similar to: 'symbols' not plotting correct circle radii

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "'symbols' not plotting correct circle radii"

2012 Oct 23
Changing radii line type in radial plots
Hello all, Is it possible to change the radii line type in radial plots? I wasn't able to find anything online. Thanks, Bern -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2005 Jun 02
Adding a legend to a symbol plot
I have created a symbol plot with circles that represent the mean temperature at lat/lon locations over the United States. The radius of the circle corresponds to the mean temperature. I would like to add a legend that identifies a range of temperatures (e.g. 0-10, 10-20, etc) with circles of the appropriate radii next to them. I've read the manual on how to add a legend, and I'm fine with
2005 Nov 29
drawing a circle using symbols
Dear friends, I was drawing a circle with centrum in (1,-1) and radius 5 to show my girl that the line y=3*x+1 goes through (1,4) and (-2,-5) of the circle, but on Windows XP, R 2.20 the drawing was not good at all, and the known solutions were not shown in the graph. I guess I got it wrong? Is this use not intended ? Best wishes Troels Ring, MD Aalborg, Denmark
2002 Feb 20
Clustering and Calinski's index
I have to solve a clustering problem. My first step is to determinate the number of clusters, that's why I 'm using the Calinski index ( [tr(b)/(k-1)]/[tr(w)/(k-1)] ) which i try to maximize to have the best number of clusters. A function is already implemented in R to calculate this index : clustIndex(cl,x, index="calinski") where cl is the result of a clustering method ,
2009 Dec 29
plotting circles with symbols()
Hello, I am not able to plot a circle of a given radius using symbols(). In the example below, the circle appears too large: plot(0, 0, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1)) symbols(0, 0, circles = 1, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE) What's happening? Ery
2007 Jul 24
How to add circular text for a graph with concentric circles
Dear R experts, I am plotting the population of students who live in a city, and in successive circular bands made of the contiguous districts that surround the city. This is a stylized figure, where I specify the area of each successive circle based on the cumulative population of students. I want to compare two sets of concentric circles across different populations - such as 'All
2003 Nov 26
wishlist item: symbols() to accept asp argument? (PR#5328)
Here is a potential wishlist item for adding an argument (asp) to symbols(). The following code produces a postscript file with two pages; both should show a circle of radius 2 units. Horizonal and vertical arrows are drawn to check that the circle is of the correct radius; in the first plot, the circle is wrong. To fix this, I found that I needed to first set up the plot bounds, using xlim,
2009 Nov 25
draw circle on PCA plot
An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: not available URL: <>
2008 Dec 15
Semi-random movement inside a circle
Dear list, I am trying to program semi-random movement within a circle, with no particles leaving the circle. I would like them to bounce back when they come to close to the wall, but I don't seem to be able to get this right. Would somebody kindly give me a hint ? This is my code so far, the particle starts at some point and moves towards the wall, but I don't get the "bouncing
2008 Dec 15
Movement within a circle
Dear list, ? I am trying to program semi-random movement within a circle, with no particles leaving the circle. I would like them to bounce back when they come to close to the wall, but?I don't seem to be able to get this right. ?Would somebody?be able to?give me a hint ? This is my code so far, the particle starts at some point and moves towards the wall, but I don't get the
2006 Dec 17
Draw a circle on a filled.contour() plot
Hi all, I'm trying to use symbols() to draw a circle of a given radius at a given position onto a filled.contour() plot. The commands I issue are: > filled.contour(y,x,z,levels=seq > (0.02,1.0,len=50),color.palette=colorRampPalette(c > ("blue","yellow","red")),title=title(main="",xlab="",ylab="")) >
2002 Jun 03
symbols: zero radius circles are drawn.
Hi, I don't think this is a bug, but I thought I'd mention it in case others think it is not correct... I guess it is probably just a rounding error. If I use symbols() to draw some circles, any circle with radius of zero gets drawn as a small circle. As an example: postscript(file="") symbols(1:9, rep(2,9), circles=seq(from=0.05, to=0.0, length=9),
2005 May 19
Drawing a circle
Hi. I need to draw a circle whit center (a,b) and radio r. So I use the R code below a<-1.975 # valore x del centro b<-1.215 # valores y del centro r<-1.46 # radio x1<-seq(a-r,a+r,by=0.01); #los valores de x yp<-sqrt(r^2-(x1-a)^2)+b; # los valores y a partir de la ra??z positiva yn<-(-1)*sqrt(r^2-(x1-a)^2)+b; # los valores y a partir de la ra??z negativa x<-c(x1,x1);
2007 Mar 09
About "cex=": how to improve resolution?
Hi, I need to plot a graph with a fixed circle and with a series of point of different size. Here is a "simplified" example: angle<-pi/180*c(0:360) x<-seq(0,2,by=0.2) y<-seq(0,2,by=0.2) z<-seq(0,1,by=0.1) par(pty="s") plot(-2:2,-2:2,type="n") lines(cos(angle),sin(angle)) points(x,y,cex=z) The size of the points compared to the circle (of radius 1) is
2003 Mar 31
monte carlo method for circle area
Hello everyone I hope Im not bothering you all again. I have just begun to use R and so Im not yet familiarized with it.. I ve got an assignment which consists in calculating the area of a circle given a certain radius and center using the monte carlo method, which means that I have to plot a circle given its parameters. Limit the area inside it...with as many sample points as possible...and
2012 Jun 22
removing NA from a data frame
Removing rows with NAs, using na.omit(), doesn't seem to be working for me. Dataset: > str ( ex10s ) 'data.frame': 2189576 obs. of 5 variables: $ LOPNR : int 58 58 58 58 64 64 64 64 64 64 ... $ DIAGNOS: Factor w/ 173 levels "F20","F200","F2000",..: 128 128 128 128 105 105 105 160 105 105 ... $ X_DATE : int 20060821 20061207 20080102 20090904
2017 Oct 24
draw a circle with a gradient fill
Hi all,I would like to draw a simple circle where the color gradient follows the rule color = 1/(r^2) where r is the distance from the circle. I would also like to add a color bar with values going from -40 to -110 (and associate those with the color gradient that fills the circle). So far I experiemented with draw circle
2011 Mar 12
Drawing a circle on an existing graph.
I would like to draw a circle on a graph I am plotting in R and use the current plot's coordinate system. The most basic functionality I am looking for is the ability to plot a circle on an already existing graph by simply providing the xy coordinates for it's centre and the radius. I am also looking for a way to obtain x,y values of a point (of a circle) by specifying only the origin x,y
2017 Dec 31
Draw Overlapping Circles with shaded tracks
That code nees the plotrix package: library(plotrix) pdf("circles.pdf") plot(0:10,type="n",axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab=""),5,radius=3,border="#ff0000aa",lwd=10),5,radius=3,border="#0000ffaa",lwd=10) On Friday, December 29, 2017, 6:06:32 PM EST, Jim Lemon <drjimlemon at> wrote:
2017 Dec 31
Draw Overlapping Circles with shaded tracks
Another solution: library("HelpersMG") plot(0:10,type="n",axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="", asp=1) ellipse(center.x = 3, center.y = 5, radius.x = 5, radius.y = 5, lwd=10, col=NA, border=rgb(red = 1, green = 0, blue=0, alpha = 0.5)) ellipse(center.x = 8, center.y = 5, radius.x = 5, radius.y = 5, lwd=10, col=NA, border=rgb(red = 0, green = 1, blue=0, alpha =