similar to: Bug report 14459 -- procedure for handling follow-up issues

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2006 Oct 26
dialplan issue - 1& 0 should be evaluated false
Helo List, Sorry I missed the rest of my email in my previous post. Please see below. I'm having an issue using the AND (&) operator evaluation in the code of my dialplan. The dial plan is coded to detect inbound DTMF digits from callers. key "1" is equivalent to "yes" and key "2" is equivalent to "no" in two diferent contexts in the dial plan.
2007 Jul 09
Problems sending more than 2 SMS with asterisk / smsq
When i send more than one messages shortly after the other, my log (/var/spool/asterisk/sms ) looks like this and only two of four messages arrive. What am i doing wrong ? I am using an AVM B1 PCI with chan-capi and 1.4.4. and also, when sending with smsq -x only two of the messages are handled. (i thought, asterisk itself handles the queues ? ) Here the log: 2007-07-09T15:04:14 YOM04 0 -
2003 Jun 19
\0\n at end of lines
Since upgrading to -test11, mail fetched from imap has every line terminated with a nul and a newline ("\0\n"). This also happens with -test12. It seems to happen with both mbox and maildir. I'm running on NetBSD/sparc (NetBSD-current as of April 1, 1.6Q). If it matters, I have "mail_save_crlf" set to "no" and "mail_read_mmaped" also set to
2013 Apr 06
Samba4 member of an another « Samba4 » domain
Hi, I have a Samba4 domain controller installed on Debian Wheezy (Domain = CHEZMOI.PRIV). I try to installed an another Samba4 server which is just a member of the CHEZMOI.PRIV domain. But I don't succeed. I have followed this page : But I have : ~# net ads join -U administrator Enter administrator's password: kinit succeeded but
2008 Apr 25
openldap - samba
I am having a problem getting users that were added in smbldap-useradd to be able to login. After I add them they are visible, but you can see I get this error - pdb_get_group_sid: Failed to find Unix account for test10 I believe that this has something to do with nss_ldap. because doing a getent passwd, it doesn't display any smb info. Any debugging info or help would be amazing, I'm
2010 Oct 07
Problem with dovecot-acl was not solved
Problems with acl in dovecot-1.2.15 was not solved! See my configs below. And I see the new bug - still something wrong with configs: cat dovecot-acl: user=t1 lrwsti #user=oper-olegs lrwsti #user=oper-antona lrwsti user=operdss lr #user=operdss lrwsti User t1 can't create subfolers in inbox. He can only create subfolders in the first levels: Inbox test3 test4 Outbox Sent Trash Test1 - test
2010 Jul 17
dovecot 2.0rc2 Cannot delete a folder with Thunderbird (delete, not move to Trash)
With Thunderbird 3.1 I can now "delete" a folder which moves it to Trash. But I cannot remove the folder in Trash. The following is from the Thunderbird log file: 248[6814c00]: 64 rename "test10" "Trash/test10" 248[6814c00]: 64 OK Rename completed. 248[6814c00]:
2004 May 24
1.0-test12 - "Maildir sync: UID < next_uid (446 < 447, file = .." errors should be fixed - fixes for detecting changes in uidvalidity and external uidnext changes - several fixes and cleanups in index file handling. less code than before and now changes to index header also go through transaction log. that should mean that soon I can get mmap_disable = yes
2017 Mar 30
InstructionSimplify: adding a hook for shufflevector instructions
Thanks, Sanjay, that makes sense. The opportunity for improving instcombining splat sounds promising. Another question about shuffle simplification. This is a testcase from test/Transforms/InstCombine/vec_shuffle.ll: define <4 x i32> @test10(<4 x i32> %tmp5) nounwind { %tmp6 = shufflevector <4 x i32> %tmp5, <4 x i32> undef, <4 x i32> <i32 1, i32 undef, i32
2020 Jul 01
Samba-4.10.4 strange behaviour
Hello All, I'm new to the list and I don't have much of experience with samba. I have a test setup on CentOS 7.8 with samba-4.10.4 and samba-vfs-glusterfs . When my client mounts the samba share via vers=1.0 , the user sees the share properly (uid,gid,mode are just like on gluster). When the share is mounted with vers=2.0 or not specified (anything higher) the files are owned by
2006 Oct 26
dialplan issue - 1& 0 should be false
Helo List, I'm having an issue using the AND (&) operator in the code of my dialplan. The dial plan is coded to detect inbound DTMF digits from callers. key "1" is equivalent to "yes" and key "2" is equivalent to "no" in my dial plan. When a caller presses 1, yes is passed as a varialble and same when 2 is pressed a "no" is passed.
2015 Mar 20
[LLVMdev] New kind of metadata to capture LLVM IR linking structure
Hello all llvm-link merges together the metadata from the IR files being linked together. This means that when linking different libraries together (i.e. multiple source files that have been compiled into a single LLVM IR file) it can be hard or impossible to identify the library boundaries. We're using LLVM to do static analysis of applications (together with their dependent libraries) and
2005 Aug 01
Backwards compatability
In doing my testing I''m wondering if maintaining backwards compatability for existing applications is important. The question boils down to this: Are there sufficient applications that are using wxRuby (pre swig) that we should expect to have to support all/most without changes or should we expect that most applications will need to learn the ''new'' ways things
2005 Oct 30
attaching the debugger to functional test.
People, I''m trying to run the ruby debugger against a Test::Unit::TestCase class which is a parent of a Rails class. I started my study with a simple script: # # bikle_test.rb # require ''test/unit'' class BikleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @string10 = "hello" end def test10 assert_equal @string10, "hello" end end The
2003 Jun 15
0.99.10-test12 I should have released 0.99.10 already I think.. There's just two annoying problems that I think should be fixed first: - PAM: If user gives a wrong password, dovecot-auth process sleeps for two seconds, blocking everyone else who are trying to authenticate at the time. So using PAM isn't very good idea at the moment. - OpenSSL problems. Are they
2003 Jun 18
0.99.10-test13 - Hopefully OpenSSL is fixed :) - We sometimes produced invalid ENVELOPE with 8bit headers. That could really have broken things (broke it in test12). So, what's left is to make PAM work well..
2020 Jul 01
Samba-4.10.4 strange behaviour
Hi Felix, thanks for the share. Sadly it doesn't work and I don't know how to start debugging this one. I tried your config (had to switch from domain member to standalone) but it's the same: [global] ??????? netbios name = yourName ??????? workgroup = yourWorkgroup ??????? realm = YourRealm ??????? log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m ??????? max log size = 50 ??????? security = ads
2003 Nov 28
wineserver and kernel 2.6-test10
Hi. I've tried GTA3 on wine with the kernel 2.6-test10 and I've found it a lot faster than with the 2.4.22. The problem is that the games is very fast but it's not smooth, once a second it'll block for some millseconds but this not happen always and not with the same frequency... this happens the same with or without kernel preemption. After some tryes I've discovered that
2004 May 24
Errors from 1.0-test11
Timo + All, A few minutes after having some emails delivered into my mailbox I got the following messages in my maillog: May 24 03:05:27 myriad dovecot: imap(andrew): Maildir sync: UID inserted in the middle of mailbox (2 > 1, file = 1084812461.V27406I77e27.myriad.flat:2,S) May 24 03:05:27 myriad dovecot: child 81038 (imap) killed with signal 11 May 24 03:15:28 myriad dovecot: imap-login:
2011 Feb 27
[Dahdi 2.4.0] Flash() hangs up
Hello I need Asterisk ( to simulate a flash hook (ie. hitting the "R" key on European handsets) so I can put a call on hold, dial a second number, and set up a conference call. By default, linux/include/dahdi/kernel.h sets the flashtime to 750ms, which appears to be too long for European telcos, as they seem to expect a line cut of about 100ms. After editing the