similar to: super basic questions about S4 classes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1300 matches similar to: "super basic questions about S4 classes"

2010 Jul 21
Bug: broken exception handling in S4 methods
Hi all: we have noticed for quite a while that certain errors cannot be handled by R try, tryCatch etc blocks, but it was fairly difficult to understand what were the conditions for this incorrect behaviour. Finally I stabbed across a very understandable case, which is outlined in the (runnable) example below. The main message is: wrapping an S4 method call in a try block will not help if an
2011 Apr 06
S4 generic functions/methods vs enclosures
Apologies for asking something that is probably very obvious, i just started with S4 classes and i guess i am not finding documentation that lays out the grammar rules and gives enough examples. I understand that main method of writing a member function is to write a generic function and setMethod for this particular class. This, however, presumes that there is "virtuality" for this
2007 Mar 30
Replacing slot of S4 class in method of S4 class?
Dear all, Assume that I have an S4 class "MyClass" with a slot "myname", which is initialized to: myname="" in method("initialize"): myclass <- new("MyClass", myname="") Assume that class "MyClass" has a method "mymethod": "mymethod.MyClass" <- function(object, myname=character(0), ...) {
2002 Nov 05
function showMethods and inheritance
Hi, The following question might come from my (deep) misunderstanding of the concepts in the package 'methods'. I have a class 'A', and a class 'B' inheriting 'A' (so defined with 'setClass' and the parameter 'contains="A"'. The class A has a method 'mymethod'. A call to 'showMethods("mymethod")' return the
2007 Dec 20
What is $super
Greetings, I had a question about the $super argument that I wasn''t able to find in documentation, searching etc. What exactly is the $super argument. Is it a reference to the super class''s prototype function? Or is it an instantiated object of the super class that is passed to the subclass''s method? I am completely confuzzled on this one, my typical
2011 Mar 11
Using missing() in a S4 method with extra arguments
Hi all, I have a function which makes use of missing() to determine which arguments are provided in the call - basically, there are two sets of arguments that map to different strategies the function uses to fulfill its task. After conversion to an S4 generic I've run into the problem that if a method uses extra arguments that are not in the signature of the generic, usage of missing()
2017 Sep 22
S4 method implementation for S3 class
Hi all, I'm trying to implement the matrix multiplication operator, which is S4 generic, for an old-style S3 class. The following works as expected: x <- 1:10 class(x) <- "myClass" setOldClass("myClass") setGeneric("myMethod", function(x, y) standardGeneric("myMethod")) setMethod("myMethod", c("myClass", "myClass"),
2012 Aug 03
Interaction between callNextMethod() and selectMethod()
Hi, Strange things happen. Here is a simple example: > setClass("A", contains="integer") > setMethod("as.matrix", "A", function(x, ...) t(callNextMethod())) Creating a generic function for ?as.matrix? from package ?base? in the global environment [1] "as.matrix" > a <- new("A", 1:3) > as.matrix(a)
2007 Feb 04
Problem using ofstream in C++ class in package for MacOS X
Dear all, I am currently learning how to create R packages using C++ classes. For this purpose I have written a small package MyClass (which I try to attach since I do not have access to a website). MyClass has methods WriteFileC() and WriteFileCpp() which implement C-style and C++-style writing of a table to a file using FILE or ofstream respectively, and the corresponding R-functions
2016 Nov 24
llvm optimizer turning musttail into tail
I've got some calls like: musttail call void bitcast (i32 (i32, i8*, %Type*)* @MyMethod to void (i32, i8*)*)(i32 %0, i8* %1) ret void Into something like: %8 = tail call i32 @MyMethod(i32 %0, i8* %1, %Type* null) ret void I realize I'm losing a parameter there, but this is an interface jump trick I use and relies on the end code being a 'jmp' (x86). I realize i can probably
2003 May 19
how to run R as a daemon
Hi all, Using R a as a real-time application called by Php for a website, I would like to run one R process only, which would manage user connections. For the time each user who asks for an analysis causes a new R process to start, which is not suitable in prevision of many users. R needs about 30 seconds to run the script which makes the analysis. The problem is that this waiting time is n
2006 Aug 10
Passing parameters defined in a function or something
Hi, I have method I want to call ... it can receive * number of parameters. I also have 3 parms that I want to pass often, so I have defined them in a separate function: def my_params { :parm1 => 1, :parm2 => 2, :parm3 => 3 } end And I want to call my method like this: mymethod :parm4 => 4, my_params Now - this doesn''t work - as my_params is a hash of params, which
2010 Dec 22
forcing evaluation of a char string argument
I'm trying to make a function to turn a regular function into an S3 generic one. I want myMethod to be: function(x,...) UseMethod("myMethod") But I keep getting: function(x,...) UseMethod(func) Here's the function: toGeneric<-function(func) { env<-environment(get(func)) # default method of new generic = the original function
2007 Mar 16
sort_link_helper and cross-controller partials
Hello Rubyists, I ran into a problem with sorting a table (rendered in a partial) using the sort_link_helper methods after I have submitted data and re-rendered the table through an AJAX request. The setup is a follows: The table is a shared partial of Controller1 and Controller2 accessible via "shared/table". The AJAX''ed sorting using the sort helper works all fine on
2016 Nov 27
llvm optimizer turning musttail into tail
r287955 seems like it might be related. -- Sean Silva On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 4:06 PM, Sean Silva <chisophugis at> wrote: > This sounds buggy to me. What pass is doing this? > > -- Sean Silva > > On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 5:39 AM, Carlo Kok via llvm-dev < > llvm-dev at> wrote: > >> >> I've got some calls like: >>
2005 Dec 29
Access rails logger from plain class
How can I "get" the rails logger from a plain class, that is a class that does not inherit from a rails class? I have tried using RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER (see below) but it''s nil class MyClass logger = RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER def myMethod logger.debug("stuff...") end end -- Posted via
2011 Feb 21
Problem with documentation of user-defined operator (S4 method)
Dear list members, I have defined a binary operator %append% with methods for some S4 classes. In my documentation file, I want to list the methods explicitly by using e.g.: \S4method{\%append\%}{RecLinkData,RecLinkData}(x, y) In the HTML documentation this comes out right as ## S4 method for signature 'RecLinkResult,RecLinkResult' x %append% y , but R CMD check
2010 Nov 15
Package with multiple shared libraries
Dear R-devel members, I would like to compile a package with two seperate shared libraries. For example, in a package 'foo', a file '' built from a distinct set of source files should be installed in addition to the default '' (or .dll on windows). Does anyone know about a way to achieve this without having a custom Makefile, e.g. via 'Makevars'?
2004 Mar 30
Big question: Move to SWIG?
A few days ago, someone asked me why I am using wxpp instead of SWIG. The question prompted me to revisit and re-evaluate SWIG, and I now believe it would be best to convert wxRuby to SWIG. SWIG has greatly improved its C++ support since the last time I looked at it, and I think its Ruby support has improved quite a bit as well. Also, now that I have written wxpp, I understand the nature of
2010 Dec 07
How to find out if a data frame has automatic row names?
Hi all, I just stumbled across the difference between explicit and 'automatic' row names for data frames. Is there a quick way to find out if a data frame has automatic row names or not? Of course I know this for data frames that I create myself, but what if a function needs to extract this information for an argument? The following example shows that this property is not easily