similar to: Threshold Quantile Regression code CRASHES in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Threshold Quantile Regression code CRASHES in R"

2013 Feb 14
Plotting survival curves after multiple imputation
I am working with some survival data with missing values. I am using the mice package to do multiple imputation. I have found code in this thread which handles pooling of the MI results: Now I would like to plot a survival curve using the pooled results. Here is a reproducible example: require(survival) require(mice) set.seed(2) dt
2011 Aug 18
Error message: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
Dear R-users I need to calibrate kappa, rho, eta, theta, v0 in the following code, see below. However when I run it, I get: y <- function(kappahat, rhohat, etahat, thetahat, v0hat) {sum(difference(k, t, S0, X, r, implvol, q, kappahat, rhohat, etahat, thetahat, v0hat)^2)} > nlminb(start=list(kappa, rho, eta, theta, v0), objective = y, lower =lb, > upper =ub) Error in dots[[1L]][[1L]] :
2013 Jan 30
Mac v Windows Mystery
Dear All, I'm trying to track down a problem with my quantreg package reported by a user doing censored quantile regression. When he runs the test4.R file attached below (which reads the csv file also attached) on his windows machine he gets an error like this: > Error in dimnames(B) <- list(c("tau", dimnames(x)[[2]], "Qhat"), NULL) : > length of
2003 Mar 11
Interrater and intrarater reliability
Dear R users The following function is R code for the main compuations in the article: M. Eliasziw, S Lorraine Young, M Gail Woodbury and Karen Fryday-Field (1994): Statistical Methodology for the Concurrent Assessment of Intrarater and Intrarater Reliability: Using Goniometric Measurements as an Example. Physical Therapy 74 (8); 777-788 The function gives the estimated inter- and intrarater
2007 May 17
MICE for Cox model
R-helpers: I have a dataset that has 168 subjects and 12 variables. Some of the variables have missing data and I want to use the multiple imputation capabilities of the "mice" package to address the missing data. Given that mice only supports linear models and generalized linear models (via the lm.mids and glm.mids functions) and that I need to fit Cox models, I followed the previous
2002 Mar 08
Matrix multiplication problem
Dear List, I am having trouble with some R code I have written to perform Redundancy Analysis (RDA) on a matrix of species abundance data (Y) and a matrix of environmental data (X). RDA is a constrained form of PCA and can be thought of as a PCA of the fitted values of a regression of each variable in Y on all variables in X. For info, the first use of RDA is in: Rao, C.R, 1964. The use and
2011 May 08
Hosmer-Lemeshow 'goodness of fit'
I'm trying to do a Hosmer-Lemeshow 'goodness of fit' test on my logistic regression model. I found some code here: The R code is above is a little complicated for me but I'm having trouble with my answer: Hosmer-Lemeshow: p=0.6163585 le Cessie and Houwelingen test (Design library): p=0.2843620
2011 Apr 21
C source code question (Robustbase edition)
Hi all, I have been trying to add the line: h = n - p0 + 1; just after h = n / 2 + 1; (line 131) in the source code (the original paper mention this is possible for p0&lt;n). with p0 declared as an int (actually i used the same declaration protocol as n everywhere in the code). The &quot;new&quot; source compiles, but when i give it reasonable values of p0, it runs unto
2006 Apr 01
Nested error structure in nonlinear model
I am trying to fit a nonlinear regression model to data. There are several predictor variables and 8 parameters. I will write the model as Y ~ Yhat(theta1,...,theta8) OK, I can do this using nls() - but "only just" as there are not as many observations as might be desired. Now the problem is that we have a factor "Site" and I want to include a corresponding error
2013 Mar 10
max row
HI, Using c11<- 0.01 c12<- 0.01 c1<- 0.10 c2<- 0.10 One possible problem is that: dim(res5) #[1] 513? 20 res6<-aggregate(.~m1+n1+m+n,data=res5[,c(1:6,9:12,21:24)] ,max) #Error in `[.data.frame`(res5, , c(1:6, 9:12, 21:24)) : ?# undefined columns selected A.K. ________________________________ From: Joanna Zhang <zjoanna2013 at> To: arun <smartpink111 at
2013 Apr 23
Hosmer Lemeshow test
Hi to everybody. I use the following routine (i found it in the internet) to compute the Hosmer-Lemeshow test in the framework of logistic regression. hosmerlemeshow = function(obj, g=10) { # first, check to see if we fed in the right kind of object stopifnot(family(obj)$family=="binomial" && family(obj)$link=="logit") y = obj$model[[1]] # the double bracket
2008 Nov 07
two kind of Hosmer and Lemeshow’s test
I know that there are two method to apply the Hosmer and Lemeshow?s. One of them is calculated based on the fixed and pre-determined cut-off points of the estimated probability of success. One of them is calculated based on the percentiles of estimated probabilities. In the previous post,i find that the Hosmer and Lemeshow?s test how to use in R. hosmerlem <- function (y, yhat, g = 10) {
2010 Apr 25
function pointer question
Hello, I have the following function that receives a "function pointer" formal parameter name "fnc": loocv <- function(data, fnc) { n <- length(data.x) score <- 0 for (i in 1:n) { x_i <- data.x[-i] y_i <- data.y[-i] yhat <- fnc(x=x_i,y=y_i) score <- score + (y_i - yhat)^2 } score <- score/n
2010 Jan 16
Hi, See below I reply your message for <>[R] predict.glm & newdata posted on Fri Apr 4 21:02:24 CEST 2008 You say it ##works fine but it does not: if you look at the length of yhat2, you will find 100 and not 200 as expected. In fact predict(reg1, data=x2) gives the same results as predict(reg1). So I am still looking for
2012 Mar 08
sas retain statement in R or fitting differene equations in NLS
I wish to fit a dynamical model in R and I am running in a problem that requires some of your wisdom to solve. For SAS users I am searching for the equivalent of the */retain/ *statement. For people that want to read complicated explanations to help me: I have a system of two equations written as difference equations here. To boil it down. I have a dataframe with three variables y, X1, X2
2010 Feb 13
lm function in R
Hello, I am trying to learn how to perform Multiple Regression Analysis in R. I decided to take a simple example given in this PDF: I created a small CSV called, students.csv that contains the following data: s1 14 4 1 s2 23 4 2 s3 30 7 2 s4 50 7 4 s5 39 10 3 s6 67 10 6 Col headers: Student id, Memory span(Y), age(X1), speech rate(X2) Now
2001 Jul 24
bug in residuals.rpart?
The following code tr <- rpart(Y ~ ., dat, method="class") dev <- residuals(tr, "deviance") produces the following error Error in log(x) : Non-numeric argument to mathematical function > .Traceback [[1]] [1] "log(yhat)" # line 588 of rpart [[2]] [1] "switch(type, usual = as.integer(y != yhat), pearson = (1 - yhat)/yhat, " [2] "
2010 Jul 07
Different goodness of fit tests leads to contradictory conclusions
I am trying to test goodness of fit for my legalistic regression using several options as shown below.  Hosmer-Lemeshow test (whose function I borrowed from a previous post), Hosmer–le Cessie omnibus lack of fit test (also borrowed from a previous post), Pearson chi-square test, and deviance test.  All the tests, except the deviance tests, produced p-values well above 0.05.  Would anyone please
2008 Sep 16
Hosmer- Lemeshow test
Dear R - help, I am working on the Credit scorecard model. I am using the Logistic regression to arrive at the regression coefficients model. I want to use the Hosmer - Lemeshow test . In order to understand the use of R - language, I had referred the following URL The related data 'diseaseoutbreak' is available
2001 Apr 27
nls question
I have a question about passing arguments to the function f that nlm minimizes. I have no problems if I do this: x<-seq(0,1,.1) y<-1.1*x + (1-1.1) + rnorm(length(x),0,.1) fn<-function(p) { yhat<-p*x+(1-p) sum((y-yhat)^2) } out<-nlm(fn,p=1.5,hessian=TRUE) But I would like to define fn<-function(x,y,p) { yhat<-p*x+(1-p) sum((y-yhat)^2) } so