similar to: errors in getconnection or scan

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "errors in getconnection or scan"

2017 Dec 14
cannot destroy connection (?) created by readLines in a tryCatch
On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 7:56 PM, Gabriel Becker <gmbecker at> wrote: > Gabor, > > You can grab the connection and destroy it via getConnection and then a > standard close call. Yeah, that's often a possible workaround, but since this connection was opened by readLines() internally, I don't necessarily know which one it is. E.g. I might open multiple
2007 Nov 14
isOpen on closed connections
As far as I can tell, 'isOpen' cannot return FALSE in the case when 'rw = ""'. If the connection has already been closed by 'close' or some other function, then isOpen will produce an error. The problem is that when isOpen calls 'getConnection', the connection cannot be found and 'getConnection' produces an error. The check to see if it is
2017 Dec 15
cannot destroy connection (?) created by readLines in a tryCatch
Thanks for tracking this down. Yeah, I should use suppressWarnings(), you are right. Although, readLines() might throw another warning, e.g. for incomplete last lines, and you don't necessarily want to suppress that. TBH I am not sure why that warning is given: ? con <- file(tempfile()) ? open(con) Error in open.connection(con) : cannot open the connection In addition: Warning message: In
2007 May 24
object getConnection
Hi, I use the functions socketConnections() and getConnection() which are working fine. Thanks to the authors. After opening nicely some socketConnection, getConnection(3) returns something like : description class mode text opened can read can write "->" "socket" "wb" "binary" "opened" "yes"
2009 Nov 07
getConnection, R_outpstream_st
Hello, I'm trying to use the limited connections api defined in Rinternals.h. I have code that looks like this (inspired from do_serializeToConn) : SEXP serialize_to_connection( SEXP xp, SEXP connection ){ Rconnection con ; struct R_outpstream_st out; R_pstream_format_t type = R_pstream_binary_format ; SEXP (*hook)(SEXP, SEXP) = NULL ; con = getConnection(Rf_asInteger(connection));
2017 Dec 14
cannot destroy connection (?) created by readLines in a tryCatch
Consider this code. This is R 3.4.2, but based on a quick look at the NEWS, this has not been fixed. tryCatch( readLines(tempfile(), warn = FALSE)[1], error = function(e) NA, warning = function(w) NA ) rm(list=ls(all.names = TRUE)) gc() showConnections(all = TRUE) If you run it, you'll get a connection you cannot close(), i.e. the last showConnections() call prints: ?
2007 Apr 06
getConnection is not found in R depending on the Linux flavour (RedHat or Debian) - dyn.load problems
Hello R developers, I am working on the "seqinr" package and I encounter a tricky problem using a C function. We defined a C fonction called "getzlibsock" which is dedicated to compressed socket connections. This function is using the R internal C function called "getConnection(int)" in order to get information about the socket previously opened with the
2006 Oct 07
Request to open up getConnection to embedded interface
Hello all, I would like to request that getConnection() and the struct Rconn declarations be added to the R embedded interface. Here's why. It's common in CGI scripts for web applications to direct stdin, stdout, and stderr map to reading from the browser, writing to the browser, and writing to a web log file respectively; very nice and neat. However, things get a little hairy once
2018 Oct 31
PATCH: Asserting that 'connection' used has not changed + R_GetConnection2()
SUMMARY: I'm proposing that R assert that 'connection' options have not changed since first created such that R will produce the following error: > fh <- file("a.txt", open = "w+") > cat("hello\n", file = fh) > close(fh) > fh2 <- file("b.txt", open = "w+") > cat("world\n", file = fh2) >
2006 May 26
Too many open files
This may be more of an OS question ... I have this call r = get.hist.quote(symbol, start= format(start, "%Y-%m-%d"), end= format(end, "%Y-%m-%d")) which does a url request in a loop and my program runs out of file handlers after few hundred rotations. The error message is: 'Too many open files'. Other than increasing the file handlers assigned to my process, is there
2015 Apr 17
behavior of as.integer("5000000000")
>>>>> Martin Maechler <maechler at> >>>>> on Fri, 17 Apr 2015 15:49:35 +0200 writes: >>>>> Herv? Pag?s <hpages at> >>>>> on Mon, 13 Apr 2015 23:36:14 -0700 writes: >> On 04/13/2015 11:32 PM, Martin Maechler wrote: >>> >>>> Hi,
2015 Apr 14
behavior of as.integer("5000000000")
On 04/13/2015 11:32 PM, Martin Maechler wrote: > >> Hi, >> > as.integer("5000000000") >> [1] 2147483647 >> Warning message: >> inaccurate integer conversion in coercion > >> > as.integer("-5000000000") >> [1] NA >> Warning message: >> inaccurate integer conversion in coercion >
2007 May 30
Possible changes to connections
When I originally implemented connections in R 1.2.0, I followed the model in the 'Green Book' closely. There were a number of features that forced a particular implementation, and one was getConnection() that allows one to recreate a connection object from a number. I am wondering if anyone makes use of this, and if so for what? It would seem closer to the R philosophy to have
2012 Oct 04
Intermittent connectivity issues for JDBC / Oracle
I have been experiencing issues with an R script hanging when connecting to an Oracle database. To help debug, I found a function here in the nabble forum and made a small test script: #!/usr/bin/Rscript --no-restore --no-save --no-init-file library("RJDBC") drv<-JDBC("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver","/home/oracle/lib/ojdbc6.jar", "'") dbCheck =
2001 Oct 02
connections: remember to close it!
Hi all, I have newly discovered the power of connections (although just a small part of it, namely the file() connection). It allowed me to process data file with arbitrary number of fields per line, which I was using awk for preprocessing before readling into R. The combination of the connection, readLines() and strsplit() really make the work a lot easier and more organized. Thanks a bundle
2011 Mar 28
use scan("") with an hidden-fake IP adress
Dear users, I am currently using scan(,what="character") to read - automacally - some html pages, I was wondering if there was an option to "hide" my IP-adress, or to use a "fake" one ? I would like to chek if the website is using my IP-adress to change the content of the page (it is the price of airline tickets actually) I want to see if it is possible to do a
2017 Dec 14
cannot destroy connection (?) created by readLines in a tryCatch
Gabor, You can grab the connection and destroy it via getConnection and then a standard close call. (it actually lists that it is "closed" already, but still in the set of existing connections. I can't speak to that difference). > tryCatch( + readLines(tempfile(), warn = FALSE)[1], + error = function(e) NA, + warning = function(w) NA + ) [1] NA >
2003 Jul 15
dbApply (R newbee)
I am trying to use R interfaced with MySQL. Present goal is that R should calculate the 85% quantile of AvgSpeed for each LinieID. Looking through documentation of the RMySQL Package, I guessed that dbApply would do the trick due to this example ## compute quanitiles for each network agent con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), group="vitalAnalysis") res <- dbSendQuery(con,
2017 Dec 14
cannot destroy connection (?) created by readLines in a tryCatch
On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 12:17 PM, G?bor Cs?rdi <csardi.gabor at> wrote: > On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 7:56 PM, Gabriel Becker <gmbecker at> > wrote: > > Gabor, > > > > You can grab the connection and destroy it via getConnection and then a > > standard close call. > > Yeah, that's often a possible workaround, but since this
2017 Dec 14
cannot destroy connection (?) created by readLines in a tryCatch
This has nothing to do with on.exit. It is an iteraction between where the warning is signaled in 'file' and your _exiting_ warning handler. This combination has the same issue, tryCatch(file(tempfile(), "r"), warning = identity) showConnections(all = TRUE) as does options(warn=2) file(tempfile(), "r") showConnections(all = TRUE) I haven't looked at the