similar to: ff package: reading selected columns from csv

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "ff package: reading selected columns from csv"

2010 Dec 24
How to specify ff object filepaths when reading a CSV file into a ff data frame.
Hi, The read.csv.ffdf function in package ff will create the ff object physical file in the default directories, I am trying to let the files created in the paths users specify, I think the point is to make use of the asffdf_args parameter, I have a test CSV file named D:\rtemp\fftest.csv, the content of the file is as following: col1,col2,col3 1,"amber",2.4 2,"linda",4.5
2012 Oct 31
ffdfindexget from package ff
I'm having trouble getting ffdfindexget to work right in Windows. Even the most trivial of examples gives me problems. > myVec = ff(1:5) > another = ff(10:14) > littleFrame = ffdf(myVec, another) > posVec = ff(c(2, 4), vmode = 'integer') > ffdfindexget(littleFrame, posVec) Error in if (any(B < 1)) stop("B too small") : missing value where TRUE/FALSE
2012 May 04
Can't import this 4GB DATASET
Dear Experienced R Practitioners, I have 4GB .txt data called "dataset.txt" and have attempted to use *ff, bigmemory, filehash and sqldf *packages to import it, but have had no success. The readLines output of this data is: readLines("dataset.txt",n=20) [1] " "
2012 Oct 02
ffsave problems
Dear R friends. After having some troubles learning how to create a ffdf object, now I find myself having problems saving it. this is the data i´d like to save: str(DATA) List of 3 $ virtual: 'data.frame': 6 obs. of 7 variables: .. $ VirtualVmode : chr "double" "short" "integer" "integer" ... .. $ AsIs : logi FALSE FALSE FALSE
2012 Sep 14
Any way to get read.table.ffdf() (in the ff package) to pass colClasses or comment.char parameters through to read.fwf() ?
Hi everyone, my apologies if I'm overlooking something obvious in the documentation. I'm relatively inexperienced with the (awesome) ff package. My goal is to use the read.table.ffdf() function to call the read.fwf() function and pass through the colClasses and comment.char arguments. The code below shows exactly what doesn't work for me. If the colClasses and comment.char
2013 Nov 18
Reading in csv data with ff package
I've spent some time trying to wrap my head around reading in large csv files with the ff-package. I think I know how to do it, but am bumping into some problems. I've tried to recreate the issues as best as I can with a smaller example and maybe someone can help explain the problems. The following code just creates a csv file with an integer column, character column and logical column.
2011 Dec 22
ff object in lapply function
Hello. I'm using as.ffdf(mydataframe) to create ffdf objects inside an lapply loop and returning that. I then use crbind to combine the lapply results into allData. So...simplified flow looks like this. res <- lapply(1:nchunks, function(n) { blah blah with nth chunk mydataframe <- data.frame(blah blah) dat <-
2010 Apr 13
how to work with big matrices and the ff-package?
Hello everyone, I need to create and work with some big matrices that actually have somewhat over 2 million columns and 117 rows. To do some calculations on such big matrices R just needs too much memory for my PC (4GB installed). So I need a solution to work with large datasets. I'm trying to use the ff-package but I don't think I really understand the whole functionality of the
2010 Jun 11
ff package when reading .csv files
Hi My aim is to read a large .csv file into R. I ran the following code and am using R version 10.1 on Windows. >library(ff) > read.csv.ffdf(x=NULL,"file.csv",fileEncoding="",nrows=-1,first.rows=NULL,next.rows=NULL,levels=NULL,appendLevels=TRUE,FUN="read.table",transFUN=NULL,asffdf_args=list(),BATCHBYTES=getOption("ffbatchbytes"),VERBOSE=FALSE)
2011 Jan 18
help with read.table.ffdf parameters
Hello fellow R users, I am trying to read a 6.9 million row text file with 26 columns separated by spaces into R using ff. When I specify a small number for first.rows, next.rows and nrows it is read with no issue. However, when I try to specify larger next.rows values and no nrows parameter to read the entire file, I keep getting errors. Please see code below. I am trying to this on a m1.large
2013 May 07
how to read numeric vector as factors using read.table.ffdf
I have a big data set that includes character variables of many different values. I'm trying to use ff to read the data and then use biglm.big.matrix to build linear models. However, since big.matrix will convert all character vectors to factors and the character labels will be lost. I decided to create a lookup table outside of R for my character columns and use numbers to represent different
2010 Jan 07
A question about the ff package
Hi, I am using version 2.1-1 of the ff package. I have a data set with 80 million rows and I need to create a new ffdf object, subseting by values in one of the original ffdf's columns. Here is my code: bigData <- read.table.ffdf(file="/data/demodata/data/smallData.txt", next.rows=1e5, head=TRUE, sep="|") dim(bigData) N <- nrow(bigData);N select <- ff(
2012 Nov 13
Getting information encoded in a SAS, SPSS or Stata command file into R.
Dear folks ? I have a large (26 gig) ASCII flat file in fixed-width format with about 10 million observations of roughly 400 variables. (It is 51 years of Current Population Survey micro data from IPUMS, roughly half the fields for each record). The file was produced by automatic process in response to a data request of mine. The file is not accompanied by a human-readable file giving the
2013 Sep 30
read.table() with quoted integers
Hi! It seems that read.table() in R 3.0.1 (Linux 64-bit) does not consider quoted integers as an acceptable value for columns for which colClasses="integer". But when colClasses is omitted, these columns are read as integer anyway. For example, let's consider a file named file.dat, containing: "1" "2" > read.table("file.dat",
2010 Nov 10
ff objects saving problem
Hi, I am running the examples in page 70 of the ff package document, but it failed with the following error > cat("let's create some ff objects\n") let's create some ff objects > n <- 8e3 > a <- ff(sample(n, n, TRUE), vmode="integer", length=n, filename="d:/tmp/a.ff") > b <- ff(sample(255, n, TRUE), vmode="ubyte", length=n,
2012 Oct 01
ffbase, help with %in%
Hello to everyone. I'm trying to use the %in% to match to vectors in ff format. a<-as.ff(data[,1]) %in% fire$fecha > aff (open) logical length=3653 (3653) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [3646] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE : FALSE [3647] [3648] [3649] [3650] [3651] [3652] [3653] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
2011 Feb 11
Large Datasets
I have recently been using R - more speciifcally the GUI packages Rattle and Rcmdr. I like these products a lot and want to use them for some projects - the problem that I run into is when I start to try and run large datasets through them.  The data sets are 10-15 million in record quantity and usually have 15-30 fields (both numerical and categorical). I saw that there were some packages
2013 Feb 05
funcion ff
Hola R, tengo las siguientes preguntas: Pregunta 1: Cargar las tablas de los datos de peliculas en R usando `ff`. Cómo se construye una columna nueva que de, para cada cliente y cada evaluación, de el número de días que han pasado desde la primera evaluación del cliente? Qué función se utiliza para verifica el consumo de memoria en las operaciones? Pregunta 2: Cómo se corre un modelo de
2013 Feb 27
How to specify ff object filepaths when reading a CSV file into a ff data frame.
Really old subject?, so, all my apologizes for digging up but, since I also ran into this? maybe this hack can be useful to someone I propose monkey patching here: library(ff) <- function (x, vmode = NULL, col_args = list(), ...) { rnam <- attr(x, "row.names") if (is.integer(rnam)) { if (all(rnam == seq_along(rnam))) rnam <- NULL else
2017 Jun 17
Prediction with two fixed-effects - large number of IDs
I have no direct experience with such horrific models, but your formula is a mess and Google suggests the biglm package with ffdf. Specifically, you should convert your discrete variables to factors before you build the model, particularly since you want to use predict after the fact, for which you will need a new data set with the exact same levels in the factors. Also, your use of I() is