similar to: Names of a data set in a package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Names of a data set in a package"

1999 Dec 07
Finding indices with a certain property
I want the indices i for which x[i] < 0 (say): > x <- c(1, -1, 3, 3, -2) > where.negative(x) [1] 2 5 Surely where.negative is something simple, but how? G?ran -------------------------------------------------------------- G?ran Brostr?m Department of Statistics tel: +46 90 786-5223 Ume? University fax: +46 90 786-6614 S-90187 Ume?, Sweden
2003 Jun 07
Ordering long vectors
I need to order a long vector of integers with rather few unique values. This is very slow: > x <- sample(rep(c(1:10), 50000)) > system.time(ord <- order(x)) [1] 189.18 0.09 190.48 0.00 0.00 But with no ties > y <- sample(500000) > system.time(ord1 <- order(y)) [1] 1.18 0.00 1.18 0.00 0.00 it is very fast! This gave me the following idea: Since I don't care
2005 Aug 19
Handling dates
I have a problem with some functions handling dates, in packages 'date' and 'survival' (they seem to be identical). For instance, from the documentation, -------------------- {survival} R Documentation Convert to Julian Dates Description Given a month, day, and year, returns the number of days since January 1, 1960. Usage, day, year, nineteen = TRUE,
2002 Oct 17
'text' can't find "x"
I wanted to add some text to a plot and got (R-1.6.0, Linux): > text(x = c(1, 4), y = 5, labels = x) Error in text.default(x = c(1766, 1895), y = 5, labels = x) : Object "x" not found With the default value of 'labels': > text(x = c(1, 2), y = 5, labels = seq(along = x)) Error in seq(along = x) : Object "x" not found A scoping bug? :) But >
2003 May 14
Two names of a function
Is it possible to let a function be known under two names without having two identical copies of the function body? --- G?ran Brostr?m tel: +46 90 786 5223 Department of Statistics fax: +46 90 786 6614 Ume? University SE-90187 Ume?, Sweden e-mail: gb at
2002 Oct 08
Numeric to factor
I find 'How do I convert factors to numeric?' in the FAQ (7.12), but not the other way around. Trivial maybe, but > codes(factor(c(2, 10)) [1] 2 1 > codes(factor(c(2, 9))) [1] 1 2 How do I get the levels attached to the codes in numeric order? G?ran --- G?ran Brostr?m tel: +46 90 786 5223 Department of Statistics fax: +46 90 786 6614 Ume? University
2004 Sep 20
[Old '.so' file
I noticed the same thing as I reported below, when I upgraded from R-2.0.0-alpha-20040918 to today's beta version: 'R CMD check' failed as before; but after cleaning 'src' from .o and .so files, it worked again. So the two-day-old '.so' file is obviously different from today's. Has compiler directives changed in the two last days? Or what is happening? G?ran On
2004 Dec 07
read.spss: unrecognized record type
When reading an spss file, I get the following message: Warning message: ../totmorH.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 13 encountered in system file. What does it mean? Do I have to worry? The result looks as expected. I do not have (easy) access to SPSS, so I cannot check exactly that I got what I should have. Thanks, G??ran And, I'm using R-2.0.1 on Debian testing (from source).
2005 Mar 24
Books on survival analysis and R/S
I will be giving a course in survival analysis using R (of course!) for people who know nothing about the subject (including R), but know basic statistics. I'm looking for a suitable course book. Therneau & Grambsch (2000) is an excellent book, but too much for this course. I need somthing more elementary. I have a vague memory saying that such books exist, but I cannot find any for the
2005 Jan 25
tapply and names
I have a data frame containing children, with variables 'year' = birth year, and '' = mother's id number. Let's assume that all the births of each mother is represented in the data frame. Now I want to create a subset of this data frame containing all children, whose mother's first birth was in the year 1816 or later. This seems to work: mid <-
2002 Feb 20
Pointer to covariates?
In the first line, use the dist function, found in library mva, to get the distance between each pair of rows. From this calculate an incidence matrix for which element i,j is true if row i in dat equals row j in dat (and false elsewhere). In the second line, for each row calculate the indices of the matching rows and take the minimum of those as the key. incid <-
2003 Jun 20
namespaces not available
This happened to me with R-1.7.0, Linux RH9: ------------------------------------------------------------------ > q() Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: y Warning messages: 1: namespaces may not be available when loading 2: names in persistent strings are currently ignored gb at lasker:~/R/test$ R R : Copyright 2003, The R Development Core Team Version 1.7.0 (2003-04-16) R is free software
2009 Feb 17
C basic indentation
I use the recommendations in "R coding standards", i.e., I put ;;; C (add-hook 'c-mode-hook (lambda () (c-set-style "bsd"))) ;;; ESS (add-hook 'ess-mode-hook (lambda () (ess-set-style 'C++ 'quiet) (add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks (lambda
2004 Aug 18
Revert a factor to its numeric values
I'm trying a recommendation on the help page for 'factor': > x <- c(1, 2, 1, 2) > x <- factor(x, labels = c("one", "two")) > x [1] one two one two Levels: one two > as.numeric(levels(x))[x] [1] NA NA NA NA Warning message: NAs introduced by coercion Also, > as.numeric(as.character(x)) [1] NA NA NA NA Warning message: NAs introduced by
2005 Sep 05
TeX distribution on Windows
I'm looking for a Windows distribution of TeX that works with R, after a few years' absence from Windows. On Duncan Murdoch's Rtools page fptex is still recommended, but it turns out that fptex is "defunct" as of May 2005, see So, what is suggested? TUG ( recommends something called proTeXt, which is said to be
2003 Dec 18
Dear R-helpers, In a data set I got from a medical doctor there are six treatment groups and (about) 5 bivariate responses in each group. Using 'manova', it is easy to see significant differences in treatment effects, but the doctor is more interested in the correlation between the two responses (within groups). I'm willing to assume a common value over groups, and one way of
2004 Jun 09
1.9.1-alpha & tty
I have two versions of R on my Debian testing: R-1.9.0 (precompiled) and R-1.9.1-alpha of 2004-06-07 (built on my system). In the latter, I get > system("emacs sim.R &") > emacs: standard input is not a tty while with R-1.9.0 it works as expected. I have absolutely no idea about what's going on, so I could use some help. Anyone? Thanks, G?ran -- G?ran Brostr?m
2004 Sep 19
Namespace problem
Now I try to add some C and Fortan code to my package, so the NAMESPACE file is useDynLib(eha) importFrom(survival, Surv) export(, risksets) but I get ..... * checking R files for library.dynam ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING Error in .try_quietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :
2004 Oct 07
sample suggestion
I have been bitten by what is clearly described on the help page for 'sample', namely sampling from a population of size one. I agree that it is convenient to have an exception if 'length(x) == 1', but my suggestion is to enforce the exception only if 'x' is numeric. In any case, if x is not numeric and of length 1, all you get is an error message. I would like
2004 Dec 30
optim/vmmin and R_alloc
I am calling 'vmmin' several times from a C function (which is called via .C). It works very well, except for memory consumption. The cause is that vmmin allocates memory via R_alloc, and this memory is not freed as vmmin exits. Instead all the allocated memory is freed on return of the .C call. In one application, I have 2000 functions of 500 variables each to minimize. In each call to