Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "wishlist item: changing origin of plot (PR#5045)"
2003 Nov 13
xlims of barplot
I would like to create a family of barplots with the same xlimits. Is
there a way to "read" the xlimits from the first graph so I can apply it to
the subsequent ones?
I have tried just taking the min and max of the x data and the plot doesn't
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2003 Nov 26
wishlist item: symbols() to accept asp argument? (PR#5328)
Here is a potential wishlist item for adding an argument (asp) to
symbols(). The following code produces a postscript file with two
pages; both should show a circle of radius 2 units. Horizonal and
vertical arrows are drawn to check that the circle is of the correct
radius; in the first plot, the circle is wrong. To fix this, I found
that I needed to first set up the plot bounds, using xlim,
2012 Apr 16
I wish xlim=c(0, NA) would work. How about I send you a patch?
I'm looking for an R mentor. I want to propose a change in management
of plot options xlim and ylim.
Did you ever want to change one coordinate in xlim or ylim? It happens
to me all the time.
x <- rnorm(100, m=5, s=1)
y <- rnorm(100, m=6, s=1)
## Oh, I want the "y axis" to show above x=0.
plot(x,y, xlim=c(0, ))
##Output: Error in c(0, ) : argument 2 is empty
2009 Mar 01
Wishlist for plot.lm() (PR#13560)
Full_Name: John Maindonald
Version: R-2.8.1
OS: MacOS X 10.5.6
Submission from: (NULL) (
The following code demonstrates an annoyance with plot.lm():
x11(width=3.75, height=4)
nihills.lm <- lm(log(time) ~ log(dist) + log(climb), data = nihills)
plot(nihills.lm, which=5)
OR try the following
xy <- data.frame(x=c(3,1:5), y=c(-2, 1:5))
plot(lm(y ~ x,
2001 Feb 05
clipped lines have wrong slope in log plot (PR#839)
I'm using R version 1.2.0 (2000-12-15), on RedHat Linux 6.2 (kernel 2.2.14).
The following command ought to plot a straight-line on a log-log
graph but instead plots two line segments, both with the wrong
Only clipped lines seem to have this problem. Changing to type "b"
2007 Jan 17
sp: proj4string has no impact
Hi all,
I'm faced with a problem applying the sp package: The projection argument in
readShapePoly(Shapefile,proj4string="CRS class argument")
e.g.: CRS("+proj=aea +lat_1=46 +lat_2=73 +lat_0=60 +lon_0=84 +x_0=0
+y_0=0 +ellps=clrk66 +units=m +no_defs")
doesn't have any impact on the plotted object. I also tested the simple
xy = cbind(x = 2 * runif(100) -
2004 Jan 15
Legend text -- discrepancy between X11 and postscript
When I place a legend on a plot it looks exactly as I intended
on the screen. However, almost always, when I export this to
postscript file, the legend's text protrudes through the legend's
frame (the latter being placed correctly).
See the appended example code. I can send the EPS file as well
for those that are interested (<4 kb; <200 lines).
I found nothing in the FAQS,
2016 Feb 09
problem plotting "ts" in a data.frame
I'm having trouble plotting an object of class "ts" that is in a
data.frame. I can do it with(data.frame, plot(...)) but not with
plot(..., data.frame); see the example below.
This work around gets me past this problem. However, I thought
the R Core team might want to know about this if they don't already.
Thanks for all your work in making
2011 Aug 15
2 matrix scatter x [a lot]
I'm pretty new to R. Basically, how do I speed up the for loop below. Or
better yet, get rid of the for loop all together.
objective: plot two data sets column against column by index. These data
sets have alot NA's. Some columns are all NA's. I need the plots to overlay.
I don't like the plots in matplot(). Needs to be much faster than the code
#simple sample
2010 Jan 09
Plotting numeric values against non numeric items
Hi i want do a line graph.
My y axis contains numeric values. My x axis contains non numeric
This is what i want the graph to look like.
When i try to plot this graph on R it comes up with the following error
"Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'xlim' values
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : NAs introduced by
2008 May 28
Unnecssary warnings in plot function (PR#11530)
Full_Name: Joseph Amuah
Version: 2.7.0 (2008-04-22)
OS: Windows
Submission from: (NULL) (
I used the plot function to create some graphs but wanted to add soem
restrictions. A set of warning were produced even though the plot worked fine.
Can these warnings be cleaned up? Here is an example:
> plot(xx$month, xx$log10RR, xlab="",
2007 Jan 11
zero margin / marginless plots
I'd like to produce a marginless or zero margin plot so that the pixel
coordinates represent the mathematics.
The resultant file has about a 10 pixel margin around these lines, and I'm
not sure what parameter or function
2010 Aug 31
"pairs" with same xlim and ylim scale
Hi list,
I have a function which basically is a wrapper of pairs with some useful panel
functions. However, I'm having trouble to pass the "xlim" and "ylim" into the
function so the x and y axes are in the same scale and 45 degree lines are
exactly diagonal. I've looked at some old posts, they didn't help much. I
think this is b/c I have multiple panel
2011 Jun 16
Scatter plot produces "'x' and 'y' lengths differ"
I am working on a project to create some scatter plots. I have syntax
for 26 plots, and 22 of them display as they should. But here, for
example, is a sample of the command syntax I am using:
good <- complete.cases(affect1,adh1scr)
main='Adherence Score by Affectiveness Level - Visit 1',
2013 Mar 05
Function completely locks up my computer if the input is too big
Dear r-help,
Somewhere in my innocuous function to rotate an object in Cartesian space
I've created a monster that completely locks up my computer (requires a
hard reset every time). I don't know if this is useful description to
anyone - the mouse still responds, but not the keyboard and not windows
The script only does this when the input matrix is large, and so my initial
2010 May 13
ESP Ghostscrip ...
Hello All:
Could anybody tell me please what is the meaning of this error message:
ESP Ghostscript 815.02: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
Error in plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : ignoring SIGPIPE signal
Calls: plot -> plot.default -> plot.xy
Execution halted
My code has to go to 18 loops for three times and in each loop it has to
read a file which is 100-300 Megs. It always crashes at loop 14
2010 Feb 08
How to reverse the axis direction in log plot?
The following command gives me a plot where the axes are in log scale
but 'x' increases in the right direction.
plot(1:10,1:10, log='xy')
I want to change the plot such that it is still in log scale but 'x'
decreases rather increases in the right direction. I'm wondering if
there is an option to do so.
2006 Nov 13
wishlist: xlim in lines.polynomial (PR#9362)
Full_Name: Tamas K Papp
Version: 2.4.0
OS: linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
I was using the lines.polynomial method for plotting piecewise polynomials
(parts of splines). I needed a feature to limit the range of plotting using a
parameter given to the function (as opposed to par("usr")). I think that the
following changes would be a nice addition:
2010 Feb 27
Bug in ecdf? Or what am I missing?
x <- c(6.6493705109108, 7.1348436721241, 8.76886994525624,
6.12907548096037, 6.88379118678109, 7.17841879427688,
7.90737237492867, 7.1207373264833, 7.82949407630692,
plot(ecdf(x), log="x")
It does the plot fine, but complains:
Warning message:
In xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
1 x value <= 0 omitted from logarithmic
2006 Feb 10
the proper way to use panel functions in lattice package?
I was trying to stack a topographic map readed in from esri shapefile with a
contour map and a vector map. However, the plotMap(maptools) and
contourplot(lattice) do not seem to work well on top of each other. Here is
part of my code.
basemap <- read.shape("Twn25_town_dxf_Polygon.shp")