similar to: round() ignores missing arguments if it is used inside another function where some arguments are missing.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "round() ignores missing arguments if it is used inside another function where some arguments are missing."

2007 Nov 26
Preserving output of MCMC iterations
Dear colleagues, I'm an epidemiologist with no background in programming and just started using R a few weeks ago. I am working on the epidemiology of African sleeping sickness, and am trying to use R to perform a Monte Carlo Markov Chain analysis to estimate three unknown parameters within a model of African sleeping sickness case detection that is mainly informed by actual field programme
2018 May 02
download.file does not process gz files correctly (truncates them?)
Dear all, I've noticed by trying to download gz files from here : At the bottom one can download GSM907811.CEL.gz . If I download this manually and try oligo::read.celfiles("GSM907811.CEL.gz") everything works fine. (oligo is a bioConductor package) However, if I download using download.file("
2017 Jun 23
LC_TIME not set correctly by Sys.setlocale() ?
Related to the following question on Stackoverflow: It appears as if Sys.setlocale() does not update LC_TIME correctly for use in date formatting. Although R reports that LC_TIME is changed to the new setting after use of Sys.setlocale(), as.Date() still uses the old settings. The only way to update this is
2018 Mar 24
Possible bug: file.exists() always returns TRUE for
Dear all, while preparing some exercises I came across some highly surprising behaviour of file.exists(). The specific value "" always returns TRUE, even though that file is nowhere to be found on my system. In a fresh R session 3.4.4 installed on Windows 10: > grep("", dir(recursive = TRUE)) integer(0) > file.exists("") [1] TRUE
2006 Aug 09
objects and environments
Dear list, I have two functions created in the same environment, fun1 and fun2. fun2 is called by fun1, but fun2 should use an object which is created in fun1 fun1 <- function(x) { ifelse(somecondition, bb <- "o", bb <- "*") ## mymatrix is created, then myresult <- apply(mymatrix, 1, fun2) } fun2 <- function(idx) { if (bb == "o) { #
2018 Mar 14
truncation/rounding bug with write.csv
I don't see the issue here. It would be helpful if people would report their sessionInfo() when reporting whether or not they see this issue. Mine is > sessionInfo() R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30) Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) Running under: Arch Linux Matrix products: default BLAS/LAPACK: /usr/lib/ locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
2004 Mar 25
mlocal/mtrace inside a loop
Hello I need some help in figuring Bravington’s debugger out. Ok I have 2 functions, fun1 and fun2 saved in a ASCII file say filename is funs. Fun1 has a loop which calls fun2, fun2 has a loop which fails and I need to find out the value of the variables of the fun2 and fun1 loops at the specific iteration that fails. Both fun1 and fun2 loops will iterate thousands of times so line by line debug
2018 Mar 24
Possible bug: file.exists() always returns TRUE for
Thank you. I was just replying my own message with the same information. Sorry for not doing the research properly before filing. Cheers Joris On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 11:36 AM, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at> wrote: > On 24/03/2018 6:16 AM, Joris Meys wrote: > >> Dear all, >> >> while preparing some exercises I came across some highly surprising
2011 Apr 07
Two functions as parametrs of a function.
Hi R users: I'm trying to make a function where two of the parameters are functions, but I don't know how to put each set of parameters for each function. What am I missing? I try this code: f2<-function(n=2,nsim=100,fun1=rnorm,par1=list(),fun2=rnorm,par2=list()){ force(fun1) force(fun2) force(n) p1<-unlist(par1) p2<-unlist(par2) force(p1) force(p2)
2009 Oct 01
pass "..." to multiple sub-functions
Dear list, I know I have seen this discussed before but I haven't been successful in searching for "ellipsis", "dots", "..." in the archives. I would like to filter "..." arguments according to their name, and dispatch them to two sub-functions, say fun1 and fun2. I looked at lm() but it seemed more complicated than I need as it modifies the calling
2012 Aug 30
How to modify the values of the parameters passing via ...
Dear Friends, Let's assume there are three parameters that were passed into fun1. In fun1, we need to modify one para but the remains need to be untouched. And then all parameters were passed into fun2. However, I have failed to achieve it. Please see the following code. ########################################## fun1 <-function(x, y, z=10) {x+y+z;} fun2 <-function(aa, ...) {
2015 Oct 07
Error generated by .Internal(nchar) disappears when debugging
Malcolm, I tested the code on a clean R 3.2.0 session. Not even in RStudio, just to rule that out. > sessionInfo() R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 8 x64 (build 9200) locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252 [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252 [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252 [4] LC_NUMERIC=C [5]
2012 Nov 20
correct function formation in R
Dear list! ? I have question of?'correct function formation'. Which function (fun1 or fun2; see below) is written more correctly? Using ''structure'' as output or creating empty ''data.frame'' and then transform it as output? (fun1 and fun1 is just for illustration). ? Thanks a lot, OV ? code: input <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(20), x2 = rnorm(20), x3 =
2011 Dec 07
bug in rank(), order(), is.unsorted() on character vector
Hi, This looks OK: > x <- c("_1_", "1_9", "2_9") > rank(x) [1] 1 2 3 But this does not: > xa <- paste(x, "a", sep="") > xa [1] "_1_a" "1_9a" "2_9a" > rank(xa) [1] 2 1 3 Cheers, H. > sessionInfo() R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31) Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit) locale: [1]
2011 Nov 21
a^b when a is large and b < 1 (64bit R on windows 7)
Hi, I'm getting some strange behaviour when trying to use the power operator (a^b) when a is large and b is less than one: big <- .Machine$double.xmax big big^0.5 sqrt(big) > big <- 1.797693134862315708384e+308 > big^0.5 [1] Inf > sqrt(big) [1] 1.340781e+154 I'm guessing that this behaviour is not expected, or am I missing something about ^? Cheers Martyn >
2014 Jan 25
package NAMESPACE question
Hello, I'm building a package. My code is stored in foo.R. This code has two functions FUN1 and FUN2. FUN1 calls FUN2. FUN1 is listed in export() under the package NAMESPACE but NOT FUN2. After building the package when I call FUN1 is giving me an error that cannot find FUN2. I solved this by adding FUN2 in the export() NAMESPACE. However, what is puzzling me is that I have other examples
2006 Aug 16
Problem with the special argument '...' within a function
I'm not sure if this is what you want, but simply add ... to the list of arguments for fun1 and fun2 would eliminate the error. Andy From: Hans-Joerg Bibiko > > Dear all, > > I wrote some functions using the special argument '...'. OK, it works. > > But if I call such a function which also called such a > function, then I get an error message about unused
2017 Apr 30
`` and dots substitution
I'm noticing some interesting behavior in `` in some corner-ish cases that arise when you try to use `` to match a "grandparent" function and there are dots involved: fun0 <- function(a, ...) fun1(...) fun1 <- function(b, ...) fun2() fun2 <- function() fun1,, expand.dots=FALSE,
2009 May 01
integrate with large parameters
Dear R-users, i have to integrate the following function `fun1` <- function (a, l1, l2) { exp(log(l1) * (a - 1) - l2 * lgamma(a)) } but if l1 is large, i get the "non-finite function value" error, so my idea is to rescale with exp(-l1) `fun2` <- function (a, l1, l2) { exp(log(l1) * (a - 1) - l2 * lgamma(a) - l1) } but it seems this doesn't solve the problem, when
2009 Jun 16
ifelse(, with function inside
Hi, I have a vector a=c(NA, 3, 4, 4, NA, NA, 3) and I would like to use function to get a vector like this: wy=(1,2,2,2,1,1,2) - you know, this vector create 1 or 2 depends on value in vector "a" This is my short code but something is wrong and I don't know what... for (i in 1:7){ a=c( NA, 3, 4, 4, NA, NA, 3) fun1=function(x){ x=1 print(x) } fun2=function(x){