similar to: Script help: Determining Time Difference between two data points.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Script help: Determining Time Difference between two data points."

2014 Jul 11
outliers (Marta valdes lopez)
Tu fichero tiene los decimales como puntos y no como comas como tu le indicas. Te dejo un ejemplo #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setwd(dir="c:/Users/usuario/Desktop/") library(outliers) filename<-"timediff.csv" time<-read.csv(filename, sep=";",header=TRUE,dec=".")
2014 Jul 14
outliers (Marta valdes lopez)
Hola Marta, si observas cualquier artículo de psicología esto es una práctica típica. Te digo psicología porque creo que tus datos son de ese tipo. Tienes bibiligrafía de artículos cientificos en las que se quitan valores siguiendo los criterios que te he dicho solo has de buscar bibliografía del campo en el que te mueces. Osea que nos quitarlos por que sí, aunque en cada area de ciencia tienes
2010 Jul 22
Updating a Data Frame
Hi, I have a global data-frame in my R script. At some point in my script, I want to update certain columns of this data-frame by calling in an update function. The function looks like this: # get events data. This populates a global event data frame in the R-script events <- getEvents(con, eventsFilePath) # events has columns eventid, timeStamp, isSynchronized, timeDiff; with millions of
2014 Jul 11
Hola! Quiero encontrar los outliers de una columna de datos que son diferencias de tiempo, aunque esta en formato numero no en horas. El paquete que encontre que me podria servir es el outliers e hice este script: library(outliers) filename<-"timediff.csv" time<-read.csv(filename, sep=";",header=TRUE,dec=",") chisq.out.test(time$TimeDiff) Pero me da error
2010 Jul 25
Left Outer Join 2 DF's on Multiple Conditions
Hi, I am trying to execute the following SQL statement using two data frames: tab1, tab2 : Two Tables Select tab1.*, tab2.*, tab1.tobiiTime - tab2.ruiTime as timeDiff, IFNULL(n-m, -9999999) as alwaysIncrement FROM tab1 LEFT OUTER JOIN tab2 On tab1.data1 - tab2.mouseX = 0 And tab1.data2 - tab2.mouseY = 0 I am trying to do the following in R:- *#Getting error here:* data
2006 Jan 06
"Selecting" a calculated row / Using :select in the paginate method
Hi, I was trying to use the :select parameter to select a calculated row, but it appears that the parameter is not picked up by the paginate method. I want to add the following to the select statement: timediff(now(), created_on) as age So I tried: @story_pages, @stories = paginate :stories, {:per_page => 10, :include => ''user'', :select =>
2012 Jun 14
Time difference between two dates/timing
Hi, Here, i have a matrix like this MyMatrix <- *DATETIME HEADER1 HEADER2* 1/1/2010 0:10 197.1947 100.0859 1/1/2010 0:20 203.8811 100.1013 1/1/2010 0:30 206.564 100.0433 1/1/2010 0:40 207.9563 99.9393 i want to get the time difference in minutes between two date. TimeDiff <- MyMatrix[1,1] - MyMatrix[2,1] TimeDiff
2009 Sep 24
aggregate() - error message
Dear list, ? would anybody be able to tell me why the statement ? Tripstatistics=aggregate(TripsData[2:3],by=list(Trip=Tripmatch),FUN="mean") ? seems to work well with TripsData 1 but not with TripsData 2 ? ? With TripsData 2 it yields ? Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) : arguments must have same length I can't see a difference in the two data sets. Could someone shed light on the error
2008 Mar 06
Hello list, I'm having some problem integrating the SELECT TIMEDIFF() and SELECT DATEDIFF() in my code. The syntax I'm using works without any problems if I run them directly from the MySQL Client, but from the Asterisk Dialplan it just wont work. Is there a limitation in the MySQL() application for the Asterisk dialplan that produces this error? <CODE> context testsql { s =>
2014 Jun 04
error de incompatible methods
Hola Daniel, si perdona di a responder directamente y no me di cuenta. Ya se donde esta el error, pero queria preguntar si a puede ser que mi R funcione mal o algo porque esta manhana ejecute mi script y funciono perfectamente y ahora volvi a ejecutarlo y me volvio a dar el mismo problema de ayer , despues de reiniciar y demas el tinnR y el R, no se si me vacila o es que tengo algo mal en
2014 Jul 09
error com un archivo
Hola a todos, Me gustaria pedir vuestra ayuda a encontrar el error que no consigo encontrar en este archivo. He revisado todo mil veces y probado y no doy con ello.Adjunto el archivo con Google drive porque es muy grande. ? monicap_50.csv <> ? Este es el script, y lo que no entiendo que pasa es que tengo 592044
2014 Jun 03
error de incompatible methods
Hola!! Estoy intentando ejecutar un script com horas, al principio ejecute estos comandos DBx$Date<-strptime(DBx$Date, "%d-%m-%Y") ###Monicap use ; other use Y DBx$Year<-as.POSIXlt(DBx$Date)$year+1900 if(filename!="monicap_50.csv") {DBx$Time<-paste(DBx$Time, ":00", sep="")} Pero me daba el error de que mi base de datos tenia las
2005 Feb 08
Samba patch kludge-gmt fixes red files in WinCvs
Hi all, in our LAN we use a Samba server (version 2.2.9) on Linux (Debian Woody) to provide file services to workstations running (mostly) W2K. WinCVS is a GUI frontend to the popular CVS version control system. After the swap to and from daylight savings time WinCVS erroneously flags all files in cvs working directories on Samba shares as modified (because of the icon color WinCVS users refer to
2005 Nov 03
Wintertime/summertime difference - Samba servers show wrong time ?
When the Central European Time was last switched back to standard, at 03:00 last Sunday, the October 30th, a process died on one of my Windows clients with a mysterious "unknown error". When it was restarted it just went merrily on with its task. Luckily it wasn't part of a life support system. I found out that the immediate cause was how file timestamps were interpreted/presented
2008 Apr 21
prod(0, 1:1000) ; 0 * Inf etc
I think most of us would expect prod(0:1000) to return 0, and ... ... it does. However, many of us also expect prod(x1, x2) to be equivalent to prod(c(x1,x2)) the same as we can expect that for min(), max(), sum() and such members of the "Summary" group. Consequently, prod(0, 1:1000) should also return 0, but as you see, it gives NaN which may be a bit puzzling... The
2004 Apr 07
samba-1.9.01 on MIPS32
Samba-1.9.01 Build Sysytem : RedHat 9 (2.4.20-8) Target System : MIPS32 CrossComplie : mipsel-uclibc- FLAGSM = -DLINUX LIBSM = -lcrypt -lnsl Running on MIPS32 embedded system # ./smbd -D -d5 -a Log : # cat /tmp/log timediff=28800 01/01/70 02:11:06 smbd version 1.9.01 started Copyright Andrew Tridgell 1992,1993,1994 Sysconfig: saved_ids = 0 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 egid=0 Initialising global
2008 Jan 31
Newbie: Using R to analyse Apache logs
hits=-2.5 tests=BAYES_00,FORGED_RCVD_HELO X-USF-Spam-Flag: NO Hi, I have a requirement to scan Apache logs and discover ``exceptions''. Exceptions can be of two types: 1. A single IP generating a large amount of traffic within a given time frame (for definable values of ``large'' and ``time frame''). 2. A single IP hitting a wide set of URLs on the server (indicates
2012 Jul 19
Truncating (rounding down) to nearest half hour.
I couldn't find anything in the chron or timeDate packages, and a good search yielded rounding to the nearest half hour, which I don't want. The data: structure(list(Date = structure(c(1209625080, 1209641460, 1209652500, 1209676800, 1209682860, 1209692100, 1209706980, 1209722580, 1209726300, 1209739620, 1209762780, 1209765720, 1209770520, 1209791040, 1209812580, 1209829920,
2006 Jun 20
Hello, I've got 2 dates like these : "2006-02-08 17:12:55" "2006-02-08 17:15:26" I wish to get the middle of these two date : "2006-02-08 17 :14 :10" Is there is a function in R to do that ? Thks all guillaume [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Dec 07
Subset of time observations where timediff > 60 secs
Dear list members I have a rather large vector (part of a data frame) giving the time (date + time, POSIXct) of observations. The times are irregular (with both small and large jumps) but increasing, and there are several millions of them. I now wish to reduce my data set, so that I only have observations which are at least (for example) 60 seconds apart. Basically, I need (all) the indices