similar to: Getting objects from quantmod ticker list

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches similar to: "Getting objects from quantmod ticker list"

2011 Aug 26
out of sample predictions using a probit model
hello all, I am a beginner at R and not exactly a statistician either. I'm messing around with a probit model on an enconomic time series. I can get the model estimated but I have not been able to get it to give me predictions out of sample data. I'm using the predict function but getting errors. Here is my code: #predict a recession 12 months out #k=12 means 12 months forward #dates
2006 Nov 22
RBloomberg Multi-ticker problem
Hi, I am trying to download data from Bloomberg through R. If I try to download intraday data for multiple tickers and only one field, I get the error, written below in red. How do I get rid of this error? > dat<-blpGetData(conn, c("NOK1V FH Equity","AUA AV Equity"), "LAST_PRICE",
2007 Feb 23
clean 'marquee / ticker' in js
hi list, i''m in desperate need of a clean js marquee script... the best i came across was [1] or [2]. before going and trying to write it myself, i thought i''d ask here if s.o. here wrote similar, that is much cleaner... uses prototype.js ect...? greetz ... pierre [1] [2]
2012 Oct 29
find the Best-ticker
i need to find the best ticker from the group of some tickers.? i also need to know on what basis we calculate the best ticker? i have some idea about the if the risk rate low, or the market price high we can say the ticker is best. but i dont know is it true. Anyone can help me . Thank you -- View this message in context:
2013 Feb 13
An extended Hodgkin-Huxley model that doesn't want to work.
Hi All I have been struggling with this model for some time now and I just can't get it to work correctly. The messages I get when running the code is: DLSODA- Warning..Internal T (=R1) and H (=R2) are such that in the machine, T + H = T on the next step (H = step size). Solver will continue anyway. In above message, R = [1] 0 0 DINTDY- T (=R1) illegal In above message, R = [1]
2011 Jun 07
Setting up a State Space Model in dlm
This question pertains to setting up a model in the package "dlm" (dynamic linear models, I have read both the vignette and?"An R Package for Dynamic Linear Models" (, both of which are very helpful. There is also some discussion at
2001 Oct 04
ANNOUNCE: ticker (peeper)
--lrZ03NoBR/3+SXJZ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ----- Forwarded message from Collin Starkweather <collin.starkweather@color=> ----- --=20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Collin Starkweather Consulting Software
2004 Oct 14
(no subject)
Hi again, Here is Dion Fernandez. I write to you because we are accepting your mortg= age application. Our office confirms you can get a $220.000 lo=C0n for a $252.00 per month = payment. Approval process will take 1 minute, so please fill out the form on our we= bsite: Thank you. Best Regards Dion Fernandez First Account Manager
2007 Sep 18
FW: ISIN numbers into Bloomberg tickers
Hi David, I tried the following and get the below error messages.... con = blpConnect(show.days="trading",na.action="previous.days",periodicity="da ily")# connecting Bloomberg > dat <- blpGetData(con,"US4009703799 Equity","PX_LAST",start=as.chron(as.Date("01/01/2005",
2007 Sep 14
ISIN numbers into Bloomberg tickers
Hi R, Can I convert ISIN numbers into Bloomberg tickers in the RBloomberg package? BR, Shubha [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Mar 18
quantmod Some Single Letter Tickers Not getFin
Hi, I have been learning the quantmod package over the last several days. I went to check some of my data pulls against other sources and was surprised to find that a few tickers that have single characters do not successfully scrape from Google Finance using getFin(). Particularly require(quantmod) getFin("A") getFin("E") getFin("F") getFin("G")
2011 Jan 19
Problem in using bdh function for Govt tickers
Hi, all I wanted to fetch data from Bloomberg for govt bonds, and analyse it further. I am having trouble in getting data as when I use field=PX_LAST, it is giving the prices but when I use field=CPN, or ISSUE_DT, it is not giving the results and just bouncing back <NA> for that. This is the piece of code: > library(rJava) Warning message: package 'rJava' was built