similar to: using "na.locf" from package zoo to fill NA gaps

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "using "na.locf" from package zoo to fill NA gaps"

2012 Oct 18
filling NA gaps according to previous data mean and following data mean
Hi everybody, I have a little problem about filling some gaps of NAs in my data. These gaps are between nearly constant data (temperature under snow). Here's a fake example to illustrate how it looks like approximately: DF <- data.frame(data=c(-0.51,-0.51,-0.48,-0.6,-0.54,-0.38,-0.6,-0.42,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA, -0.25,-0.41,-0.5,-0.5,-0.35,-0.7,-1,-0.87)) I would like to replace my NAs
2012 Apr 03
filling small gaps of N/A
Hi everybody, I'm a new R french user. Sorry if my english is not perfect. Hope you'll understand my problem ;) I have to work on temperature data (35000 lines in one file) containing some missing data (N/A). Sometimes I have only 2 or 3 N/A following each other, but I have also sometimes 100 or 200 N/A following each other. Here's an example of my data, when I have only small gaps
2010 Jun 30
merge.zoo and fill
Hello again, I merge different zoo time series with prices at different dates. This returns a multivariate zoo object with NA's at various points i.e., 2010-02-28 NA NA NA NA 850.2 2444.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2010-03-01 61.1 55.3 61.5 81.24 NA NA 1712.2 3.3 11139.3 163.7 2242.4 9015.6 109.791 2010-03-31
2003 Nov 14
LOCF - Last Observation Carried Forward
Hi! Is there a possibilty in R to carry out LOCF (Last Observation Carried Forward) analysis or to create a new data frame (array, matrix) with LOCF? Or some helpful functions, packages? Karl --------------------------------- Gesendet von Schneller als Mail - der neue Yahoo! Messenger. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Mar 18
data.frame with NA
I have this little data.frame Two column contains NA, so the best thing to do is use na.locf function (with fromLast = T) But locf function doesn't work because NA in my data.frame are not recognized as real NA. Is there a way to substitute fake NA with real NA? In this case na.locf function should work Thank you
2010 Oct 26
Time series data with dropouts/gaps
I have time-series data from a pair of inexpensive self-logging 3-axis accelerometers ( Since I'm not sure of the vibration/shock spectrum I'm measuring, for my initial sensor characterization run the units were mounted together with the sample rate set to the maximum of 640 samples/sec. Unfortunately, at this sample rate there are significant
2008 Jul 28
Fill in NA values in vector with previous character/factor
I have a vector of data (species names) interspersed with NA values and I want a function to "fill in the blanks", replacing NA values with whatever the last species name was. For example the vector: "A","B",NA,NA,"C",NA,NA,NA,NA,"D",NA,NA. should evaluate to: "A" "B" "B" "B" "C"
2011 Sep 30
last observation carried forward +1
Hi R-helpers I'm looking for a vectorised function which does missing value replacement as in last observation carried forward in the zoo package but instead of a locf, I would like the locf function to add +1 to each time a missing value occurred. See below for an example. > require(zoo) > x <- 5:15 > x[4:7] <- NA > coredata(na.locf(zoo(x))) [1] 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 12 13
2010 Feb 22
Creating regularly spaced time series from irregular one
Hello, I have a series of intraday (high-frequency) price data in the form of POSIX timestamp followed by the value. I sucesfuly loaded that into "its" package object. I would like to create from it a regularly spaced time series of prices (for example 1min, 5min, etc apart) so i could calcualte returns. There is an interpolation function locf() that for timestamp with value NA uses last
2006 Feb 06
lme4: Error in getResponseFormula(form) : "Form" must be a two sided formula
I'm sure I'm being stupid so flame away... R2.2.1 on Windoze (boohoo) latest updates of packages. I'm exploring a dataset (land) with three variables looking at an narrowly unbalanced two group (GROUP) ANCOVA of a randomised controlled trial analysing endpoint score (SFQ.LOCF.ENDPOINT) entering the baseline score (SFQ.BASELINE) as covariate and the following work fine: > res.same
2010 Jun 28
Zoo series to a date time stamp that is regular
NOTE: I will provide data if necessary, but I didn't want clutter everyones mailbox All: I have a time series with level and temperature data for 11 sites for each of three bases. I will have to do this more than once is what I am saying here. OK, The time series are zoo objects with index values in chron format. The problem is that the date and times should be at even 15 min intervals,
2011 Feb 24
Gaps in plotting temporal data.
I'm trying to plot some temporal data that have some gaps in them. You can see the plot here: The problem is that during the time gaps in the TS the line plot is interpolated over the gap and I don't want it to. I've tried interleaving the gaps with an NA flag, but there are around 10000 data-points sorted from multiple files, that makes it
2012 Jun 06
package zoo, function na.spline with option maxgap -> Error: attempt to apply non-function?
Hello, I'm trying to use na.spline (package zoo) to fill some missing data in a time series. this works fine, however, if I apply the 'maxgap' argument, I always get the error: <------ Error in na.spline.vec(x., coredata(object.), xout = xout., ...) : attempt to apply non-function ------> I couldn't find a similar error for this case in the mailing lists and zoo vignette,
2010 Aug 25
Repeat the first day data through all the day. Zoo
down vote favorite Hello I have a zoo series. It lasts 10 years and its frequency is 15min. I'd like to get a new zoo series (or vector) with the same number of elements, whith each element equal to the first element of the day. That's, The first element everyday is repeated throughout the wole day. This is not same as aggregate(originalseries,as.Date,head,1) because this gives a
2011 May 28
How to do operations on zoo/xts objects with Monthly and Daily periodicities
Is there an elegant way to do operations (+/-/*/ / ) on zoo/xts objects when one serie is monthly (end of month) and the other daily (weekdays only) - typically a monthly economic indicator and a stock index price? Thanks, TDB -- View this message in context:
2014 Sep 30
[Bug 84515] New: [NV96] HDMI audio works, but has audio gaps or pauses Priority: medium Bug ID: 84515 Assignee: nouveau at Summary: [NV96] HDMI audio works, but has audio gaps or pauses QA Contact: xorg-team at Severity: normal Classification: Unclassified OS: Linux (All) Reporter: ppaalanen
2008 Jul 24
Can R fill in missing values?
Hi, I know this can be done in Stata (which is quite messy) but I wanted to know if it can be done in R. So lets say I have a merged data set (I used the merge function by date for the attached two files), where all the missing values are filled with NAs (which is what the all.x=TRUE does). Is there any way to replace those NAs with the value of the latest row that contains a value? For
2010 Apr 05
find the "next non-NA" value within each row of a data-frame
#I wish to find the "next non-NA" value within each row of a data-frame. #e.g. I have a data frame mydata. Rows 1, 2 & 3 have soem NA values. mydata <- data.frame(matrix(seq(20*6), 20, 6)) mydata[1,3:5] <-  NA mydata[2,2:3] <-  NA mydata[2,5] <-  NA mydata[3,6] <-  NA mydata[1:3,] #this loop accomplishes the task; I am tryign toi learn a "better" way for(i
2018 Jan 08
Replace NAs in split lists
You can enforce these assumptions by sorting on multiple columns, which leads to na.locf(df1[ order(df1$ID,df1$Value), ]) On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 4:19 PM, Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil at> wrote: > Yes, you are right if the IDs are always sequentially-adjacent and the > first non-NA value appears in the first record for each ID. > -- > Sent from my phone. Please
2013 Apr 29
how to add new rows in a dataframe?
Hi, dat1<- read.table(text=" id??????????????? t???????????????????? scores 2???????????????? 0??????????????????????? 1.2 2???????????????? 2???????????????????????? 2.3 2???????????????? 3??????????????????????? 3.6 2???????????????? 4??????????????????????? 5.6 2???????????????? 6??????????????????????? 7.8 3???????????????? 0??????????????????????? 1.6 3????????????????