Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "stats/arima.c memory allocation"
2011 Jul 20
The C function getQ0 returns a non-positive covariance matrix and causes errors in arima()
the function makeARIMA(), designed to construct some state space
representation of an ARIMA model, uses a C function called getQ0,
which can be found at the end of arima.c in R source files (library
stats). getQ0 takes two arguments, phi and theta, and returns the
covariance matrix of the state prediction error at time zero. The
reference for getQ0 (cited by help(arima)) is:
2010 Mar 19
Arima forecasting
Hello everyone,
I'm doing some benchmark comparing Arima [1] and SVR on time series data.
I'm using an out-of-sample one-step-ahead prediction from Arima using
the "fitted" method [2].
Do someone know how to have a two-steps-ahead forecast timeseries from Arima?
Matteo Bertini
[1] http://robjhyndman.com/software/forecast
[2] AirPassengers example on page 5
2007 Sep 08
Hi *,
Firstly, thank you so much for your time to read my email.
I am currently interested in how to use R to predict time series from
models fitted by ARIMA. The package I used is basic stats package, and the
method I used is predict.Arima.
What I know is that ARIMA parameters are estimated by Kalman Filter, but I
have difficulty in understanding how exactly maximum likelihood (ML)
2008 May 08
Here is my problem:
Autoregressive models are very interesting in forecasting consumptions (eg water, gas etc).
Generally time series of this type have a long history with relatively simple patterns and can be useful to add external regressors for calendar events (holydays, vacations etc).
arima() is a very powerful function but kalman filter is very slow (and I foun difficulties of estimation)
2010 Dec 30
key-value mapping in C inside R?
I'm testing some modifications in arima.c.
I've noticed that a big internal array of double (rbar) is usually
sparse and I'd like to add an option to store it as key-value mapping.
Is there a library function or some other approach already used inside
the R core for key-value mappings?
Matteo Bertini
2013 Feb 17
Hyperparameters in ARIMA models with dlm package
Hi, i'm beginner in Bayesian methods, I'm reading the documentation about
dlm package and kalman filters, I'm looking for a example of transformation
of ARIMA in a state space equivalent to use the dlm package and calcualte
the hyperparameters. Someone can help me about it?. If it's possible with a
arima(1,0,1) example, or more complex model. While I have more examples
best for me.
2006 Oct 19
predict.Arima question
I am trying to forecast a model using predict.Arima
I found arima model for a data set: x={x1,x2,x3,...,x(t)}
arima_model = arima(x,order=c(1,0,1))
I am forecasting the next N lags using predict:
arima_pred = predict(arima_model,n.ahead = N, se.fit=T)
If I have one more point in my series, let's say x(t+1). I do not want to
recalibrate themodel, I just want to forecast the next N-1
2008 Nov 27
"xreg" in ARIMA modelling.
Does anyone know how the parameter estimates are calculated for xreg
variables when called as part of an arima() command, or know of any
literature that provides this info? In particular, I was wondering if there
is a quick way to compare different combinations of "xreg" variables in the
arima() fit in the same way that you would in multiple regression (using AIC
& R^2
2013 Feb 14
I'm searching a method to estimate the hyper-parameters in arima models.
I'm reading about r-inla package, but in the examples section only talk
about the AR part of the arima, but i need help about the MA part too.
I'm beginner in Bayesian methods, I'm reading the documentation about dlm
package and kalman filters, but the computacional cost of inla i think is
better, but only
2004 Apr 18
I got problems using an objects returned from arima
(in KalmanSmooth(my.ts, ModArima$model), because
my.ts showed up to have storage mode "integer" (is.integer(my.ts was
Should storage.mode() of a ts be allowed to be integer,
should ts() someplace say storage.mode(ts.out) <- "double", or
maybe inside arima()
storage.mode(x) <- "double"
2006 Nov 25
predict and arima
Hi all,
Forecasting from an arima model is easy with predict.
But I can't manage to backcast : invent data from the model before the
begining of the sample.
The theory is easy : take your parameters, reverse your data, forecast, and
then reverse the forecast
I've tried to adapt the predict function to do that (i'm not sure that the
statistical procedure is fine (with the residuals),
2012 Aug 01
Odd Results when using R's auto.arima function
Good morning everyone,
I have attached an Excel file that contains a macro from which I call and
use R's auto.arima function to generate forecasts. The program runs
perfectly and it gets me the results; however, those results are pretty
unusual. I also tried using the auto.arima function directly in the R
console and still get weird results.
The results are shown in columns AB, AC and AD
2012 May 18
Forecast package, auto.arima() convergence problem, and AIC/BIC extraction
Hi all,
I have a small line of code I'm applying to a variable which will be
placed in a matrix table for latex output of accuracy measures:
acc.aarima <- signif(accuracy(forecast(auto.arima(tix_ts,
stepwise=FALSE), h=365)), digits=3).
The time series referred to is univariate (daily counts from 12-10-2010
until 5-8-2010 (so not 2 full periods of data)), and I'm working on
2009 Mar 05
Time Series - ARIMA differencing problem
I have been using this website (
http://www.stat.pitt.edu/stoffer/tsa2/Rissues.htm ) to help me to fit ARIMA
models to my data. At the moment I have two possible methods to use.
Method 1
If I use
arima(ts.data, order=c(1,2,0), xreg=1:length(ts.data))
then the wrong value for the intercept/mean is given (checked on SPSS and
Minitab) and
2011 Dec 01
combining arima and ar function
Hi everyone
I've got a problem regarding the arima() and the ar() function for
autoregressive series. I would simply like to combine them.
To better understand my question, I first show you how I'm using these two
functions individually (see file in the attachement).
1) apply(TSX,2, function(x) ar(na.omit(x),method="mle")$order
# this function finds the optimal
2003 Apr 16
arima function - estimated coefficients and forecasts
I'm using the arima function to estimate coefficients and also using
predict.Arima to forecast. This works nicely and I can see that the
results are the same as using SAS's proc arima.
I can also take the coefficent estimates for a simple model like
ARIMA(2,1,0) and manually compute the forecast. The results agree to 5
or 6 decimal places. I can do this for models with and without
2013 Mar 21
Could I get the following stats from arima()?
Hello all,
I use the arima to get a model, i.e.
fit = arima(x,order=c(1,0,0))
and I know I can get the following from fit via
est.coef = coef(fig)
est.aic = fit$aic
std.err = sqrt(diag(vcov(fit)))
t.stat = est.coef/std.err
How can I get the following stat from arima?
2008 Jul 23
Time series reliability questions
Hello all,
I have been using R's time series capabilities to perform analysis for quite
some time now and I am having some questions regarding its reliability. In
several cases I have had substantial disagreement between R and other packages
(such as gretl and the commercial EViews package).
I have just encountered another problem and thought I'd post it to the list. In
this case,
2009 Mar 03
modifying a built in function from the stats package (fixing arima)
Dear members of the list,
I''m a beginner in R and I''m having some trouble with: "Error in
optim(init[mask], armafn, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE, control =
optim.control, :
non-finite finite-difference value [8]"
when running "arima".
I''ve seen that some people have come accross the same problem:
2009 Mar 05
modifying a built in function from the stats package (fixing arima)
>If you ***look at the code*** for arima you will see that ``%+%'' is
>in terms of a call to ``.Call()'' which calls ``R_TSconv''. So
>R_TSconv is a C or Fortran function or subroutine in a ``shared
>object library''
>or dll upon which arima depends. Hence to do anything with it you'll
>need to get
>that shared