta, but
2009 Dec 04
z to r transformation within print.rma.uni and forest from the package metafor
Dear R community,
I'm using the ,metafor'-package by Wolfgang Viechtbauer (Version: 0.5-5) to
calculate random-effects meta-analyses using Correlations and Sample Sizes
as the raw data.
(By the way: Really a nice piece of work, Wolfgang! Thanks heaps.)
I specified the "rma.uni' function so that it looks like this:
MAergebnis<-rma.uni(ri=PosOutc, ni=N,
2011 Jan 12
metafor/ meta-regression
Hi I have tryed to do the meta-regression in metafor package, but I
would like to get the standardized coefficients for each variable, however in
Ø res<-rma.uni (yi, vi,
method="REML", mods=~cota+DL+uso+gadiente+idade, data= turbidez)
I just have the coefficients no standardized (estimate) of the multiple
What I need to do?
Fernanda Melo
2013 Jan 23
mixed effects meta-regression: nlme vs. metafor
I would like to do a meta-analysis, i.e., a mixed-effects regression,
but I don't seem to get what I want using both the nlme or metafor packages.
My question: is there indeed no way to do it?
And if so, is there another package I could use?
Here are the details:
In my meta-analysis I'm comparing different studies that report a
measure at time zero and after a certain followup
2012 Jul 24
Annotate forest plot 'forest.rma()' for meta-analysis with metafor package
Dear R-experts,
The forest.rma() function from the metafor package creates nice forest
plots for presenting the results of a meta-analysis. These plots can be
annotated for e.g. giving names to the columns. E.g. as in the
documentation of the package:
### meta-analysis of the log relative risks using a random-effects model
res <- rma(ai=tpos, bi=tneg, ci=cpos, di=cneg,