similar to: redesign R.css for HTML help pages

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "redesign R.css for HTML help pages"

2010 Sep 18
Check for updates under Windows (Was: a reliable way to check the latest version of R on CRAN?)
Dear R developers, I asked this question in r-help list but have not got a definite solution yet, and I think it might be more appropriate to ask developers or CRAN maintainers directly. Many software packages often have a menu item like "Check for updates" under the "Help" menu, e.g. Filezilla and Firefox, and I believe it is also necessary for R (at least for R GUI under
2011 Mar 05
file mode lost in file.copy()?
Hi, Recently I noticed file.copy() would discard the file mode information. Is this the expected behaviour or a bug for file.copy()? > file.create('testfile') [1] TRUE >'testfile') size isdir mode mtime ctime testfile 0 FALSE 644 2011-03-05 17:06:39 2011-03-05 17:06:39 atime uid gid uname grname
2011 Mar 05
file mode lost in file.copy()?
Hi, Recently I noticed file.copy() would discard the file mode information. Is this the expected behaviour or a bug for file.copy()? > file.create('testfile') [1] TRUE >'testfile') size isdir mode mtime ctime testfile 0 FALSE 644 2011-03-05 17:06:39 2011-03-05 17:06:39 atime uid gid uname grname
2011 Jan 05
convert expressions to characters
Hi, Suppose I have x = parse(text = " {y=50+50+50#'asfasf' } ") now x is an expression with some src attributes. > x expression({y=50+50+50#'asfasf' }) attr(,"srcfile") <text> attr(,"wholeSrcref") {y=50+50+50#'asfasf' } My question is, how can I get my string back (the string passed to parse() as the text argument)? >
2013 Jan 04
Bug in R CMD check for \ in Rd?
Hi, I have a function knit_expand() and its source/Rd are below: When I run R CMD check on the package I get this warning (with both R 2.15.2 and R-devel): * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... WARNING Codoc mismatches from documentation object
2013 Apr 08
savePlot() under Windows
Hi, A Windows user asked me a question and I believe this is a bug of R 3.0.0 under Windows: > plot(1:10) > savePlot('test.wmf') Error in .External(C_savePlot, device, filename, type, restoreConsole) : Incorrect number of arguments (4), expecting 3 for 'savePlot' > sessionInfo() R version 3.0.0 (2013-04-03) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) locale: [1]
2010 Nov 25
Go (back) from Rd to roxygen
Hi all, Since roxygen is a great help to document R packages, I am wondering if there exists an approach to go back from the raw Rd files to roxygen-documentation? E.g. turn "\author{Somebody}" into "@author Somebody". This sounds ridiculous, but I believe it helps in the long term for me to maintain R packages. Thanks! Regards, Yihui -- Yihui Xie <xieyihui at
2011 Apr 10
deparse operators in expressions
Hi, I observed a slight problem in deparse(): it will add spaces around most operators except /. I wonder if this is easy to fix. I know this is quite trivial, but I will appreciate if / is not treated as an exception. Examples: > deparse(expression(1/1)) [1] "expression(1/1)" > deparse(expression(1+1)) [1] "expression(1 + 1)" > deparse(expression(1%in%1)) [1]
2011 Jun 20
Quote the path of graphics output in Sweave when it contains spaces
Hi, I'm aware of the definition of a "valid filename" in .SweaveValidFilenameRegexp, but I think it might be better to quote the filename when it contains spaces instead of just giving a warning. This should bring us safer LaTeX code (although I never use spaces in paths). Here is the simple patch: Index: src/library/utils/R/SweaveDrivers.R
2013 Feb 19
knitr version 1.1
Hi, I released knitr 1.1 to CRAN a few days ago: See all new features and changes at The version 1.0 does not imply perfect stability or maturity. The major version number was bumped from 0.x to 1.x due to a number of important features and the breaking of compatibility with
2013 Feb 19
knitr version 1.1
Hi, I released knitr 1.1 to CRAN a few days ago: See all new features and changes at The version 1.0 does not imply perfect stability or maturity. The major version number was bumped from 0.x to 1.x due to a number of important features and the breaking of compatibility with
2012 May 02
New version of the knitr package (0.5)
The knitr package version 0.5 is on CRAN now. It has gone through extensive development in the past few months, and about 200 issues were solved ( thanks to the feedback of users, which greatly improved the quality and usefulness of this package. For a complete list of changes, see Most notable new features are:
2012 May 02
New version of the knitr package (0.5)
The knitr package version 0.5 is on CRAN now. It has gone through extensive development in the past few months, and about 200 issues were solved ( thanks to the feedback of users, which greatly improved the quality and usefulness of this package. For a complete list of changes, see Most notable new features are:
2010 Dec 01
New package Rd2roxygen: Convert Rd to roxygen documentation
Hi, A new package Rd2roxygen has been released on CRAN: (source package available; binaries to come) This package can be useful for developers who used to document their functions in the raw Rd files but want to switch to roxygen now using inline roxygen comments (e.g. me). The main functionality of this package is to parse the Rd files under the
2012 Jan 18
New package knitr
The knitr package was designed to be a transparent engine for dynamic report generation with R, solve some long-standing problems in Sweave, and combine features in other add-on packages into one package. It is a general-purpose package, and currently supports LaTeX, HTML and Markdown (still extensible). See the package website [1] to get started; see the package manuals ([2], [3] and [4]) for a
2012 Jan 18
New package knitr
The knitr package was designed to be a transparent engine for dynamic report generation with R, solve some long-standing problems in Sweave, and combine features in other add-on packages into one package. It is a general-purpose package, and currently supports LaTeX, HTML and Markdown (still extensible). See the package website [1] to get started; see the package manuals ([2], [3] and [4]) for a
2012 May 22
how to remove the 'promise' attribute of an R object (.Random.seed)?
Hi, The problem arises when I lazyLoad() the .Random.seed from a previously saved database. To simplify the process of reproducing the problem, see the example below: ## this assignment may not really make sense, but illustrates the problem delayedAssign('.Random.seed', 1L) typeof(.Random.seed) # [1] "integer" rnorm(1) # Error in rnorm(1) : # .Random.seed is not an integer
2012 May 22
how to remove the 'promise' attribute of an R object (.Random.seed)?
Hi, The problem arises when I lazyLoad() the .Random.seed from a previously saved database. To simplify the process of reproducing the problem, see the example below: ## this assignment may not really make sense, but illustrates the problem delayedAssign('.Random.seed', 1L) typeof(.Random.seed) # [1] "integer" rnorm(1) # Error in rnorm(1) : # .Random.seed is not an integer
2012 Oct 19
customize building package vignettes
Hi, I mentioned this at useR! 2012 but I guess the relevant R core members were not there (presumably Fritz, Duncan and Brian), so I'm making this wishlist again: Currently package vignettes have to be processed through Sweave, which is too restrictive since several add-on packages aiming to improve or extend Sweave have appeared (e.g. cacheSweave, pgfSweave, R.rsp, highlight, knitr, ...).
2010 Dec 03
formatR update (0.1-5)
In formatR 0.1-5, the dependency on the gWidgets and animation packages are removed. The GUI by gWidgets is optional now. Meanwhile, the function tidy.source() has been moved from the animation package to this package. > library(formatR) > tidy.source(textConnection(' # rotation of the word "Animation" # in a loop; change the angle and color # step by step for (i in