similar to: optim() for ordered logit model with parallel regression assumption

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "optim() for ordered logit model with parallel regression assumption"

2008 Apr 04
Problems with Unit Root testing using ur.df function
Hi All, I'm new to R and am trying to run a unit root test on the vector "y" (a time series of inflation (i.e. changes in the Consumer Price Index quarter on quarter)). I've run the Augmented-Dickey-Fuller Test below (R's URCA package). It gives me an error that it cannot find the function ur.df unless I comment out the third last line of code (see below). I try to call
2012 Jul 11
nls problem: singular gradient
Why fails nls with "singular gradient" here? I post a minimal example on the bottom and would be very happy if someone could help me. Kind regards, ########### # define some constants smallc <- 0.0001 t <- seq(0,1,0.001) t0 <- 0.5 tau1 <- 0.02 # generate yy(t) yy <- 1/2 * ( 1- tanh((t - t0)/smallc) * exp(-t / tau1) ) + rnorm(length(t))*0.01 # show the curve
2010 Nov 30
confidence interval for logistic joinpoint regression from package ljr
I?m trying to run a logistic joinpoint regression utilising the ljr package. I?ve been using the forward selection technique to get the number of knots for the analysis, but I?m uncertain as to my results and the interpretation. The documentation is rather brief ( in the package and the stats in medicine article is quite technical) and without any good examples. At the moment I?m thinking 1)find
2013 Apr 09
[R-SIG-Finance] EM algorithm with R manually implemented?
Moved to R-help because there's no obvious financial content. Michael On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Stat Tistician <statisticiangermany at> wrote: > Hi, > I want to implement the EM algorithm manually, with my own loops and so. > Afterwards, I want to compare it to the normalmixEM output of mixtools > package. > > Since the notation is very advanced, I
2011 Feb 26
A problem about realized garch model
Hi, I am trying to write the Realized GARCH model with order (1,1) The model can be describe bellow: r_t = sqrt( h_t) * z_t logh_t = w + b*logh_(t-1) + r*logx_(t-1) logx_t = c + q*logh_t + t1*z_t +t2*(z_t ^2 -1) + u_t and z follow N(0,1) , u follow N(0, sigma.u^2) But I'm troubled with the simulation check for my code. After I simulate data from the model and estimate the data, I
2008 Mar 25
derivatives in R
Hi, I posted this message earlier in "Rmetrics" and I don't know whether I posted in the wrong place, so I'm posting it again in Rhelp. I have a function in x and y and let's call it f(x,y). I need to get the Hessian matrix. i.e I need (d^2f/dx^2), (d^2f/dxdy), (d^2f/dydx), (d^2f/dy^2).I can get these using the D function. now I need to evaluste the hessian matrix for
2012 Jul 12
Generate random numbers with nested Archimedean Copula
Hi everybody, I try to simulate random numbers from a trivariate nested Archimedean copula. My aim is to correlate two processes with, e.g. theta2, as the so called child pair and then to correlate these two processes with a third one with theta1 (parent). This "figure" tries to capture what I am explaining theta1 theta2
2017 Jun 04
Hlep in analysis in RWinBugs
Hi R User, I was trying to use R for WINBUGS using following model and data (example), but I am new with WINBUGS and don't know how we perform the analysis. I wonder whether I can run the following the example data and Winbugs Model in R. Your help will be highly appreciated. Sincerely, SN PANDIT === library(R2WinBUGS) #Model model{ #likelihood for(i in 1:N){ a1[i] ~ dnorm(a11[i],tau)
2017 Jun 04
Help in analysis in RWinBugs
Hi R User, I was trying to use R for WINBUGS using following model and data (example), but I am new with WINBUGS and don't know how we perform the analysis. I wonder whether I can run the following the example data and Winbugs Model in R. Your help will be highly appreciated. Sincerely, SN PANDIT === library(R2WinBUGS) #Model model{ #likelihood for(i in 1:N){ a1[i] ~ dnorm(a11[i],tau)
1998 Apr 27
R-beta: vectors in dataframe?
I have a file: x y z 0.025 0.025 1.65775 0.025 0.050 1.62602 0.025 0.075 1.63683 0.025 0.100 1.91847 0.025 0.125 2.00913 0.025 0.150 1.82222 0.025 0.175 1.70901 0.025 0.200 1.39759 0.025 0.225 1.39089 0.025 0.250 1.04762 If I read the file like this: data<-read.table("file.dat") How do I access the vectors x,y,z that are inside the dataframe data? I studied Venables and
2009 Nov 02
need help in using Hessian matrix
Hi I need to find the Hessian matrix for a complicated function from a certain kind of data but i keep getting this error Error in f1 - f2 : non-numeric argument to binary operator the data is given by U<-runif(n) Us<-sort(U) tau1<- 2 F1tau<- pgamma((tau1/theta1),shape,1) N1<-sum(Us<F1tau) X1<- Us[1:N1]
2012 Oct 23
Testing proportional odds assumption in R
I want to test whether the proportional odds assumption for an ordered regression is met. The UCLA website points out that there is no mathematical way to test the proportional odds assumption (, and use graphical inspection ("We were unable to locate a facility in R to perform any of the tests commonly used to test the parallel slopes
2012 Jul 22
Adding gamma and 3-parameter log normal distributions to L-moments ratio diagram lmrd()
How to adapt this piece of code but for: - gamma distribution - 3 parameter log normal More specifically, where can I find the specification of the parameter (lmom) for pelgam() and pelln3()? Lmom package info just gives: pelgam(lmom), lelln3(lmom), where lmom is a numeric vector containing the L-moments of the distribution or of a data sample. # Draw an L-moment ratio diagram and add a line for
2013 Mar 11
Test of Parallel Regression Assumption in R
Hi, I am running an analysis with an ordinal outcome and I need to run a test of the parallel regression assumption to determine if ordinal logistic regression is appropriate. I cannot find a function to conduct such a test. >From searching various message boards I have seen a few useRs ask this same question without a definitive answer - and I came across a thread that indicated there is no
2009 Dec 04
z to r transformation within print.rma.uni and forest from the package metafor
Dear R community, I'm using the ,metafor'-package by Wolfgang Viechtbauer (Version: 0.5-5) to calculate random-effects meta-analyses using Correlations and Sample Sizes as the raw data. (By the way: Really a nice piece of work, Wolfgang! Thanks heaps.) I specified the "rma.uni' function so that it looks like this: MAergebnis<-rma.uni(ri=PosOutc, ni=N,
2010 Apr 14
ur.df ADF Unit Root Test: what is the meaning of phi1 and phi2 test statistic?
Hello, I am using the ur.df function from the {arca} package to run the augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test on several time series. However; I do not understand the econometric interpretation of the the "phi1" and "phi2" test-statisitc which are output if you choose a "trend" or "drift" model. I looked at the source code for the function but I do not
2009 Aug 07
Proper / Improper scoring Rules
Hi All, I am working on some ordinal logistic regresssions using LRM in the Design package. My response variable has three categories (1,2,3) and after using the creating my model and using a call to predict some values and I wanted to use a simple .5 cut-off to classify my probabilities into the categories. I had two questions: a) first, I am having trouble directly accessing the
2009 Feb 21
density estimation for d>2 for the DPpackage
Dear List, I am trying to estimate a 3 dimensional density through the DPpackage. For example # model sigma <- matrix(c(0.1,0.05,0.05,0.05,0.1,0.05,0.05,0.05,0.1), ncol=3) rnormm<- rmvnorm(n=100, mean=c(5,100,150), sigma=sigma) sigma2 <- matrix(c(10,0.05,0.05,0.05,10,0.05,0.05,0.05,10), ncol=3) rnormm2<- rmvnorm(n=100, mean=c(20,1,110), sigma=sigma) rnormm<-rbind(rnormm,rnormm2)
2010 Jun 23
A question about R2Winbugs
Dear R users: I was trying to fit a HMM with mixture of Gaussian into the dataset, and I tried to implement it by R2Winbugs. But I got the following errer. * Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) : .C(..): 'type' must be "real" for this format* Does anybody know what's the problem? Does R2Winbugs accept some matrix as inits? I would really appreciate your help. Thank you very much.
2009 Nov 01
intigrate function and absolute error
Hi Can we get the result of an intigration without the absolute error? for example f1<-function(x1){(1/gamma(alpha))*x1^(alpha-1)*exp(-x1)*log(x1)} I1<-integrate(f1, 0, (max(cc)-tau1+(theta2/theta1)*tau1)/theta2) I1 0.08007414 with absolute error < 7.2e-05 I need the answer 0.08007414 withou the other part(with absolute error <7.2e-05) how can we do that? thank you and take care