similar to: problem plotting in a grid

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "problem plotting in a grid"

2003 Jul 21
Contents of R-help digest.-contouring
R- Users: Can someone indicate what I am during wrong? This is a script essentially from Venerable & Ripley's text on interpolating a surface with loess function but I can not get it to run. Thanks. John Lewis Professor McGill University Montreal library(MASS) library(modreg) data(topo) par(mfcol=c(2,2), pty="s") topo.loess <- loess(z ~ x * y, topo, degree=2,
2008 Oct 04
How to plot countours with fixted densities?
Hello, I used the following codes to generate bivariate normal dependence structure with unit Frechet margins. Sigma <- matrix(c(1,.5*sqrt(1),.5*sqrt(1),1),2,2) # generate y <- mvrnorm(Nsam, c(0,0), Sigma) # random v <- cbind(pnorm(y[,1],mean = 0, sd = 1), pnorm(y[,2],mean = 0, sd = 1)) z <- cbind(-1/log(v[,1]),-1/log(v[,2])) z1 <- z[,1] z2 <- z[,2] And to
2003 Dec 30
Mistake with contour...
I'm reading Ripley-Venables "Modern Applied Statistics with S - Fourth edition" , at the same time trying the examples proposed in the book using R 1.8.1 under linux. Now I'm trying the following code from the book (example code of spatial statistics at page 76) with R : | data(topo) library("spatial") topo.loess<-loess(z ~ x * y, topo, | degree= 2,span=0.25) |
2003 Mar 07
"Local trend surfaces" Ex from V&R MASS
Hi Folks, I'm probably overlooking some small point, but can't see it. Trying the "Local trend surfaces" example from p.437 of MASS (3rd edn) by V&R, all goes well until the line contour(topo.mar$x, topo.mar$y, topo.lo$fit, levels=seq(700,1000,25), xlab="fi t", ylab="") which produces the response: Error in contour.default(topo.mar$x,
2013 Sep 13
numerical issue in contour.default?
Dear R developers, I found a small issue while plotting contours of data containing both "usual" and "very small" numbers. It appeared with both R 3.0.1 and R-Devel on Windows, and I could reproduce it on Linux. Would it be possible to solve this before the upcoming release? Thanks a lot for developing this great software! Thomas Example: ######## set.seed(357) z1 <-
2013 Jan 25
Pass vector as multiple parameters (as in python f(*x))
Hi, I want to know if it's possible to pass a vector v=c(x,y,...) to a function f(x,y,...) so that each vector element corresponds to a formal argument of the function. For python programmers: f(*v). Specifically, what I'm trying to achieve is: given a list of coordinates l=list(c(x1,y1,z1), c(x2,y2,z2),...) I would like to obtain the corresponding elements in some array A (3-dim in this
2011 Feb 20
Same color key for multiple lattice contour plots
Hi all, I'm trying to make multiple lattice contour plots which have the same color key, to allow good comparisons. However, I run into some problems when fitting the plots to the color key. Basically my strategy to tackle this problem was: 1) define a color key for all plots; 2) calculate the variable range for each plot; 3) calculate the range of colors from the color key that correspond
2011 Oct 17
contouring x y scatter data
Hello, I'm almost positive R can do the following, I just haven't hit upon the right package or search terms, however. Here's what I'm after: I've got concentration output from two different models that I want to qualitatively compare in a contour plot (or some variant of a contour plot). The problem as I see it is that the data is not gridded is the usual regular fashion,
2013 Apr 23
Frustration to get help R users group
Dear R users/developers I requested help to solve the problem of formulating Multivariate Sample selection model by using Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML)estimation method. I could not get any response. I formulated the following code of FIML to analyse univariate sample selection problem. Would you please advise me where is my problem library (sem) library(nrmlepln) Selection
2009 Sep 05
Color index in image function
Dear All, I was looking for the color index in?image function,?such as from topo.colors(n) and etc. but still never found it. For instance, from the help menu. ########################################### # Volcano data visualized as matrix. Need to transpose and flip # matrix horizontally. image(t(volcano)[ncol(volcano):1,]) # A prettier display of the volcano x <- 10*(1:nrow(volcano)) y
2010 Jul 22
using "sample()" for a vector of length 1
Hi All, I'm trying to use the "sample" function within a loop where the vector being sampled from (the first argument in the function) will vary in length and composition. When the vector is down in size to containing only one element, I run into the "undesired behaviour" acknowledged in the ?sample help file. I don't want sample(10,1) to return a number from
2004 Jun 07
filled.contour - color palette so z=0 ONLY is blue
I am trying to create a topographic map of an island - the filled.contour function works fine except i am experiencing difficulty trying to represent the sea properly. Basically I want the default colour blue for any instance where z=0, if I simply use the default topo.color I get shades of blue for z values up to 220 metres. Is there a way in which I can specify terrain.color for all values of
2007 Feb 08
Point estimate from loess contour plot
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows of a way by which one can estimate values from a contour plot created by using the loess function? I am hoping to use the loess contour plot as a means of interpolation to identify the loess created values at points at pre-defined (x,y) locations. Could anyone point me in the right direction please? Thanks. Laura Quinn Institute of Atmospheric Science School
2011 Feb 11
Using filled.contour and contour functions together
Dear R help contributors, I'd like to plot ground temperature with time on X-axis and depth on Y-axis on this datasets ( NEdaily.csv ), and to do so I use the following commands: library(RSEIS) xNE <- seq(1, as.numeric(as.Date(max(NEdaily[[1]])) - as.Date(min(NEdaily[[1]]))), 1) yNE <- rev(c(-0.3, -0.5, -0.7, -0.9, -1.1,
2009 Oct 09
Satellite ocean color palette?
Dear List, Is there a color palette avaliable similar to what is used in satellite ocean color imagery? I.e. a gradient with blue on one end and red on the other, with yellow in the middle? I have tried topo.colors(n) but that comes out more yellow on the end. I am looking for something similar to what is found on the CoastWatch web page:
2011 Apr 06
Layout within levelplot from the lattice package
Hi, I'm a novice with levelplot and need some assistance! Basically, I want a window which contains 6 levelplots of equal size presented in 3 columns and 2 rows. I've tried to approach it two ways. The first way leads to this question: Is there any way to concatenate levelplots from a factor vertically as opposed to horizontally? I'd like to pair the levelplots by factor.2 on
2011 Jun 26
Why is looping in R inefficient, but in C not?
Hey, I just read another post about calling R from C. Someone on stackoverflow (DWin makes me suspect its David W.?) referenced this: Which made me think: Why is a loop in R bad, but in C not? And where exactly does looping cost the most? I wrote a piece of code for my bachelor's thesis where I loop from 1 to 500, and estimate a
2006 Jul 08
String mathematical function to R-function
hello I make a subroutine that give-me a (mathematical) function in string format. I would like transform this string into function ( R function ). thanks for any tips. cleber #e.g. fun_String = "-100*x1 + 0*x2 + 100*x3" fun <- function(x1,x2,x3){ return( ############ evaluation( fun_String ) ############ ) True String mathematical function :-( :-( > nomes [1]
2003 Dec 25
Plot a sphere
Hi, I'm new to R (and math ;) Would somebody please be so kind as to direct me in plotting a 3D sphere? I tried something in the lines of: #### y <- x <- seq(-pi, pi, length=pi*10) f <- function(x,y) { z <- sqrt(pi - x^2 - y^2) #z[] <- 0 z } z <- outer(x, y, f) persp(x, y, z, theta = 120, phi = 30) #### I've also tried: .... make.surface.grid(...) ..
2009 Nov 09
How to transform the Matrix into the way I want it ???
Hi, R users, I'm trying to transform a matrix A into B (see below). Anyone knows how to do it in R? Thanks. Matrix A (zone to zone travel time) zone z1 z2 z3 z1 0 2.9 4.3 z2 2.9 0 2.5 z3 4.3 2.5 0 B: from to time z1 z1 0 z1 z2 2.9 z1 z3 4.3 z2 z1 2.9 z2 z2 0 z2 z3 2.5 z3 z1 4.3 z3 z2 2.5 z3 z3 0 The real matrix I have is much larger, with more than 2000 zones. But I think it should