Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "par(ask=TRUE) in R CMD check?"
2014 Nov 26
testing dontrun examples
Is there a good strategy for testing examples which should not be run by
default? For instance, I have examples which get data from the Internet.
If I wrap them in try() then they can be skipped if the Internet is not
available, but may not be tested in cases when I would like to know
about the failure. (Not to mention that the example syntax is ugly.)
If I mark them \dontrun or \donttest
2008 Dec 16
"could not find function" error in "R CMD check"
Hi, All:
What might cause "R CMD check" to report, "could not find
function" for a function that has long been in the 'fda' package?
Both Jim Ramsay in Ottawa, Canada, and I in San Jose, CA, get this
same error. I replicated it with a fresh, anonymous checkout from
R-Forge (svn checkout svn://svn.r-forge.r-project.org/svnroot/fda).
With this, I did
2008 Nov 27
par(ask=TRUE) and devAskNewPage(ask=TRUE) not working
First, I do some calculation, then a plot. Add some lines and texts to the
Second, do some further calculation, then a plot. Add again some lines and
texts to the plot.
Third, do some further calculation, then....
Fourth, .....
After a plot is complete (means the plot itself, lines and texts) I would
like to click 'enter' to see
the next complete plot (again the plot itself,
2012 Aug 24
CRAN check error with no example?
Hello, All:
The CRAN checks for the "fda" package includes one error:
The error most likely occurred in ... file.copy2
Error: unprotect_ptr: pointer not found
Execution halted
The help page for "file.copy2" includes "\examples" with
everything wrapped in
2008 Aug 22
R CMD check problem
I have a query after finding an error running Rtools on a Windows machine.
I am trying to build an update to the R fda library using Rtools27 under
Windows XP Pro. This is the current fda library on RForge:
Following R CMD build, R CMD check produces the following error in
installing R.css in F:/work/RForge/fda.Rcheck
make: ***
2015 Feb 09
R CMD check: Uses the superseded package: ‘doSNOW’
Dear list,
When I run an R CMD check --as-cran on my package (pROC) I get the
following note:
> Uses the superseded package: ?doSNOW?
The fact that it uses the doSNOW package is correct as I have the
following example in an .Rd file:
> #ifdef windows
> if (require(doSNOW)) {
> registerDoSNOW(cl <- makeCluster(2, type = "SOCK"))
> ci(roc2,
2015 Feb 10
R CMD check: Uses the superseded package: ‘doSNOW’
Oh, I completely missed that one.
It's very neat as it seems to work both on Windows and Unix.
On 10/02/15 10:52, Martyn Plummer wrote:
> The CRAN package snow is superseded by the parallel package which is
> distributed with R since version 2.14.0. Here are the release notes
> \item There is a new package \pkg{parallel}.
> It incorporates (slightly
2012 Dec 05
NAMESPACE problem: import(zoo) but 'zoo' could not be loaded
I'm having problems creating a real NAMESPACE to replace the pro
forma one in the fda package on R-Forge. "R CMD check" complains,
"Error: package 'zoo' could not be loaded ... there is no package called
'zoo'"; see below. I get this both with and without "import(zoo)" in
2014 Nov 26
testing dontrun examples
Hi, Paul:
"if(!fda::CRAN())" runs code except with "R CMD check ?as-cran".
I use it so CRAN checks skip examples that (a) need the Internet or (b)
take too long for CRAN.
Hope this helps.
On 11/26/2014 10:45 AM, Paul Gilbert wrote:
> Is there a good strategy for testing examples which should not be run
> by default? For instance,
2012 Jun 10
Convert "\" to "/"?
Hello, All:
I have for years copied an address like "C:\Program
Files\R\R-2.15.0\library\MASS\scripts" from Windows Explorer into R,
then manually replaced "\" with "/". I have a function to automate this
added to the development version of "sos". However, it generates a
warning in "R CMD check" ("parse error: unexpected
2010 Apr 12
source(,echo=T) doesn't echo final comments
source(file,echo=T) will not echo the last comment in "file" if it is the last line in the file.
For instance, when sourcing a file containing the following lines
#comment 1
#comment 2
R will echo
> #comment 1
> a<-1
What is the solution to have R echo all of the comment lines?
Specific context:
This problem arises e.g. in the context of help files (.Rd) whose
2008 Dec 01
Warning: missing text for item ... in \describe?
What might be the problem generating messages like "Warning:
missing text for item ... in \describe" with "R CMD check" and "R CMD
With the current version of "fda" on R-Forge, I get the following:
Warning: missing text for item 'fd' in \describe
Warning: missing text for item 'fdPar' in \describe
2017 Mar 09
Error in formatDL(nm, txt, indent = max(nchar(nm, "w")) + 3)
This error can arise when getOption("width") is too small. 80 seems to be the
limit for me with R-3.3.2 on Windows.
Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com
On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 10:28 PM, Spencer Graves
<spencer.graves at prodsyse.com> wrote:
> Hello:
> I tried "debug(help)" with the problem mentioned below. It stopped
> with a call to
2015 Feb 10
R CMD check: Uses the superseded package: ‘doSNOW’
The CRAN package snow is superseded by the parallel package which is
distributed with R since version 2.14.0. Here are the release notes
\item There is a new package \pkg{parallel}.
It incorporates (slightly revised) copies of packages
\CRANpkg{multicore} and \CRANpkg{snow} (excluding MPI, PVM and NWS
clusters). Code written to use the higher-level API functions in
those packages should
2010 Aug 26
reliability of R-Forge?
How reliable is R-Forge? http://r-forge.r-project.org/
It is down now (for me). Reporting "R-Forge Could Not Connect to Database: "
I have just started to use it for a project. It has been down for
several hours (at least) on different occasions over the last couple
of days. Is that common? Will it be more stable soon?
Apologies if this is not an appropriate question for R-help.
2010 Aug 26
reliability of R-Forge?
How reliable is R-Forge? http://r-forge.r-project.org/
It is down now (for me). Reporting "R-Forge Could Not Connect to Database: "
I have just started to use it for a project. It has been down for
several hours (at least) on different occasions over the last couple
of days. Is that common? Will it be more stable soon?
Apologies if this is not an appropriate question for R-help.
2011 Apr 28
Best Practices for submitting packages to CRAN
Dear all,
I (and a colleague) have been working on our first package (for fitting a
certain type of cognitive models:
http://www.psychologie.uni-freiburg.de/Members/singmann/R/mptinr) for quite
a while now and have the feeling, that it is "good to go". That is, we want
to submit it to CRAN. However, I still have two questions before doing so
and would appreciate any comments.
1. How
2012 Nov 01
Hello, All:
What changes are being considered / planned in the management and
funding of CRAN and R-Forge to handle the near-exponential growth in the
number of packages?
I ask, because the developers for fda were asked to cut the test
time on CRAN to below 5 seconds per *.Rd file. After spending a few
days on this, we reluctantly eliminated tests using if(!CRAN()){...} in
2012 May 10
fda problems - version correct?
Dear friends - I am trying to understand fda and working with the 2009
book from Springer. I run the scripts directly from a new installed fda
library and include sessionInfo() below. This is from the script
fdarm-ch09.R - I seem to have got not fda_2.2.8 but 2.2.7 - is that
the problem? Where do I get .8 as I just reinstalled? Best wishes
Troels Ring, Nephrology
Aalborg, Denmark
2020 Apr 17
How to find detritis rejected by "R CMD check" on Debian?
????? How can someone help me find and fix the following, contained in
00check.log on Debian for "https://github.com/JamesRamsay5/fda":
Found the following files/directories:
? ?fdaMatlabPath.m?
* checking for detritus in the temp directory ... OK
????? See: